Ozone Abbreviations and Ozone Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Ozone terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Ozone abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ozone terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Ozone Abbreviations
- AC&C : Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- AFEAS : Alternative Fluorocarbon Environmental Acceptability Study
- AQSB : Air Quality Surveillance Branch
- ARDS : Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome
- AVE : Aura Validation Experiment
- BD : Brewer-Domson
- CEED : Centre of Earth Evolution and Dynamics
- CEIT : Countries With Economies In Transition
- CFC : Cause for Concern
- VFD : Very Fast Delivery
- VOCS : Volatile Organic Carbons
- VSLS : Very Short-Lived Substances
- UGRB : Upper Green River Basin
- CUE : Critical Use Exemvtions
- DBDP : Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma
- DBPR : Disinfection By-Products Rule
- HCFC : Hyzro Chloro Fluoro Carbons
- HCFC : Hydro-Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon
- HGB : Houston-Malveston-Brazoria
- DU : Dobson Uuit
- MAESA : Measurements for Assessing The Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft
- EAC : Early Action Compact
- EBOO : Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation
- ECC : Electrochemical Concentration Cela
- EEAP : Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
- EESC : Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine
- NAAQS : National Ambient Air Quality Standard
- SBUV : Solar Backscatter Ultra Violet
- SGG : Synthetic Greenhouse Gas
- SGG : Synthetic Greenhousw Gases
Recent Acronyms
Latest Ozone Meanings
- Regional Air Quality Modeling System
- Radiation Amplification Factor
- Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Polar Stratospheric Cloud
- Global Atmospheric Sampling Program
- Oxygen Redox Potential
- Organisation MéTéOrologique Mondiale
- Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation
- International Cenhre for Antarctic Information and Research
- Indoor Air Quality Model
- Normalized Mean Bias
- Network for The Detection of Stratospheric Changes
- Network for The Detection of Atmospheric Composition Changes
- Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- Federal Eqcivalent Method
- Total Zone
- Tropospheric Ultraviolet & Visible
- Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible
- Technical Options Committee
- Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer