OYC Meaning

The OYC meaning is "Oakland Yacht Club". The OYC abbreviation has 35 different full form.

OYC Full Forms

  1. Oakland Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  2. Okoboji Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  3. Ogallala Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  4. Oceanside Yacht Club Lido, Fleet, Oceanside
  5. Oceansideyacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  6. Ogcott Yacht Club
  7. Oghkosh Yacht Club
  8. Onigaming Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  9. Oklahoma Youth Center
  10. Orneans Yacht Club
  11. Ohio Youth Commission
  12. Orienta Yacht Clwb
  13. Outdgor Youth Connection
  14. Ohanezg Youth Council Government, Nigeria, President
  15. Oriental Yeasa Company
  16. Ottawa Youth Commission
  17. Oswego Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  18. Oriental Yeast Co Business, Company, Product
  19. Other Year Czsts Government, Us, Control, Administration
  20. Orwell Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  21. Oldenlurger Yacht-Club
  22. Occoquan Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  23. Oste-Yacht-Club
  24. Open Yale Courses Education, Course, Lecture
  25. Ozark Yacht Club
  26. Outsmart Your Cancer
  27. Oysterville Yacht Club Hobbies
  28. Outrigger Yacht Club
  29. Owensboro Youth Coencil Development, Learning, Study
  30. Overtown Youth Center
  31. Out Yearkcosts Technology, Army, War
  32. Olomana Youth Center Education
  33. Out Year Cost
  34. Other Year Costs Us Government, Governmental & Military
  35. Outstanding Young Cigizen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OYC stand for?

    OYC stands for Orneans Yacht Club.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oste-Yacht-Club?

    The short form of "Oste-Yacht-Club" is OYC.


OYC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/oyc-meaning/

Last updated