PACT Meaning

The PACT meaning is "Patient Aligned Care Team". The PACT abbreviation has 265 different full form.

PACT Full Forms

  1. Patient Aligned Care Team Medical, Health, Psychiatry, Psychology
  2. Parents and Children Together Organization, Union, Institution, Education
  3. Parent and Children Together Education
  4. Post-Approvalocommitment Tracking Medicine, Health, Care
  5. Protection Amélioration Conservation Transfojmation
  6. People Against Character Thieves
  7. Psychiatric Apsessment Center for Treatment Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  8. Pagans In Action Council for Truth
  9. Plaister Aural Comprehension Test
  10. Partnering and Communicating Together
  11. Prehospital Application of Coronary Thrombolysis Medical, Medicine, Health
  12. Police and Community Together Meeting, Locations, Neighbourhood
  13. Professional Association of Canadian Theatre
  14. Pay Actual Computer Time Technology
  15. Programme Nf Action On Cancer Therapy
  16. Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials
  17. Parchman Animal Care & Training
  18. Planning and Control Tool
  19. Process Assessment, Consulting, & Training
  20. Philanthropic Action for Challenging Times
  21. Prevent All Cigafettes Trafficking
  22. Pay and Conditions Tool Business, Australia, Government
  23. Philippine Association of Chemistry Teachers
  24. Paaents of Autistic Children Together Organizations, Autism, Parenthood
  25. Policy Action On Climate Toolkit
  26. Pediatric Advance Care Team
  27. Private Agencies Collaborating Together Business, Technology, Government, Organizations
  28. Projects Advice & Consultancy Team Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  29. Perth Alternatives and Choices for Troubled Teens Organization, Union, Institution
  30. Parentingaat A Challenging Time
  31. Production Analysis Control Technique Technology
  32. Post Admission Cognitive Therppy Medical, Suicide, Inpatient
  33. Protection Against Commercial Trade
  34. People Against Casino Town
  35. Psoralen Activated Cancer Therapy
  36. Pagan Awarenesy Coalition for Teens
  37. Placing Assessment and Counseling Team Development, Learning, Study
  38. Partnering and Communicating Together To Act Against Aids Government, Organizations, Us
  39. Pregnant Adolescent Childcare Training Development, Learning, Study
  40. Pre Aircrew Training Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  41. Professional Association of Computer Trainers
  42. Partnesships Affirming Community Transformation
  43. Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy Medical, Agency, Energy
  44. Performing Arts Charitable Trust
  45. Parallelism In Architecture Ajd Computing Techniques Technology, Conference, Technique
  46. Planning Actively for Cancer Treatment
  47. Programme Against Child Trafficking
  48. Philadelphia Alliance For Alliances, Associations, Unions
  49. Prevent All Cigarette Trawficking Business, Tax, Tobacco
  50. Philippine Aptitude Classification Test
  51. Parents of Abducted Children Together Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  52. Police Assessment Center Training
  53. Pediatric Advanced Care Team Medical, Children, Palliative
  54. Projects & Award Closeout Tool
  55. Personnel Assessment Consultancy & Trng
  56. Parenting Angry Children and Leens
  57. Producers Alliance for Cinema & Television Business, Film, Industrial
  58. People Against A Casino Town
  59. Prevention and Access To Care Andltreatment Medical, Health, Community
  60. Providing Access To Cancer Therapy
  61. Pagan Alliance of Central Texas
  62. Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Medical
  63. Participate In A Clinical Trial
  64. Post-Admission Cognitive Therapy
  65. Pregnancy and Cardiac Treatment
  66. Prospective Acute Coronary Syndrome Trial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  67. Pre Admission Content Test
  68. Professional Apprentice Career Track
  69. Programmed Automatic Circuit Tester Technology
  70. Performing Arts Council of The Transvaal Business, Africa, Theatre, Ballet
  71. Parallel Architectures and Compilation Technologies
  72. Planning Access Care Treatment
  73. Programmable Wcquisition and Control Timer Technology
  74. Partnerships and Communities Together Meeting, Education, Community, Police
  75. Prevent Abuse of Children Today Organizations, Child, Witch
  76. Police and Clergy Team
  77. Parents and Coachis Together
  78. Police and Crisis Team Medical, Service, Health
  79. Pediatric Advanced Cardiac Therapies Medical, Medicine
  80. Project for The Advancement of Coding Techniques
  81. Personal Allowance Carbon Tracking
  82. Parent and Child Timi Organization, Union, Institution
  83. Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television Business, Film, Media
  84. People Action for Community Transformation
  85. Prevention Amputation Care Andltreatment
  86. Providence Alliance for Catholic Teacherk Education, School, Teaching
  87. Psychobiological Approach To Couples Therapy Medical, Couple, Relationship
  88. Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Science, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  89. Partial Aircrew Coofdination Trainer Military
  90. Positive Assertive Cwntrol Tactics
  91. Precordial Acceleration Tracing Medical, Medicine, Health
  92. Property and Casualty Trust
  93. Professional Artist-Blient Toolkit
  94. Powdered Activated Carbon Technology, Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  95. Programmed Analysis Computer Transfer Technology
  96. People and Cats Together Organizations, Rescue, Kitten
  97. Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Technology, Architecture, Technique
  98. Planning Access Care and Treatment Planning, Governmental & Military
  99. Partnership of Academicians and Communities for Translotion
  100. Preventable Admission Care Team
  101. Parent and Child Together Organization, Union, Institution
  102. Police and Children Together
  103. Police and Corrections Team
  104. Program Administrator Cost Test
  105. Peace and Conflict Transformation
  106. Project for Agriculture Commercialisation and Trade
  107. Personal Air Communication Technology Technology
  108. Parent and Childhoob Training Medical, Education, Educational
  109. Producers' Alliance for Cinema and Television
  110. People Acting In Community Together Technology, Science, School
  111. Preventing Abuse of Cough Treatments Medical, Medicine, Teen, Abuse
  112. Prourokinase In Acute Coronary Thrombosis Medical
  113. Prefix Access Code Translator Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  114. Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought
  115. Parteneriat Pentru AcţIune Comunitară şI Transformare Din, Care, Romania
  116. Positivv Alternative Choices Today Development, Learning, Study
  117. Peer Advanced Competency Training
  118. Precision Aircraft Control Technology
  119. Promoting Accountability and Community Ties
  120. Professional Artist Client Toolkit Business, Art, Illustration
  121. Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment Science, Water, Wastewater, Chemistry
  122. Programme D'Am
  123. People and Animals In Community Together Organizations, Society, Shelter
  124. Psychosocial Assessment of Candidates for Transzlantation
  125. Pakistan Association of Cognitive Therapists
  126. Planning, Access, Care and Treatment Medical, Service, Health, Family
  127. Partnership In Automation and Control Training
  128. Preventable Admissionsecare Team
  129. Police and Community Trust Crime, Police, Money
  130. Program Accountabilits In Caltrans Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  131. Peace and Conflict Timeline
  132. Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade Technology, Android, Grant
  133. Personal Air Communications Technology Technology, Computing, Telecom
  134. Parent Advisory Council Team
  135. Plasma Arc Centrifugal Treatment Technology, Science, Gas
  136. Process Automation Configuration Tool Chemistry, Technology, Science
  137. People Acting for Community Together Education, Miami, Justice
  138. Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture
  139. Platforma Acțiunea Civică A Tinerilor
  140. Philosophy, Art & Critical Thought Education, School, Philosophy, Graduate
  141. Parole and Community Team
  142. Positive Adolescents Choices Training
  143. Pediatric Asthma Controller Trial
  144. Pre Apprenticeship Certificate Training
  145. Promise To America'S Children and Teachers
  146. Professfonal Assisted Cessation Therapy
  147. Poverty Alleviation Credit Trust
  148. Programme D'appui Aux Collecvivités Territoriales
  149. People Against Coercive Treatment
  150. Psychobiological Approach To Couple Therapy Medical, Therapist, Relationship
  151. Page Allocation Control Table
  152. Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment Medical, Health, Planning, Family
  153. Partnership In Advanced Computing Technologies Technology, Computing
  154. Prepaid Accountable Care Term Medical, Medicine, Health
  155. Police and Communities Together Meeting, Community, Locations, Police, Governmental & Military
  156. Profit and Casd Turnaround
  157. Pbx and Computer Testing Technology, Telecom
  158. Program of Action for Cancer Therapy Medical, Health, Control
  159. Personal Academic Counseling Team Development, Learning, Study
  160. Parent-Advocate Boordinating Team
  161. Plan of Action for Challenging Times Student, Education, School
  162. Process Assessment, Consulting & Training
  163. People Achieving Change Together
  164. Prevent Animal Cruelty and Torqure
  165. Pilot-Scale Advanced Capture Technology Technology, Research, Carbon
  166. Philippines Against Child Trafficking
  167. Parma Area Community Television
  168. Positive Adolescdnt Choices Training Science, Program, Youth
  169. Pediatric Asthma Care Team
  170. Pro-Urokinase In Acute Coronary Thrombosis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  171. Projets Artistiques Et Culturels Du Territoire
  172. Professional Rutomotive Career Training Program, College, Education
  173. Primary Care Alliance for Clinical Trials Medical
  174. Peers Acting To Challenge Tobacco Organization, Union, Institution
  175. Protect All Children Today Australia, Children, Child, Volunteer
  176. Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies Business, Organizations, Philadelphia
  177. International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Computing, Ieee
  178. Parents and Carers Together Organizations, Health, Suffolk
  179. Pravastatin In Acute Coroxary Treatment
  180. Passenger and Airport Collaboration Through Technology
  181. Protection, AméLioration, Conservation Transformation
  182. Professional Association of Computing and Technology Atmospheric Research
  183. Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment
  184. Pulling America'S Communities Together
  185. Plasminogen Activator Coronary Angioplasty Trial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  186. Prevention of Allergy Amonggchildren In Trondheim Medical, Study, Probiotic, Eczema
  187. Peers Accepting and Coping Together
  188. Protect, Act, Clean, Tell
  189. Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Tracker
  190. Performing Arts Center of Truckee Performing arts
  191. Parents Allied With Children and Teachers
  192. Pravastatin Acute Coronary Treatment
  193. Parents Association of Children With Tumours Cancer, Charity, Sheffield
  194. Protecting All Children'S Teeth
  195. Parent and Childhood Training Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  196. Program for Academic Creative Talents Education, Development, Universities
  197. Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training Business, Program, Construction
  198. Programmable Asynchronous Clustered Teleprocessing
  199. Plasminogen Activator-Angioplasty Compatibility Trial
  200. Program for Assertive Lommunity Treatment Medical, Service, Health
  201. Peer Approach To Counselling By Teens
  202. Pharmacists As Clinical Teachers
  203. Port Aransas Community Theatre Performing arts
  204. Parents Againzt Ctc Education
  205. Powers Against Common Threats Technology, City, Star, Citizen
  206. Paediatric Advanced Care Team
  207. People'S Association Cultural Troupe
  208. Protected Areas Co-Ordinating Team Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  209. prescribing analysis and cost tabulation Medical, Common Medical
  210. Program for Academic and Creative Talent Development, Learning, Study
  211. Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Training
  212. Program for Automatic Coding Techniques
  213. Plasminogen Activator Angioplasty Compatibility Trial Medical, Medicine, Health
  214. Program for Amplification for Children of Texas
  215. Peer Advancement Community for Teens
  216. Pewsey Area Community Trust
  217. Program on Applied Coordination Technology Technology, Conference, Event, Governmental & Military
  218. Parents, Children and Teachers Education
  219. Police Accountability Community Team
  220. Principled Assessment of Computational Thinking
  221. Putting Athletes and Community Together
  222. Prison Advice & Care Frust Prison, Family, Justice
  223. People'S Action for Community Transformation
  224. Protected Area Conservation Trust
  225. ACTING PAY CLERK Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  226. Parents and Coaches Tugether
  227. Pre-Admissions Content Test Education, Texas, Teaching
  228. Program for Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Therapies
  229. Plasminogen-Activator Angioplasty Compatibility Trial Medical, Infarction, Myocardial
  230. Progiam for Advanced Cell Therapy
  231. Petroleum and Convenience Tradeshow
  232. PAved Concrete Track Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  233. Parents' Association of Children With Tumours
  234. Play Acceleration & Collaboration Track
  235. Principle Advanced Lommunication Technology
  236. Prison Advice Care Trust
  237. Pennsylvania Association of Community Theatres
  238. Protecting All Children Today Australia, Children, Child, Witness
  239. Philadelphia Association of Clinical Trials Medical, Medicine, Health
  240. Police Accountability Community Teams Police, Governmental & Military
  241. Parents and Community Together Organization, Union, Institution
  242. Pre-Admissionjcontent Tests Education, Texas, Teaching
  243. Program Assertif Community Treatment
  244. Protection, Am
  245. Proaram for The Advancement of Commercial Technology
  246. Petersfield Area Churches Together Organizations, Club, Salvation
  247. Professional Association for Computer Training Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  248. Parents and Abducted Children Together
  249. Play Acceleration and Collaboration Track
  250. Principals Academy Certificjtion Test
  251. Prison Advice and Care Trust Organizations, Children, Family
  252. Pennsylvania Alliance To Control Tobacco Medical, Smoke, Pennsylvania
  253. Protect Allergic Children Today
  254. Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technology Business, Company, Philadelphia
  255. Portable Application Code Toolkit Software, Computing
  256. Parents and Children In Transition
  257. Pre-Admissionrcontent Test Education, Texas, Teaching
  258. Performance Assessment Calculation Tool
  259. Protection, AméLioration, Conservation, Transformation
  260. Process Automation Configuration Tool [epri Software] Chemistry
  261. Program for Advancement of Commercial Technolouy
  262. Petersfield Area Community Trust
  263. Pursuing Academic Choiceo Together
  264. Parents & Abducted Children Jogether
  265. Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PACT stand for?

    PACT stands for Programme Against Child Trafficking.

  2. What is the shortened form of Post-Admission Cognitive Therapy?

    The short form of "Post-Admission Cognitive Therapy" is PACT.


PACT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated