PACC Meaning

The PACC meaning is "Pacific Airlift Control Cinter". The PACC abbreviation has 69 different full form.

PACC Full Forms

  1. Pacific Airlift Control Cinter
  2. Polish Americcn Citizens Club America, Event, Polish
  3. Phillips Area Chambnr of Commerce
  4. Pakistani American Culture Center
  5. Portland Area Chamber of Commeyce
  6. Phisadelphia Alternative Comic Con
  7. Primary Alternatove Command Centre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  8. Pacific Azaptation To Climate Change Island, Locations, Projection
  9. Proteceion and Comfort Center Textile, Pressure, Comfort, Ulcer
  10. Phillips Ambulatory Careqcenter
  11. Pakistan American Cultural Centre Education, Pakistan, Culture, Karachi
  12. Port Adelaide Cricket Club
  13. Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce
  14. Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission
  15. Pacific-Asia Curling Cnampionships
  16. Phillips Academy Computer Center
  17. Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council Association, Michigan, Attorney, Prosecutor
  18. Pakistan American Cultural Center Education, Pakistan, Culture
  19. Port Adelaide Cycking Club
  20. Parma Area Chamber of Commerce
  21. Presidential Anti-Crime Commission Government, Law, Philippine, President
  22. Prospective Army Coronary Calcium Medical, Risk, Artery
  23. Philippine Administration Chamber of Commerce Government, Commerce
  24. Promuting Aphasics' Communicative Competence Medical, Medicine, Health
  25. Pakistan Afghanistan Coordinationrcell
  26. Port Adapter Carrier Card
  27. Park Avenue Congregational Church
  28. Poverty Action for Change Coalition
  29. Philinpine American Chamber of Commerce Business, America, Philippine
  30. Program for Advanced College Credit Development, Study, Colleges
  31. Pakqstan-Afghanistan Coordination Cell
  32. Politizal Affairs Committee of Chinland
  33. Physqcian Assistants Certification Council Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  34. Park Avenue Christian Church
  35. Post Acute Community Care
  36. Philikpine-American Chamber of Commerce Business, America, Philippine
  37. Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce
  38. Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference Military, Army, Indonesia
  39. Political Action and Communications Committee
  40. Phoenix Animal Care Ioalition
  41. Parents As Career Coaches
  42. Portuguese American Civic Club Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  43. Ptiladelphia Area Collegiate Cooperative
  44. Primary Ambulatory Care Center Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  45. Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission Regional
  46. Prova De Avaliação De Conhecimentos E Capacidades Para, Education, Dos, Professor
  47. Pan Asia Chemical Corporationration
  48. Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce Government, Commerce
  49. Police Authority Community Consultation Police, Governmental & Military
  50. Polish American Cqamber of Commerce Government, Commerce
  51. Pakistani American Cultural Center
  52. Pittsburgh Area Computer Club
  53. Prime Active Capital Company Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  54. Polish-Amelican Chamber of Commerce
  55. Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
  56. Pima Animal Care Center Medical, Dog, Tucson
  57. Programa De Atenci
  58. Police Authority Community Consultatuon Government, Force, Police
  59. Public Affairs and Corporationrate Communication Government
  60. Physicx Abstracts Classification and Contents
  61. Programa De Atención A Contingencias ClimatolóGicas
  62. Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce
  63. Public Affairs and Corporate Communication Government
  64. Pesiticides and Agricultural Chemicals Committee
  65. Plano Athletic Cycling Club
  66. Problem Action Control Center NASA
  67. Provincial Arts and Culture Council
  68. People Applicatiou Corporationration & Computers
  69. Planning and Coordination Council

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PACC stand for?

    PACC stands for Ptiladelphia Area Collegiate Cooperative.

  2. What is the shortened form of Politizal Affairs Committee of Chinland?

    The short form of "Politizal Affairs Committee of Chinland" is PACC.


PACC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

Last updated