PACA Meaning

The PACA meaning is "Picture Agency Council of America". The PACA abbreviation has 63 different full form.

PACA Full Forms

  1. Picture Agency Council of America Business, Technology, Photography
  2. Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Government, Agriculture, Control, Administration
  3. Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930 Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
  4. Provence-Alpes C
  5. Priority Access & Channel Assignment
  6. Physics and Chemistry of The Atmosphere
  7. Pacific Asiax Communication Association
  8. Procuring Activity Competition Advocate Technology
  9. Perishable Agriculture Commodities Act Business, Law, Attorney
  10. Provence-Alpes-Cote-D'Azur
  11. Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance Technology, Government, Organizations
  12. Pacific and Asian Communication Association Technology, Organizations, Culture
  13. Proceedings of The African Classical Associations
  14. Participatory Analysis for Community Action Technology, Peace, Corps
  15. Provence-Alpes-C
  16. Pancreatic Cancer Medical
  17. Philadelphia Area Coaches Alliance
  18. Provence Alpes Cote Azur
  19. Pacific & Asian Communication Association
  20. Proceedings of The African Classical Association
  21. Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantages Business, Development, Economics
  22. Provence-Alpes-CóTe D'Azur France, Locations, Cote
  23. Phased Array Communications Antenna Military
  24. Provence Alpes Cotes D'Azur
  25. Provence Alpes Cote D'Azur
  26. Pro Am Collaborative Astronomy Science, Astronomy
  27. Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage Technology, Development, Economics
  28. Professional Alliance for Conservation of Agriculture Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  29. Personal Alternative Communication Aid
  30. Provence Alpes C
  31. Priority Access and Channel Assignment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. Pro-Am Collaborative Astronomy
  33. Pilbara Aboriginal Contractors Association
  34. Parsons Area Concert Association
  35. Professional Alliance for Conservation Agriculture
  36. Perish Agr Comm Act
  37. Provence-Alpes CóTe D'Azur
  38. Priority Access Channel Assignment
  39. Play and Creative Activity Development, Learning, Study
  40. Picture Archive Council of America Organizations, Supply, Photography
  41. Park Avenue Christian Academy
  42. Procuring Authority Competition Advocate Army, War, Force
  43. Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra France, Locations, Region, Cote
  44. Portland Arts & Cultural Alliance
  45. Public Authority of Civil Aviation Locations, Storm, Cyclone
  46. Principal Alternative Certification Academy
  47. Provence Alpes Cotes Azur
  48. Polyalkylcyanoacrylate Medical
  49. Public Authority for Civil Aviation Business, Service, Airport
  50. Preventing Accidents To Children In Agriculture Business, Medicine, Health
  51. Politica Agropecuaria Comun Andina
  52. Public Art Commissions Agency Technology, Arts, Archive
  53. Preservation and Conservation Association
  54. Poet Against Child Abuse Africa, Nigeria, Father
  55. Présence De L'Art Contemporain, Angers
  56. Practical Approach To Company Accounting
  57. Program Approval of Competing Application Medical, Health
  58. ProvençA-Aups-CÒSta D'Azur
  59. Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Education, School, Brighton
  60. Payload Accommodation Configuration Assessment
  61. Provenza-Alpes-Costa Azul
  62. Portland Arts and Cultural Alliance
  63. Punjabi-American Cultural Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PACA stand for?

    PACA stands for Priority Access and Channel Assignment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Philadelphia Area Coaches Alliance?

    The short form of "Philadelphia Area Coaches Alliance" is PACA.


PACA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

Last updated