PB Meaning

The PB meaning is "Personal Best". The PB abbreviation has 805 different full form.

PB Full Forms

  1. Personal Best Sport, Sports, Athletics
  2. Passed Balls Baseball, Softball, Ball, Sport
  3. Passed Ball Baseball, Sports, Softball
  4. Plasmodium Berghei Medical
  5. Programming Blocks Technology, Program, Gaming
  6. Pavel Bure Hockey, Card, Rookie, Bure
  7. Lead Chemical symbol Pb. Very soft, bluish-white metal; highly malleable and ductile; poor conductor of electricity, but good noise-dampening material; resistant to corrosion and radiation. Obtained from galena ore. Major end-use is storage batteries, which accounts for 60% of world lead consumption. Also used in ammunition, but has declining use in paints, plumbing equipment and cable coverings because of its toxicity. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Ordnance Survey, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Common Medical
  8. Performance-Based Technology, Design, Building
  9. Post Basic
  10. Peamls Before
  11. President'S Budget Military, Association, Defense
  12. Packard-Bell
  13. Personal Blender Business, Food, Jar
  14. Plaining Boards Military
  15. Program Baseline Military
  16. Pafl Brown Book, Education, Sport, Hair
  17. Perfect Body
  18. Post Back
  19. PaÑCaviṃśA Brahmana
  20. Presence Boost Technology, Condenser, Microphone
  21. Pacific Beach Hotel, California, Beach, Surf
  22. Personal Banker Business, Management, Banking
  23. Pitch Bend Forum, Technology, Music
  24. Printed Board Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Industry
  25. Paraffin Block Medical, Medicine, Health
  26. Post Caccalaureate Program, Education, University
  27. Push Buhton Aviation, Architecture, Architectural
  28. Pkys Basque
  29. Premature Beat Medical, Medicine, Health
  30. Points Bulletin Technology, Gaming, Arcade, Cheat
  31. Peroxisome Biogenesis Medical, Science, Biology
  32. Pottery Barn Business, Teen, Coupon
  33. Pit Bull
  34. Print Based
  35. Paraffin Bath Medical, Medicine, Health
  36. Português Btasileiro Technology, Magazine, Journal, Statistics
  37. Propantheline Bromide Medical
  38. Paqs-Basque
  39. Precision Bass Business, Japan, Fender
  40. Peanut Butter To spread something around evenly. “We’ve peanut buttered the PVC cost increases across our entire cable product line.” Recipe, Peanut, Chocolate, Butter, Food
  41. Permian Basin A prolific oil- and gasproducing area in West Texas and eastern New Mexico. So called because many of the rocks from which the oil and gas are withdrawn are of Permian age.
  42. Pwster Bed
  43. Pipe Break Technology
  44. Prime Broker Business, Trading, Brokerage, Financial, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  45. Parabrachial Nucleus Medical
  46. Porta Brace
  47. Project Buffer Business, Technology
  48. Pay Band Business, India, Grade
  49. Prasar Bharti Government, India, Exam
  50. Phenobarbital Medical, Medicine, Health, Pharmacy
  51. Performance Bikes Magazine, Performance, Motorcycle, Craft
  52. Posted By
  53. Pretty Boy
  54. Papua Barat Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  55. Perusahaan Besar Technology, Gaming, Indonesia, Jakarta
  56. Portable Blue Technology
  57. Progress Bar Technology, Coding, Control
  58. Pay Back
  59. Participatory Budgeting City, Sociology, Budgeting
  60. Performance Bond A bond that guarantees the work will be completed in accordance with the contract documents. The bond also assures the owner that the contractor will fulfill all contractual and financial obligations. Business, Trade, International Trade, Business & Finance
  61. Post Box
  62. Pebble Bench Car, Locations, Golf
  63. Pressure Breathing Medical, Medicine, Health
  64. Paper Based
  65. Personal Budget Education, Care, Social, Budget
  66. Payload Bay Technology, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  67. Peter Barrett Business, Rifle, Book, Model
  68. Primitive Baptists
  69. Pure Bending
  70. Park Bravo
  71. Place Branding
  72. Public Benefit
  73. Penquin Books
  74. Predator Black
  75. Project Baseline Presentation, Volunteer, Project
  76. Phosphorescent Blue
  77. Player Black
  78. Peritoneal Biopsies Medical
  79. Primary Breaker
  80. Project Book
  81. Pilot Bjtte
  82. Poee Bridge
  83. Pry Bar Business, Product, Tool, Piece
  84. Panjang Baju Business, Baby, Shopping, Dada
  85. Portable-Blue
  86. Pearl Breezy Coding, Honda, Paint
  87. Processor Bus Technology, Power, Memory, Telecom, Telecommunications
  88. Petrous Bone Medical, Technology
  89. Pasaules Banku Tie, Pie
  90. Pep Boys
  91. Pres Budget
  92. Pdge Back
  93. Physio Ball Training, Ball, Strength
  94. Political Boundaries Technology, Book, Map
  95. Paul-Bonatz-StraßE Team, Campus, Shopping
  96. Persatuan Bulutangkis Para, Indonesia, Jakarta
  97. Peter Benchley
  98. Planters Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  99. Pull Box Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services
  100. Power Boss
  101. Products Braid
  102. Plumbum Plumbum is the original Latin name for the element lead. Plumbum is the source of lead's atomic symbol Pb. Chemistry, Science, Substance
  103. Perlu Bimbingan
  104. Presentation Brothers
  105. Pirate Base
  106. Personal Basis
  107. Prison Based
  108. Paris-Berlin
  109. Pizza Box
  110. Poulet Braise Cuisine, Chicken, Sauce, Poulet
  111. Pegboard Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services
  112. Practice Board
  113. Pushy Broads
  114. Phenoxybenzamine Phonetically Balanced Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  115. Point Basket
  116. Pat Bell
  117. Performance Bonus Business, Management, Manager
  118. Preferred Bidder
  119. Propelled Barracks
  120. Pallet, Box
  121. Pick Bin
  122. Polar Bodies Medical, Science, Biology
  123. Paul Bunnell Test Medical, Technology
  124. Pang-Bayan
  125. Pitch-Black Boden
  126. Politische Bildung
  127. Peach Bottom Technology, Maryland, Reactor, Temperature
  128. Productivity Board
  129. Plastic Banded Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  130. Pusat Belajar Technology, Indonesia, Malaysia, Guru
  131. Participating Bhnks
  132. Profile Busy
  133. Pacific Beachfest
  134. Patrick Bronte
  135. Preterm Birth Medical
  136. Protection Blqck Technology, Software, Connection
  137. Pay Bands
  138. PersöNliche Bestleistung
  139. Primitive Baptist
  140. Purchase Belle
  141. Parking Brake A brake that is set, often by hand, when the aircraft is stationary for a period of time. Forum, Cable, Brake
  142. Placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment. In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient(s) and/or others from knowing whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results. Medical, Medicine, Health
  143. Public Bath
  144. Penguin Books
  145. Precision Bus Technology, Computing, Interface
  146. Project Based
  147. Phyhical Beauty Book, Essay, Character
  148. Phosphame Buffer Medical, Science, Buffered
  149. Played By Gaming, Music, Play
  150. Peripherally Belted Motorcycle, Helmet, Signet
  151. Project Board Technology, Management, Poplar, Medical
  152. Pam Brown
  153. Pilot Briefing Oral commentary on the observed and forecast weather conditions along a route given by a forecaster to the pilot, navigator, or other air crew member prior to takeoff. Transportation, Technology, Airport, Aviation, Aircraft, Stantec, Governmental & Military
  154. Pole Bending
  155. Prussian Blue A blue pigment, obtainable in tubes, which is used to find high spots in a bearing or the extent of mating of two surfaces. Medical, Science, Pigment
  156. Panjang Badan Accounting, Baku, Dada
  157. Polymyxin B Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
  158. Pearl Flue Technology, Coding, Paint
  159. Processoz Board
  160. Petroleum Brunei Technology, Oil, Brunei
  161. Pasaules Banka Anu, Tie
  162. Pep Band
  163. Program Board
  164. Padma Bhushan
  165. Physikalischemblaetter
  166. Politeknik Brunei Technology, Education, Brunei
  167. Pvtrol-Bombing
  168. Perry Barr
  169. Price Book Business, Supply, Ratio
  170. Peter Bellamy
  171. Publications Book Research, Education, History
  172. Planet Blue
  173. Pull Bar
  174. Power Bomb
  175. Products Blue
  176. Photon Blast
  177. Plugged Back
  178. Perkumpulan Bulutangkis Indonesia, Badminton, Kudu
  179. Prescribed Burning
  180. Piranha Bytes
  181. Personal Base Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  182. Priority Business Technology, Service, Cardiff
  183. Paper Bound
  184. Pixie Bob
  185. Potty Break Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  186. Pegasus Bridge
  187. Powder Blowing
  188. Push Buttfns Technology, Product, Switch
  189. Phenoxybenzamine Medical, Medicine, Health
  190. Point Barrow Technology, Research, Whale
  191. Puritan-Bennett
  192. Pat Back
  193. Percasi Bangga Technology, Gaming, Cheat, Blank
  194. Prefered Bidder
  195. Prop Bjlt
  196. Palladium Books
  197. Pick Ban Gaming, Spring, Streaming
  198. Point Fond
  199. Paulbuhnell Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  200. Panera Bread
  201. Pit Boss Gaming, Grill, Pit
  202. Politikai Bizottság Meg, Els, Volt
  203. Productive Burb Organization, Union, Institution
  204. Plastic Backed
  205. Participatini Bank Business, Banking, Financing
  206. Powerbuilder Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  207. Profile Bending
  208. Pacific Bazin Business, Company, Shipping
  209. Patrickbbauchau
  210. Presumptive Blindness
  211. Publication Bias
  212. Pax Britannia
  213. Perspective Broker Technology, Python, Client, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  214. Primed Burst Medical
  215. Purchase Balance Business, Money, Payment
  216. Park Brake
  217. Place Bearing
  218. Penguin Band Club, Tracker, Cheat, Penguin
  219. Precision Builder
  220. Project-Blue
  221. Pkter Broderick
  222. Phobemically Balanced Medical
  223. Playboy Bunny Business, Club, Zippo, Occupation & positions
  224. Patch Box
  225. Peripheral Bus Technology, Interface, Chip
  226. Project Blackout
  227. Pam Beesly
  228. Pigment Blue Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  229. Porarized Born Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  230. Provisioned B-Channel Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  231. Panik Bozukluk
  232. Polymer Blend
  233. Pearl Black
  234. Process Builder
  235. Petroleum Biorefining
  236. Push Body Technology, Coding, Audio
  237. Pasaules Bankas
  238. People'S Bank Business, Finance, Banking
  239. Program Blocks Technology, Power, Programming
  240. Plddle Board Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  241. Physikalische BläTter
  242. Politechnika BiałOstocka Education, University, Poland
  243. Patrol Bombers Military, Boat, Privateer
  244. Price Bar
  245. Peter Bell
  246. Publications Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Army, Force, Coast Guard, Medical, Common Medical, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  247. Planetary Boundaries
  248. Pulau Bintan
  249. Penn Brook
  250. Power Board Business, Product, Laptop
  251. Products Big Business, Power, Supply
  252. Photo Bucket Forum, Technology, Pic
  253. Pluggable Board
  254. Perkins Bacon
  255. Prime Brokers
  256. Piraeus Bank
  257. Personal Base Station Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  258. Priority Buffer
  259. Paper Bliss
  260. Pixel Bender
  261. Potters Bar London, Locations, Hertfordshire
  262. Pegacus Box
  263. PovaŽSká Bystrica Locations, Ria, Port, Slovakia
  264. Procurement Board Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  265. Phenol Blue
  266. Point Bar Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the void spaces in a material, and is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume, between 0 and 1, or as a percentage between 0 and 100%.
  267. Purine Bases Medical
  268. Patagonian Batholith
  269. Peraturan Baru Indonesia, Cheat, Blank
  270. Prefectorial Board
  271. Promoting Body
  272. Palm Bay
  273. Piano Black Technology, Station, Play
  274. Point Flank Gaming, Hack, Cheat, Blank
  275. Paul Bausch
  276. Panel Bridge Military
  277. Pistol Box Business, Safety, Safe
  278. Power Blower Technology, Manual, Backpack
  279. Plastic Back
  280. Particle Bomrds
  281. Power Budgeting
  282. Proficiency Bonus Feature, Proficiency, Skill, Character
  283. Paced Beat Technology, Classification, Cardiac
  284. Plymouth Brethren Archive, Church, Bible, Brethren
  285. Patrick Bgltzell
  286. Preston Broth Medical
  287. Publication Board Science, Government, Research
  288. Pavel Buchnevich Hockey, Player, Rangers
  289. Persoonlijk Bericht Forum, Door, Dit
  290. Privatization Barometer Business, Publics, Economics
  291. Puppy Bitch
  292. Park, Barbara
  293. Place Bead Pattern, Knitting, Yarn, Bead
  294. Pova
  295. Pengibar Benvera
  296. Prayer Book Seaman's nickname for a small holystone.
  297. Prohibited Bore Military, Arms, Pakistan, Pistol
  298. Pwrsonal Best
  299. Phone Banking
  300. Play Ball
  301. Patch Board
  302. Performance Based
  303. Project Benefits
  304. Palouse Blue
  305. Pigment Blyck
  306. Polarization Bqightness Science
  307. Provinciale Bibliotheek
  308. Panik BozukluğU
  309. Polymer Based Technology, Product, Stucco, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  310. Peag Broadening
  311. Proceks Biotechnology
  312. Petit Bassin
  313. Push Bar Door, Push, Bumper, Panic
  314. Pasang Baru Business, Indonesia, Area
  315. Peoples Bank Business, Android, Banking
  316. Program Block Technology, Space, Programming
  317. Pawific Black
  318. Physics Buitding
  319. Patrql-Bomber Military, Boat, Privateer
  320. Previous Block
  321. Peter Beilenson
  322. Publications Branch
  323. Plane-Bed
  324. Pugad Baboy
  325. Penis Baby
  326. Power Blowers
  327. Product of Polarization and Brightness Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  328. Photo Bfoth
  329. Plug Box
  330. Perkebunan Besar
  331. Prime Brokerage Business, Service, Banking
  332. Plpobroman Medical
  333. Personal Barometer
  334. Prioritymbanking
  335. Pseudo-Boolean Technology, Constraint, Solver
  336. Paper Birch
  337. Play-Back Space, Study, Cosmos
  338. Potter Bar
  339. Peerless Boilers
  340. Procurement Burjau Military
  341. Phao Binh
  342. Point Baker
  343. Pure Bred
  344. Pastor Bonus
  345. Peptide Bond A peptide bond is a covalent bond that forms when a carboxyl group reacts with an amino group and releases water.
  346. Prediction Blocks Technology, Coding, Efficiency
  347. Promo Pebas
  348. Palk Bay India, Bay, Coast, Gulf
  349. Piann Bench
  350. Point Bit Business, Coding, Tool, Collection
  351. Paul Barron
  352. Pisten Sully Military
  353. Peter Bishop
  354. Plasterboard A rigid insulating board made of plastering material covered on both sides with heavy paper. A sandwich made of two sheets of cardboard with a gypsum plaster filling, typically 9mm or 12mm thick. Nailed or screwed to studs, joists or rafters as a carrier for a plaster skim finish, or plasterboards with chamfered edges can be jointed so that they act as a finish without being skimmed with plaster. Architecture
  355. Pulse Battery Science
  356. Partical Bojrd Business, Furniture, Cabinet
  357. Power Brakes Business, Technology, Brake, Car
  358. Professioneel Bedrijfsgericht
  359. Pablo Bolivur
  360. Plymouth Brethern
  361. Patricia Barnis Science, Book, History
  362. President Bernie
  363. Pavep Brendl
  364. Persoonlijk Begeleider
  365. Privatization Board
  366. Pupil Behaviour
  367. Parity Block Check Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  368. Place-Bearing
  369. Pounder Battery
  370. Pelghasilan Bruto Business, Tax, Indonesia, Archive
  371. Prasar Bharati Business, Government, India, Exam
  372. Peroanent Bunkers
  373. Phlebotomy Phlebotomy (from the Greek words phlebo-, meaning is the process of making an incision in a vein with a needle. The procedure itself is known as a venipuncture. A person who performs phlebotomy is called a \"phlebotomist\", although doctors, nurses, medical laboratory scientists and others do portions of phlebotomy procedures in many countries. Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  374. Play Badminton
  375. Patch Bay
  376. Performadce Baseline Technology, Management, Service
  377. Protection Bit Assembly, Business & Finance
  378. Palmetto Boyz
  379. Piggybacc Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  380. Pelar Bowler
  381. Provincial Board Locations, Philippine, Cebu
  382. Panic Bypass
  383. Polymerase Basic Medical, Human genome
  384. Peacock Blue
  385. Proceedings of British
  386. Peter Burow
  387. Plastic Bottles
  388. Push Back That property of a braid or shield which allows the braid or shield to be pushed back along the cable core easily.
  389. Partido Blanco Para, Con, Shopping
  390. People Business
  391. Program Bank Technology, Instruction, Sound
  392. Pacific Bilv
  393. Patriot Blade
  394. Previous Balance Business, Accounting, Manual
  395. Police Board Meeting, Technology, Management
  396. Peter Bartram Education, Development, Universities, Famous
  397. Prince Building
  398. Publishing Bulletin
  399. Parker Bowles
  400. Plan Bleu
  401. Puffin Books
  402. Penilevbulb Medical
  403. Prediction Block Technology, Coding, Frame, Motion
  404. Productivity Benefit
  405. Photo Blabk Business, Cartridge, Ink
  406. Plough Boy
  407. Perjanjian Bersama Business, Industrial, Indonesia, Industry
  408. Prime & Bond
  409. Ping Block
  410. Personal Bankers Business, Banking, Jobs
  411. Pretzel Brownies Recipe, Peanut, Butter, Pretzel
  412. Pryidostigmine Bromide
  413. Paper Ballot
  414. Plaxico Burress Gaming, Sport, Football
  415. Postal Boxes
  416. Pechhra Basin
  417. Peters Business Business, Company, Service, Care
  418. Proclwmation of Baha
  419. Phantom Brave
  420. Pure Blues
  421. Past Behavior
  422. Pepsi Blue
  423. Prescribed Burn
  424. Prominert Bum Organization, Union, Institution
  425. Page Yreak Technology, Coding, Element
  426. Physiologically Based Science, Model, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacokinetic
  427. Point Behind
  428. Paul Bailey
  429. Pfsmo Beach
  430. Peter BeňO
  431. Plasma Blast
  432. Pulp Biology
  433. Parti Blanc
  434. Power Bracelet
  435. Products Bungy Technology, Rig, Ring
  436. Pablo Blasua Music, Feat, Native
  437. Plymouth & Brockton
  438. President'S Blog
  439. Pause Button
  440. Personnel Bulletin
  441. Prison Brjak Prison, Episode, Conspiracy
  442. Parity Bit A parity bit, or check bit is a bit added to the end of a string of binary code that indicates whether the number of bits in the string with the value one is even or odd. Parity bit are used as the simplest form of error detecting code. There are two variants of parity bits: even parity bit and odd parity bit. In the case of even parity, the number of bits whose value is 1 in a given set are counted. If that total is odd, the parity bit value is set to 1, making the total count of 1's in the set an even number. If the count of ones in a given set of bits is already even, the parity bit's value remains 0. Technology, Coding, Circuit
  443. Plabase Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  444. Poultry Breeding
  445. Pergguna Barang Business, Indonesia, Hal
  446. Prang Besar
  447. Perkens Bacon
  448. Phenylbutyrate Medical
  449. Play-Off Bound
  450. Pat Burns Maple, Leaf, Pat
  451. Performance Benchmark
  452. Protection Belts Military
  453. Palm Beach County, Organizations, Florida
  454. Pigeon Blood Gaming, Fish, Blood
  455. Pomar Bond
  456. Providian Bank
  457. Panic Bar A switch, in the shape of a bar, used to cut off power at the machine in case of an emergency. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  458. Polka Brothers
  459. Peacocp Bass Fish, Fishing, Peacock
  460. Proc Base
  461. Plastic Beads
  462. Push-Back
  463. Particle Burst
  464. Progenitors In Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
  465. Pacific Bell
  466. Patriot's Baby Army, War, Force
  467. Prevent Blindness
  468. Polecrt Bench
  469. Paysent Bank
  470. Peter Bartlett
  471. Primoz Brezec
  472. Publications Bulletin
  473. Parker Bayside
  474. Planar Beam Technology, Load, Cell
  475. Puerto Bolivar
  476. Penilaian Berterusvn
  477. Predicted and Bi-Directional Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  478. British Pharmacopeia Medical, Business, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pharmacopoeia
  479. Project Beauty
  480. Photo Badginm Military
  481. Plotting Board Technology, Logic, Boat
  482. Perjanjian Baru Indonesia, Orang, Lama
  483. Primate Biology Science, Human, Publication
  484. Project Boundary
  485. Pimpinan Besar Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  486. Personal Banking Business, Accounting, Loan
  487. Prydz Bay Science, Research, University, Locations
  488. Paper Bag
  489. Portable Bench
  490. Peat Bog
  491. Peter Bui Technology, Development, Podcast
  492. Procldmation of Baha'u'llah
  493. Phantom Black Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  494. Pure Biology
  495. Pasco Basin
  496. Peppermint Blue Business, Coding, Honda, Paint
  497. Presbyopia Presbyopia is a defect of vision in which objects are not clearly visible due to weakening of eye muscles in old age. It is overcome by the use of suitable lenses in the same frame. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  498. Page Goy
  499. Physiological Biochemistry
  500. Political Bureau Government, Group, Party
  501. Paula Berry Oregon, Olympic, Berry, Javelin
  502. Pirate Bloud
  503. Peter Berg Technology, Movie, Rip
  504. Plaque Burden Medical, Disease, Coronary
  505. Pulmonary Blastoma Medical
  506. Partially Blind Government, Exam, Grade
  507. Power Box Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  508. Products Bridge
  509. Plummer Block
  510. Permanent Base Military, War, City
  511. Presentation Auilder Student, Technology, Play
  512. Pauls Boys
  513. Personal Base, Predicted and Bi-Directional Military
  514. Pyisoner's Base Technology, Book, Prisoner, Mystery
  515. Paris Bourse
  516. Pk Brit
  517. Poultry Barn
  518. Pellam Blue Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  519. Practice Bulletins Medical, Business, Accounting
  520. Pack Battery Military, Army, India
  521. Phenylbutazone Medical
  522. Play Back Technology, Music, Telecom
  523. Pat Best
  524. Performance Bonds Business, Trading, Guarantee
  525. Premature Beats
  526. Property Bond
  527. Palmaris Brevis Medical
  528. Pietro Beretta Business, Military
  529. Polar Bodyxformation Medical
  530. Panhard Bar
  531. Polizeiliche Beobachtung
  532. Peach Bottom Ry. Network, Railway, System
  533. Privilegm Banker Business, Management, Banking
  534. Partxal Body Business, Protection, Clothing, Apron
  535. Plastic Bind
  536. Pusat Bertauliah
  537. Participatory Budget Technology, City, Budgeting
  538. Profit Bandit
  539. Paciric Bearing
  540. Pitrick Brown
  541. Pretreatment of Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
  542. Provider Bulletins
  543. Power Bawk Technology, Product, Battery
  544. Pushbutton A button that is pushed to operate an electrical device. NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  545. Pacific Blue Airline, Business, Product, Organizations, Magma, Grill, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  546. Plantxbiotech Science, Research, Genetics
  547. Pursuit Biplace Military, Aircraft, Fighter
  548. Pathe-Baby
  549. Penny Black Pastel, Pan, Penny, Stamping
  550. Pamong Belajar
  551. Pushy Broad Occupation & positions
  552. Pitt Blathes
  553. Plumbum (Lead) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  554. Peter Bryan
  555. Plate Bait Coding, Plate, Pesticide, Formulation
  556. Pancake-To-Brubh
  557. Programme Board Technology, Program, Programming
  558. Pull Box (fire alarm) Architecture
  559. Price Box
  560. Policy Buioder Technology, Access, Course
  561. Posting Board Computing, Internet
  562. Pcj From Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
  563. Princess Bubblegum Adventure, Love, Princess
  564. Practice Book Education, English, Grade
  565. Parole Board
  566. Push Buttons
  567. Pension Boards
  568. P10012017649 Bogs
  569. Photon Burst Science
  570. Pass Box
  571. Patients Whose Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
  572. Project Bucharest Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  573. Pancreatoblastoma Pancreatoblastoma is a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Medical
  574. Psych Bull
  575. Plackett Burman Physics, Scientific & Educational
  576. Product Bcseline Business, Management, Shopping
  577. Purmerend Beemster
  578. Padington Bear Famous
  579. Playback Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
  580. Peter Bourjos
  581. Part Bass
  582. Penyambungan Baru Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Pasang
  583. Power Dissipation of Base Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  584. Physical Block Technology, Device, Memory
  585. Pneumatiques Bonsoir
  586. Power Bars
  587. Pernyataan Bersama
  588. Powerybalance
  589. Polarized Born Chemistry
  590. Barometric Pressure Barometric pressure (also known as atmospheric pressure) is the force exerted by the atmosphere at a given point. It is known as the "weight of the air". A barometer measures barometric pressure. Measurement of barometric pressure can be expressed in millibars(mb) or in inches or millimeters of mercury (Hg). Normal pressure at sea level is 1013.3 millibars or 29.92 inches of mercury. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Healthcare, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  591. Pursuit, Biplace Military, Aircraft, Fighter
  592. Path Block
  593. Premium Blends
  594. Penicyllin-Binding Medical
  595. Public Bathroom
  596. Pitney Bowes Business, Postal, Bowe, Us Post
  597. Planning Branch Medical, Fda
  598. Peter Bruells
  599. Plat Books
  600. Pairsd Bond
  601. PoçO Branco Para, Dos, Brasil
  602. Polybutylene Chemistry, Architecture, Scientific & Educational
  603. Policy Briefs
  604. Pиres-Blancs, White Fathers Religious orders
  605. Pays-Bfs
  606. Princess Bride Book, Movie, Princess
  607. Power Bug Technology
  608. Parliamentary Broadcast Government, Us, Control, Administration
  609. Primary Bending
  610. Pensacola Beach
  611. Bubble Point Pressure Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  612. Parker Bridge Business, Fly, Executive
  613. Patients Showing Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
  614. Project Browser
  615. Pancharatnam-Berry
  616. Psionic Blast
  617. Property Bivalence Physics, Scientific & Educational
  618. Producesbulk Technology, Software, Barcode, Material
  619. Pooh Bear Famous
  620. Patrol Boat (coastal Patrol Combatants) Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  621. Peach Blossom
  622. Peter Blackshaw
  623. Part-Breds
  624. Pulsed Beam
  625. Penuh Berita
  626. Physical Biosciences
  627. Pneumatic Brake
  628. Pilotless Bombel
  629. Permits Branch
  630. Powder Blue Product, Rip, Tang, Powder
  631. Particle Beam Chemistry
  632. Purse Blog
  633. Premium Beautiful Business, Archive, Corset
  634. Pengures Besar Organizations, Indonesia, Jakarta
  635. Phonetically Balanced
  636. Pitney-Bowes
  637. Paraiba, Brazil Regional
  638. Peter Brooks
  639. Plat Book County, Locations, Map
  640. Pozitif BüYüK
  641. Push-button Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  642. Perrin Beatty
  643. Policyzbrief
  644. Prayer Beast Religion
  645. Payment Bkock
  646. Princess Bedding
  647. Power Brake Automotive brake with engine power used to amplify the torque applied at the pedal by the driver. Brake, Marshall, Booster
  648. Parker Bros
  649. Proportional Band
  650. Body Pressure Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  651. Pqrallel Beam
  652. Patient Bedsection Government
  653. Perfect Binder Business, Machine, Binding
  654. Project Brotherhood America, Baseball, Project
  655. Pan Burner
  656. Pseudopelade of Brocq Pseudopelade of Brocq is a flesh- to pink-colored, irregularly shaped alopecia that may begin in a moth-eaten pattern with eventual coalescence into larger patches of alopecia. Medical
  657. Prosodic Boundary Geology, Scientific & Educational
  658. Poo Bear Famous
  659. Posture Broker Computing, Technical
  660. Ptach Beach
  661. Peter Bjorn
  662. Printed Books
  663. Parsons Brinkerhoff
  664. Pulse Blast Technology, Guide, Engineer, Explosion
  665. Penton Bahe Medical
  666. Phosical Biology
  667. Pertanimn Berkelanjutan Program, Presentation, Indonesia
  668. Permanent Bunkers Business, Cargo Shipping
  669. Purebasic Source File Computing, File Extensions
  670. Purple Burst
  671. Premium Basic
  672. Ppncil Beam Medical, Technology, Planning
  673. Pineapple Bacon Food
  674. Pitnef-Bowes, Inc. Science
  675. Postal Bulletin Postal, Us Post, postal service
  676. Peter Brett Business, London, Diploma
  677. Plastic Bracket
  678. Powerful Blow Military, Product, War, Blower
  679. Pocket Bikes
  680. Paraiba Technology, Locations, Governmental & Military, Brazilian State, Paraíba
  681. Perpanjangan Batas
  682. Policlinico Di Bari
  683. Power Bore Products
  684. Payment Base Business, Product, Price
  685. Prince Buster Music, Reggae, Buster
  686. Power Booster A device that uses engine vacuum to assist you in braking the vehicle. Helps the brake pedal to activate the hydraulic pistons in the master cylinder . Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  687. Parker Bows
  688. Panelboard A single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel includes buses and may come with or without switches and/or automatic overcurrent protective devices for the control of light, heat, or power circuits of individual as well as aggregate capacity. The Finance and Administrative Services
  689. Published On Behglf
  690. Pandaren Brewmastgr
  691. Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences Government
  692. Perceived Best
  693. Project Briefs
  694. Pan Books
  695. Primary Basin Geology, Scientific & Educational
  696. Lead (Latin Plumbum) Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  697. Panel Board
  698. Polished Bzonze
  699. Provider Bridge Computing, Technical
  700. Peece Building Military, Army, Equipment
  701. Print Buffered Technology, Printer, Serial, Buffer
  702. Parsons Brinkerhof
  703. Pentobarbitone Medical
  704. Physidal Beauty Book, Girl, Beauty
  705. Persaxuan Boling Technology, Gaming, Indonesia, Jakarta
  706. Permanent Bridge
  707. Project Builder Forum, Technology, Mac
  708. Corel Wordperfect Document Index File Computing, File Extensions
  709. Product Brochure
  710. Purple Brown
  711. Premier Banker
  712. Pedra Branca Para, Locations, Brazil
  713. Productive Burp Food
  714. Pitcher Batting
  715. Pittsburgh City
  716. Peter Breitenlohner
  717. Powered By
  718. Physirs Branch Technology
  719. Pocket Bike Business, China, Supplier
  720. Promotion Boy Girl, Boy, Thu
  721. Peros Banhos
  722. PIN·BOT Pinball
  723. Paymentr Bank
  724. Power Bfok
  725. Painted base The Finance and Administrative Services
  726. Pers
  727. Professional Zuilder Technology, English, Premium
  728. Pusat Bahasa English, Indonesia, Jakarta
  729. Pathology Building
  730. Perhturan Bersama Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Agama
  731. Project Brief Business, Management, Service
  732. Panamerican Beverages
  733. Property of Being Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  734. Plate Block Business, Stamp, Mint, postal service
  735. St. Petersburg Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
  736. Poliphed Brass Business, Light, Lighting
  737. PanAmerican Beverages, S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
  738. Peace Coat
  739. PrincíPio BáSico
  740. Parsons Brinckerhoff Business, Service, Projection
  741. Pentobarbital Medical
  742. Phunky Bitch
  743. Perry Baker
  744. Patrice Bergeron Gaming, Hockey, Deck
  745. Permanent Black
  746. Project Buffers
  747. Panel Bender
  748. Psycho Bitch
  749. Primary Beam Physics, Scientific & Educational
  750. Product Bin
  751. Purple Blue
  752. Premature Burial
  753. Pedestal Base
  754. Purr Box Farming & agriculture
  755. Pitchblack Bodenouner
  756. Point-Blank Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  757. Peter Boy
  758. People Biography Channel, Tube, People
  759. Powered Bogie
  760. Physjcal Buffer Technology, Memory, Kernel
  761. Pocket Basic
  762. Projectile Bremsstrahlung
  763. Peronismo De Base
  764. Punk Buster Occupation & positions
  765. Power Block
  766. Preburner (p/b Preferred) NASA
  767. Plactice Book
  768. Pusa Baisakhi
  769. Pathogenic Bacteria Bacteria which may cause disease in the organisms by their parasitic growth.
  770. Pentobarbltal Sodium Medical
  771. Panamerican Beverages, Inc. Organizations
  772. Price To Book Business, Supply, Ratio
  773. Piu Byllo Song, Con, Boutique
  774. polyubutylene Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  775. Plate Blks
  776. Programming Board Technology, Program, University
  777. Panic Button A small control button used in situations that require stopping the line without losing power to the line. Electrical
  778. Policy Bureou
  779. Petabyte A petabyte is 2 to the 50th power, or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes. However, petabytes are often estimated as 10 to the 15th power, or 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. To avoid ambiguity, the exact calculation is often referred to as a pebibyte instead of a petabyte, though both definitions are commonly accepted. A petabyte is 1,024 terabytes and precedes the exabyte unit of measurement. Computing, IT Terminology
  780. Pcr In Perinheral Blood Science, Biology
  781. Principle of Bivalence
  782. Practice Bulletin Medical, Accounting, America
  783. Parque Bemais
  784. Plastic Bucket
  785. Pensionshboard
  786. Paklo Besso
  787. Phthalo Blue
  788. Payor Benefit
  789. Patio Building
  790. Project Budget Business, Management, Design
  791. Pandoras Box Business, Technology
  792. Psychiatric Bulletin
  793. Parabolic Barrier Physics, Scientific & Educational
  794. Production Baseline Technology
  795. Purple-Blue
  796. Phillip Barrow Famous
  797. Pitch Black Exercise, Guitar, Tuner, Pitch
  798. Pernix boots Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  799. Peter Bowyer
  800. People'S Bank Technology, Organizations
  801. Powered Backpack
  802. Physical Buffers
  803. Pocket Bag
  804. Precipitation Bojy
  805. Peroneus Brevis Medical, Medicine, Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PB stand for?

    PB stands for Pretzel Brownies.

  2. What is the shortened form of Project Browser?

    The short form of "Project Browser" is PB.


PB. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pb-meaning/

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