OWP Meaning

The OWP meaning is "Office of Water Programs". The OWP abbreviation has 58 different full form.

OWP Full Forms

  1. Office of Water Programs Education, Development, Universities
  2. On-Weapon Platform Technology
  3. Overall Working Plan Technology, Organizations
  4. Opponents' Winning Percentage
  5. Oakland Writing Project
  6. Orlando Wetlands Park
  7. Orcutt Winslow Partnership
  8. Old Women'S Project
  9. Oveas Web Poll
  10. Opera Wayang Polisi Para, Indonesia, Surabaya, Opera
  11. O'Donnell Wicklund Pigozzi
  12. Orlando Wedding Professionals
  13. Orchestrating Winning Performance Technology, Education, School
  14. Office for Women'S Policy
  15. Outer Wing Panel Business, Grumman, Supply
  16. Operator Work Place Technology
  17. Overall Work Program Business, Government, Planning
  18. Orbiter Weather Protection
  19. Offensive Winning Percentage Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  20. Outdoor Weathered Pine
  21. One Way Permit
  22. Orbital Weapkns Platforms
  23. Oboz Wielkiej Polski Jest, Roman, Jak
  24. Ost West Partner
  25. One-Way Permutation
  26. Office of Wetlands Protection Science, Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
  27. Orbital Weapons Platform
  28. Obozu Wielkiej Polski
  29. Ost-West-Partner
  30. One-Way Permit
  31. Oppoeents Winning Percentage Gaming, Team, Basketball
  32. Objective Work Plan
  33. Oscar Wilde Project
  34. Ordinary Waiting Period Internet Slang
  35. Osganizacji Wyzwolenia Palestyny
  36. Oxford Web Publishing
  37. Open Web Platform Computing, Internet
  38. Oyganizacja Wyzwolenia Palestyny
  39. Oxfordshire Waste Partnership
  40. Oil Well Pump
  41. Oregon Writing Projuct Education, Oregon, Teaching
  42. Overseas Workers Program Business, Health, Philippine
  43. Original Works Publishing
  44. Office of Water Policy
  45. Oregon Workforce Partnership
  46. Overall Work Programs
  47. Organization of Wildlife Planners
  48. Ozark Whitewater Page
  49. Oregon Wine Press
  50. Overall Work Plan Or Program Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  51. Organizację Wyzwolenia Palestyry
  52. Ozarks Writing Project Literature, Language, Linguistics
  53. Ordnance and Fuel Working Pqrty Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  54. On Weight of Polypropylene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  55. Overall Work Plan Technology, Media, Projection
  56. Organizacj Wyzwolenia Palestyny
  57. Oxford Wheels Project
  58. One Write Plus Software, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OWP stand for?

    OWP stands for One-Way Permutation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oregon Wine Press?

    The short form of "Oregon Wine Press" is OWP.


OWP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/owp-meaning/

Last updated