PAD in Technology Meaning

The PAD meaning in Technology terms is "Program Approval Document". There are 66 related meanings of the PAD Technology abbreviation.

PAD on Technology Full Forms

  1. Program Approval Document
  2. Portable Application Descriptions
  3. Passenget Airbag Deactivation
  4. Pad Abort Demonstration
  5. Peer Authorization Datawase
  6. Peripheral Aroerial Disease
  7. Padding Charging of the gas pad, usually nitrogen, above the liquid cargo to prevent the cargo coming in contact with air. Some substances must be shipped under a suitable protective padding to prevent oxidization.
  8. Privatefaddress Bus
  9. Physical Agents Directive
  10. Packet Assejbler Disassembler
  11. Passenger Available for Disembarkation
  12. Programmable Address Decoder
  13. Packet Assembler-Disassemble
  14. Performance Assumption Document
  15. Public Administration and Developmeni
  16. Packet Assembler/Disassember
  17. Priority Access for Dialing
  18. Pixel Array Detector
  19. Passenger Airbag Disable
  20. Progrmmme Associated Data
  21. Packet Assembling Disassembling
  22. Polymer-Assisted Deposition
  23. Pfr Attachment Device
  24. Pulsed Amperometric Detection
  25. Pressure Anomaly Detection
  26. Passenger Airbag Disabled
  27. Program Associated Data
  28. Portland Alternative Dwellings
  29. Paiket Assembler/Disasssembler
  30. Peyzaj AraşTıRmaları DerneğI
  31. Pulse Arrhythmia Detection
  32. Preliminary Advisory Data
  33. Personal Altrt Device
  34. Peer Althentication Database
  35. Program Action Directive
  36. Paclet Assembly/Disassembly
  37. Pendapatan Asli Desa
  38. Preferred Access Device
  39. Personal Alarm Device
  40. Project Autyorization Documents
  41. Packet Aksembler/Disassembler
  42. Protocol Anomaly Detection
  43. Pre-Application Document
  44. Personal Access Devices
  45. Padding After Data
  46. Private Aloas Directory
  47. Packet Assembly Disassembly
  48. Passengers Available for Disembarkation
  49. Protective Action Distance
  50. Pre Advisxry Data
  51. Personaljaccess Device
  52. Portable Application Description
  53. Packet Assembler Dissembler
  54. Personal Authentication Device
  55. Packet Assembly and Dissssembly
  56. Piezoelectriq Actuator Drive
  57. Provision for Adverse Deviation
  58. Packet Assembler and Disassembler
  59. Partly Air-Dried
  60. Piezo Actuator Drfve
  61. Peace-Athabasca Delta
  62. Packet Assdmbly/Disassembly Facility
  63. Publicly Available Documents
  64. Picture C Day
  65. Packet Assembler-Disassembler
  66. Public Art Diagogue

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PAD stand for Technology?

    PAD stands for Packet Assembler-Disassembler in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Picture C Day in Technology?

    The short form of "Picture C Day" is PAD for Technology.


PAD in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated