OWL Meaning

The OWL meaning is "Object Windows Library". The OWL abbreviation has 119 different full form.

OWL Full Forms

  1. Object Windows Library Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Windows, Software, IT Terminology
  2. Online Writing Laboratory Research, Education, University
  3. Ordinary Wizarding Levels Book, Education, School, Order, Harry, Potter
  4. Online Writing Lab Student, Technology, Education
  5. Online & Weekend Learning
  6. Ongoing Weight Loss Weight, Diet, Carb
  7. Olympic Weightlifting Sport, Workout, Crossfit
  8. Older Women'S League Government, Disability, National, Medical, Healthcare
  9. Organic World Language Education, Teaching, Classroom
  10. Ontology Web Language Technology, Computing, Language, Internet
  11. One World Lab Business, Security, Antibody
  12. Our Wedding List
  13. Older Women Live Mother, Rhyme, Nursery, Women
  14. Online Writing Library
  15. Owl Wallet Light
  16. Olympic-Wallowa Lineament
  17. Opportunity for Work and Learning Community, Learning, Kentucky
  18. Oregon Women Lawyers
  19. One With The Lord
  20. Optimal Weight for Life Medical, Health, Children
  21. Our Web Location Computing, Internet
  22. Office Workstations Ltd
  23. Online With Libraries Technology, Alaska, Library
  24. Owls Working for Leadership Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Oliver Wolcott Library Education
  26. Opportunities Without Limits Organizations, Charity, Opportunity
  27. Order of Wild Ladies Organization, Union, Institution
  28. One Way Low Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  29. Optical Wavelength Labs Technology, Power, Fiber
  30. Organization of Watauga Libraries
  31. Object Window Library Technology, Windows, Borland
  32. Online Wisdom Lab Technology, Science, City
  33. Ordinary Wizarding Level Education, Order, Harry, Potter
  34. Overstreet Whiteness Level Color, Paint, Colors
  35. Old World Leather
  36. Ophthalmic Women Leaders Medical, Care, Leadership
  37. Order of The White Lotus
  38. One Way Link Technology, Service, Hosting
  39. Optical Wavelength Laboratories Technology, Laboratory, Fiber
  40. Organization for Women'S Liberation
  41. Objectwindows Library Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  42. One World Link
  43. Our World Learning Development, Learning, Study
  44. Old World Labs Technology, Printer, Resolution
  45. Operator Wireless and Line
  46. One Way Landers Science
  47. Omni-Directional Weapon Locating
  48. Optical Warfare Laboratory
  49. Organization Wide Learning
  50. Object/Open Windows Library Technology, Computer, Electronics
  51. One World Language Technology, Class, Ontology
  52. Miami Valley Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  53. Our World Languages Organization, Union, Institution
  54. Old World Laboratories
  55. Online Worldwide Learning
  56. One Watt Linear
  57. Omega Warrington Ltd Business, Development, Liverpool, Warrington
  58. Optical-Fibre Waveguides and Lasers Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  59. Organization-Wide Learning
  60. Organisation for World Liberty
  61. One World Labs Business, Security, Antibody
  62. Our Whole Lives Education, Organizations, Sexuality
  63. Older Womens League Business, National, Aging
  64. Online Wizarding Library
  65. Ones We Love Lyric, Love, Jewelry, Trotter
  66. Olympic Wallowa Lineament
  67. Opportunity for Work & Learning
  68. Openstreetmap Watch List
  69. Obfuscated Weird Language
  70. On-Line Weather Looper Science, Space, Environment
  71. Optimal Well Locator
  72. Open Windows Library Windows, Computing
  73. Orange-Westchester Link
  74. Observe Wait Listen Education, Therapy, Language, Speech
  75. Oneonta World of Learning Technology, Museum, Event
  76. Office Workstations Limited Company, Technology, Hypertext
  77. Oasis Writing Link
  78. On-Line Wage Library
  79. Orientation Workshop Leader Occupation & positions
  80. Object Wrapper Layer Technology
  81. One-Watt Linear Military
  82. Oral & Writing Lab College, Education, Essay
  83. One Whole Life
  84. Odd Word Latch
  85. Outline White Letters Service, Load, Mining
  86. On-Going Weight Loss
  87. Outstanding Wizard Luck Funnies
  88. Object Windows Language
  89. On-Wire Lithography Chemistry, Technology, Gap
  90. Oracle Web Listener
  91. Owl Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  92. Ocean World Lines
  93. Ornithological Web Library
  94. Omni Wavelength Laboratories
  95. Ogle Winston Link Film censorship
  96. Overwhelmingly Large Telescope Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  97. Objects With Light Technology, Design, Kingdom
  98. On-Line Writing Laboratory
  99. Optimized Weapon Light
  100. Open Ware Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  101. Orbiting Wide-Angle Light Science, Energy, Physics
  102. Obstacle Warning Laser Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  103. Web Ontology Language Computing, Computer Science, Computer Programming, Data, IT Terminology
  104. Organization of Women Leaders Organizations, University, Event
  105. Objects Windows Library Microsoft, Technology, Borland
  106. On-Line Writing Lab Science, Education
  107. Optimised Wideband Low Business, Radio, Antenna, Yagi
  108. Orbiting Wide-angle Light-collectors Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  109. Orbiting Wide-Angle Light-Collector Technology, Science, Energy
  110. Obsessed With Learning Development, Learning, Study
  111. Ozarks Writers League Book, Writing, Writer
  112. Optimal Waste Loading
  113. Object-Open Windows Library
  114. On-Line Web Stories for Learning Development, Learning, Study
  115. Optimised Waste Logistics
  116. Outdoor Webelos Leader Scouting, Governmental & Military
  117. Orbital Wide-Angle Light-Collector
  118. Observe Wonder Learn
  119. Owl Webcam Live

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OWL stand for?

    OWL stands for Opportunity for Work and Learning.

  2. What is the shortened form of One With The Lord?

    The short form of "One With The Lord" is OWL.


OWL. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 8). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/owl-meaning/

Last updated