PADD Meaning

The PADD meaning is "Pennyrile Area Development District". The PADD abbreviation has 30 different full form.

PADD Full Forms

  1. Pennyrile Area Development District County, Locations, Kentucky
  2. Plan D'at
  3. Program In Aging and Developmental Disabilities
  4. Parents Against Drug Dealing
  5. Photographic Acquisition Distribution Document Information, Network, Computer
  6. Professional Association of Data Developers Technology
  7. Parallel and Distributed Debugging
  8. Petroleum Allocation for Defense District
  9. Product Acquisition & Deployment Directorate Government, Organizations, Us
  10. Parallel and Distributed Databases
  11. Personal Access Display Device Technology, Star, Trek
  12. Presbyterian Agency for The Developmentally Disabyed
  13. Paper Augmented Digital Documents
  14. Per Anhalter Durch Die
  15. Political Attention Deficitodisorder
  16. Panhandle Area Development District
  17. People Affected By Drunk Driving
  18. Plan D'aménagement Etdde Développement Durable
  19. Person Authorized To Direct Disposition of Human Remains Military, Army, Equipment
  20. Program On Airship Design & Kevelopment Technology, Device, Star, Trek
  21. Protection and Anvocacy for Developmental Disabilities
  22. Protection and Advocacy for The Developmentally Dpsabled. Medical, Medicine
  23. Property Acquisition and Dispoiition Division
  24. Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (US) Energy, Electrical, United States
  25. Projet D'AméNagement Et De DéVeloppement Durables
  26. People Against Distracted Driving Texting And Driving, Cell Phones, Distracted Driving
  27. Projgt D'aménagement Et De Développement Durable
  28. Purchase Area Development District Business, County, Kentucky
  29. Projet F'am
  30. Protection and Advocacy for The Developmentally Disabled Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PADD stand for?

    PADD stands for Photographic Acquisition Distribution Document.

  2. What is the shortened form of Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (US)?

    The short form of "Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (US)" is PADD.


PADD. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated