PACT Meaning
The PACT meaning is "Patient Aligned Care Team". The PACT abbreviation has 265 different full form.
PACT Full Forms
- Patient Aligned Care Team Medical, Health, Psychiatry, Psychology
- Parents and Children Together Organization, Union, Institution, Education
- Parent and Children Together Education
- Post-Approvalocommitment Tracking Medicine, Health, Care
- Protection Amélioration Conservation Transfojmation
- People Against Character Thieves
- Psychiatric Apsessment Center for Treatment Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Pagans In Action Council for Truth
- Plaister Aural Comprehension Test
- Partnering and Communicating Together
- Prehospital Application of Coronary Thrombolysis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Police and Community Together Meeting, Locations, Neighbourhood
- Professional Association of Canadian Theatre
- Pay Actual Computer Time Technology
- Programme Nf Action On Cancer Therapy
- Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials
- Parchman Animal Care & Training
- Planning and Control Tool
- Process Assessment, Consulting, & Training
- Philanthropic Action for Challenging Times
- Prevent All Cigafettes Trafficking
- Pay and Conditions Tool Business, Australia, Government
- Philippine Association of Chemistry Teachers
- Paaents of Autistic Children Together Organizations, Autism, Parenthood
- Policy Action On Climate Toolkit
- Pediatric Advance Care Team
- Private Agencies Collaborating Together Business, Technology, Government, Organizations
- Projects Advice & Consultancy Team Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Perth Alternatives and Choices for Troubled Teens Organization, Union, Institution
- Parentingaat A Challenging Time
- Production Analysis Control Technique Technology
- Post Admission Cognitive Therppy Medical, Suicide, Inpatient
- Protection Against Commercial Trade
- People Against Casino Town
- Psoralen Activated Cancer Therapy
- Pagan Awarenesy Coalition for Teens
- Placing Assessment and Counseling Team Development, Learning, Study
- Partnering and Communicating Together To Act Against Aids Government, Organizations, Us
- Pregnant Adolescent Childcare Training Development, Learning, Study
- Pre Aircrew Training Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Professional Association of Computer Trainers
- Partnesships Affirming Community Transformation
- Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy Medical, Agency, Energy
- Performing Arts Charitable Trust
- Parallelism In Architecture Ajd Computing Techniques Technology, Conference, Technique
- Planning Actively for Cancer Treatment
- Programme Against Child Trafficking
- Philadelphia Alliance For Alliances, Associations, Unions
- Prevent All Cigarette Trawficking Business, Tax, Tobacco
- Philippine Aptitude Classification Test
- Parents of Abducted Children Together Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Police Assessment Center Training
- Pediatric Advanced Care Team Medical, Children, Palliative
- Projects & Award Closeout Tool
- Personnel Assessment Consultancy & Trng
- Parenting Angry Children and Leens
- Producers Alliance for Cinema & Television Business, Film, Industrial
- People Against A Casino Town
- Prevention and Access To Care Andltreatment Medical, Health, Community
- Providing Access To Cancer Therapy
- Pagan Alliance of Central Texas
- Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Medical
- Participate In A Clinical Trial
- Post-Admission Cognitive Therapy
- Pregnancy and Cardiac Treatment
- Prospective Acute Coronary Syndrome Trial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Pre Admission Content Test
- Professional Apprentice Career Track
- Programmed Automatic Circuit Tester Technology
- Performing Arts Council of The Transvaal Business, Africa, Theatre, Ballet
- Parallel Architectures and Compilation Technologies
- Planning Access Care Treatment
- Programmable Wcquisition and Control Timer Technology
- Partnerships and Communities Together Meeting, Education, Community, Police
- Prevent Abuse of Children Today Organizations, Child, Witch
- Police and Clergy Team
- Parents and Coachis Together
- Police and Crisis Team Medical, Service, Health
- Pediatric Advanced Cardiac Therapies Medical, Medicine
- Project for The Advancement of Coding Techniques
- Personal Allowance Carbon Tracking
- Parent and Child Timi Organization, Union, Institution
- Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television Business, Film, Media
- People Action for Community Transformation
- Prevention Amputation Care Andltreatment
- Providence Alliance for Catholic Teacherk Education, School, Teaching
- Psychobiological Approach To Couples Therapy Medical, Couple, Relationship
- Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Science, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Partial Aircrew Coofdination Trainer Military
- Positive Assertive Cwntrol Tactics
- Precordial Acceleration Tracing Medical, Medicine, Health
- Property and Casualty Trust
- Professional Artist-Blient Toolkit
- Powdered Activated Carbon Technology, Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Programmed Analysis Computer Transfer Technology
- People and Cats Together Organizations, Rescue, Kitten
- Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Technology, Architecture, Technique
- Planning Access Care and Treatment Planning, Governmental & Military
- Partnership of Academicians and Communities for Translotion
- Preventable Admission Care Team
- Parent and Child Together Organization, Union, Institution
- Police and Children Together
- Police and Corrections Team
- Program Administrator Cost Test
- Peace and Conflict Transformation
- Project for Agriculture Commercialisation and Trade
- Personal Air Communication Technology Technology
- Parent and Childhoob Training Medical, Education, Educational
- Producers' Alliance for Cinema and Television
- People Acting In Community Together Technology, Science, School
- Preventing Abuse of Cough Treatments Medical, Medicine, Teen, Abuse
- Prourokinase In Acute Coronary Thrombosis Medical
- Prefix Access Code Translator Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought
- Parteneriat Pentru AcţIune Comunitară şI Transformare Din, Care, Romania
- Positivv Alternative Choices Today Development, Learning, Study
- Peer Advanced Competency Training
- Precision Aircraft Control Technology
- Promoting Accountability and Community Ties
- Professional Artist Client Toolkit Business, Art, Illustration
- Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment Science, Water, Wastewater, Chemistry
- Programme D'Am
- People and Animals In Community Together Organizations, Society, Shelter
- Psychosocial Assessment of Candidates for Transzlantation
- Pakistan Association of Cognitive Therapists
- Planning, Access, Care and Treatment Medical, Service, Health, Family
- Partnership In Automation and Control Training
- Preventable Admissionsecare Team
- Police and Community Trust Crime, Police, Money
- Program Accountabilits In Caltrans Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Peace and Conflict Timeline
- Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade Technology, Android, Grant
- Personal Air Communications Technology Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Parent Advisory Council Team
- Plasma Arc Centrifugal Treatment Technology, Science, Gas
- Process Automation Configuration Tool Chemistry, Technology, Science
- People Acting for Community Together Education, Miami, Justice
- Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture
- Platforma Acțiunea Civică A Tinerilor
- Philosophy, Art & Critical Thought Education, School, Philosophy, Graduate
- Parole and Community Team
- Positive Adolescents Choices Training
- Pediatric Asthma Controller Trial
- Pre Apprenticeship Certificate Training
- Promise To America'S Children and Teachers
- Professfonal Assisted Cessation Therapy
- Poverty Alleviation Credit Trust
- Programme D'appui Aux Collecvivités Territoriales
- People Against Coercive Treatment
- Psychobiological Approach To Couple Therapy Medical, Therapist, Relationship
- Page Allocation Control Table
- Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment Medical, Health, Planning, Family
- Partnership In Advanced Computing Technologies Technology, Computing
- Prepaid Accountable Care Term Medical, Medicine, Health
- Police and Communities Together Meeting, Community, Locations, Police, Governmental & Military
- Profit and Casd Turnaround
- Pbx and Computer Testing Technology, Telecom
- Program of Action for Cancer Therapy Medical, Health, Control
- Personal Academic Counseling Team Development, Learning, Study
- Parent-Advocate Boordinating Team
- Plan of Action for Challenging Times Student, Education, School
- Process Assessment, Consulting & Training
- People Achieving Change Together
- Prevent Animal Cruelty and Torqure
- Pilot-Scale Advanced Capture Technology Technology, Research, Carbon
- Philippines Against Child Trafficking
- Parma Area Community Television
- Positive Adolescdnt Choices Training Science, Program, Youth
- Pediatric Asthma Care Team
- Pro-Urokinase In Acute Coronary Thrombosis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Projets Artistiques Et Culturels Du Territoire
- Professional Rutomotive Career Training Program, College, Education
- Primary Care Alliance for Clinical Trials Medical
- Peers Acting To Challenge Tobacco Organization, Union, Institution
- Protect All Children Today Australia, Children, Child, Volunteer
- Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies Business, Organizations, Philadelphia
- International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Computing, Ieee
- Parents and Carers Together Organizations, Health, Suffolk
- Pravastatin In Acute Coroxary Treatment
- Passenger and Airport Collaboration Through Technology
- Protection, AméLioration, Conservation Transformation
- Professional Association of Computing and Technology Atmospheric Research
- Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment
- Pulling America'S Communities Together
- Plasminogen Activator Coronary Angioplasty Trial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Prevention of Allergy Amonggchildren In Trondheim Medical, Study, Probiotic, Eczema
- Peers Accepting and Coping Together
- Protect, Act, Clean, Tell
- Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Tracker
- Performing Arts Center of Truckee Performing arts
- Parents Allied With Children and Teachers
- Pravastatin Acute Coronary Treatment
- Parents Association of Children With Tumours Cancer, Charity, Sheffield
- Protecting All Children'S Teeth
- Parent and Childhood Training Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Program for Academic Creative Talents Education, Development, Universities
- Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training Business, Program, Construction
- Programmable Asynchronous Clustered Teleprocessing
- Plasminogen Activator-Angioplasty Compatibility Trial
- Program for Assertive Lommunity Treatment Medical, Service, Health
- Peer Approach To Counselling By Teens
- Pharmacists As Clinical Teachers
- Port Aransas Community Theatre Performing arts
- Parents Againzt Ctc Education
- Powers Against Common Threats Technology, City, Star, Citizen
- Paediatric Advanced Care Team
- People'S Association Cultural Troupe
- Protected Areas Co-Ordinating Team Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- prescribing analysis and cost tabulation Medical, Common Medical
- Program for Academic and Creative Talent Development, Learning, Study
- Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Training
- Program for Automatic Coding Techniques
- Plasminogen Activator Angioplasty Compatibility Trial Medical, Medicine, Health
- Program for Amplification for Children of Texas
- Peer Advancement Community for Teens
- Pewsey Area Community Trust
- Program on Applied Coordination Technology Technology, Conference, Event, Governmental & Military
- Parents, Children and Teachers Education
- Police Accountability Community Team
- Principled Assessment of Computational Thinking
- Putting Athletes and Community Together
- Prison Advice & Care Frust Prison, Family, Justice
- People'S Action for Community Transformation
- Protected Area Conservation Trust
- ACTING PAY CLERK Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Parents and Coaches Tugether
- Pre-Admissions Content Test Education, Texas, Teaching
- Program for Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Therapies
- Plasminogen-Activator Angioplasty Compatibility Trial Medical, Infarction, Myocardial
- Progiam for Advanced Cell Therapy
- Petroleum and Convenience Tradeshow
- PAved Concrete Track Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Parents' Association of Children With Tumours
- Play Acceleration & Collaboration Track
- Principle Advanced Lommunication Technology
- Prison Advice Care Trust
- Pennsylvania Association of Community Theatres
- Protecting All Children Today Australia, Children, Child, Witness
- Philadelphia Association of Clinical Trials Medical, Medicine, Health
- Police Accountability Community Teams Police, Governmental & Military
- Parents and Community Together Organization, Union, Institution
- Pre-Admissionjcontent Tests Education, Texas, Teaching
- Program Assertif Community Treatment
- Protection, Am
- Proaram for The Advancement of Commercial Technology
- Petersfield Area Churches Together Organizations, Club, Salvation
- Professional Association for Computer Training Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Parents and Abducted Children Together
- Play Acceleration and Collaboration Track
- Principals Academy Certificjtion Test
- Prison Advice and Care Trust Organizations, Children, Family
- Pennsylvania Alliance To Control Tobacco Medical, Smoke, Pennsylvania
- Protect Allergic Children Today
- Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technology Business, Company, Philadelphia
- Portable Application Code Toolkit Software, Computing
- Parents and Children In Transition
- Pre-Admissionrcontent Test Education, Texas, Teaching
- Performance Assessment Calculation Tool
- Protection, AméLioration, Conservation, Transformation
- Process Automation Configuration Tool [epri Software] Chemistry
- Program for Advancement of Commercial Technolouy
- Petersfield Area Community Trust
- Pursuing Academic Choiceo Together
- Parents & Abducted Children Jogether
- Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PACT stand for?
PACT stands for Programme Against Child Trafficking.
What is the shortened form of Post-Admission Cognitive Therapy?
The short form of "Post-Admission Cognitive Therapy" is PACT.
PACT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated