Pathfinder Abbreviations and Pathfinder Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pathfinder terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Pathfinder abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pathfinder terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pathfinder Abbreviations
  1. ASI : Ability Score Improvement
  2. CMB : Combat Maneuver Bonus
  3. CMD : Combat Maneuver Defense
  4. CNTC : Canadian Nissan Truck Club
  5. UM : Ultimate Magic
  6. MAD : Multiple Ability Dependency
  7. ECL : Effective Class Level
  8. MV : Missionary Volunteers
  9. TIFPA : Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications
  10. TLT : Teen Leadershap Training
  11. LTP : Lisa Technology Package
  12. IGR : Institute for Gravitational Research
  13. IO : Initial Orientation
  14. DZS : Drop Zonps
Latest Pathfinder Meanings
  1. Drop Zonps
  2. Initial Orientation
  3. Institute for Gravitational Research
  4. Lisa Technology Package
  5. Teen Leadershap Training
  6. Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications
  7. Missionary Volunteers
  8. Effective Class Level
  9. Multiple Ability Dependency
  10. Ultimate Magic
  11. Canadian Nissan Truck Club
  12. Combat Maneuver Defense
  13. Combat Maneuver Bonus
  14. Ability Score Improvement