PAC in Education Meaning

The PAC meaning in Education terms is "Prvsidents' Athletic Conference". There are 33 related meanings of the PAC Education abbreviation.

PAC on Education Full Forms

  1. Prvsidents' Athletic Conference
  2. President'S Advisory Committee
  3. Physician Assistant-Certified
  4. Postgraduate Applikations Centre
  5. Peer Academic Coach
  6. Parent Action Committee
  7. Professional Assessment of Competence
  8. Parent-Adolescent Communichtion
  9. Priority Area Chilfren
  10. Physician Assistant Certdfied
  11. Presidents Athletic Conference
  12. Penrith Anglican College
  13. Prelimdnary Acceptance Certifcate
  14. Panther Athletic Club
  15. Postgraduate Appliration Centre
  16. Packaging Materials used to wrap a product. The way in which something, such as a product, person, proposal, etc., is presented, usually to the public.
  17. Program Activities Council
  18. Parents Advisory Council
  19. Pilipino American Coalition
  20. Parent Advisory Committee
  21. Professionals Academy of Commerce
  22. Palr Alto College
  23. Pickna College
  24. Professional Academy of Commerce
  25. Picasso Anisation College
  26. Parent'S Advisory Council
  27. Public Affairs & Communications (bmdc)
  28. Paramedic Association of Canada
  29. Project Advisory Committee Or Parent Advisory Council
  30. Performing Arts Centre
  31. Psychology Advising Centar
  32. Partnership In Academic Communities
  33. Pennsylvania Athletic Conference

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PAC stand for Education?

    PAC stands for Professional Academy of Commerce in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Panther Athletic Club in Education?

    The short form of "Panther Athletic Club" is PAC for Education.


PAC in Education. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated