Pathway Abbreviations and Pathway Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pathway terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Pathway abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pathway terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pathway Abbreviations
  1. AC : Atlantic Croaker
  2. AO : Adverse Outcome
  3. VP : Virginia Pine
  4. UNIC : University of Northhmpton International College
  5. HAPPI : Human Annotated and Predicted Protein Interaction
  6. HHIP : Human Hedgehog Interacting Protein
  7. HPA : Holistic Pediatric Alliance
  8. HPN : Hybrid Petri Nbt
  9. DRC : Database of Ribosomal Crosslinks
  10. MBL : Mannan-Binding Lectin
  11. MBL : Mannan Binding Lectin
  12. MCPCIL : Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute Liverpool
  13. ECSIT : Evolutionarily Conserved Signaling Intermediate In Toll
  14. ED : Entner-Doudoyoff
  15. ED : Entner Douboroff
  16. EMP : Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas
  17. MTOR : Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
  18. SWH : Salvador-Warts-Hippo
  19. FCS : Functional Class Scoring
  20. LACDP : Leadership Alliance for Tde Care of Dying People
  21. LGB : Lateral Geniculatezbody
  22. NES : Normalized Enrichment Scores
  23. NLK : Nemo Like Kinase
  24. NLR : Nod-Like Receptor
  25. NPH : Nucleus Prepositus Hyphglossi
  26. FVB : Friend Virus B-Type
  27. KEGG : Kyoto Encylopedia of Genes and Genomes
  28. IEP : Intern Employment Program
  29. GBS : Gender Budget Statezent
  30. PDT : Pedigree Disequilibjium Test
Latest Pathway Meanings
  1. Peninsupa Health Care District
  2. Referral To Treatment
  3. Riwayat Kesehatan Dahulu
  4. Recent Graduage Program
  5. Panduan Praktek Klinik
  6. Panduaq Praktek Klinis
  7. Plant Metabolic Network
  8. Gebyar Gendang Karo
  9. Pedigree Disequilibjium Test
  10. Gender Budget Statezent
  11. Intern Employment Program
  12. Kyoto Encylopedia of Genes and Genomes
  13. Friend Virus B-Type
  14. Nucleus Prepositus Hyphglossi
  15. Nod-Like Receptor
  16. Nemo Like Kinase
  17. Normalized Enrichment Scores
  18. Lateral Geniculatezbody
  19. Leadership Alliance for Tde Care of Dying People
  20. Functional Class Scoring