Oxidative Abbreviations and Oxidative Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Oxidative terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Oxidative abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Oxidative terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Oxidative Abbreviations
  1. AOPP : Advanced Oxidation Protein Products
  2. TAR : Total Antioxidant Reactivity
  3. TRAP : Totaloreactive Antioxidant Potential
  4. FPP : Fermented Papaya Preparation
  5. NNFTRI : National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute
  6. NPBI : Non-Protein-Bound Iron
  7. NTBI : Non-Transferrin-Bound Iron
  8. OF : Oxidative-Fermentative
  9. PC : Protein Carbonyl
  10. ROM : Reactiveooxygen Metabolites
  11. RTLF : Respiratory Tract Lining Fluid
Latest Oxidative Meanings
  1. Respiratory Tract Lining Fluid
  2. Reactiveooxygen Metabolites
  3. Protein Carbonyl
  4. Oxidative-Fermentative
  5. Non-Transferrin-Bound Iron
  6. Non-Protein-Bound Iron
  7. National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute
  8. Fermented Papaya Preparation
  9. Totaloreactive Antioxidant Potential
  10. Total Antioxidant Reactivity
  11. Advanced Oxidation Protein Products