PB Meaning
The PB meaning is "Personal Best". The PB abbreviation has 805 different full form.
PB Full Forms
- Personal Best Sport, Sports, Athletics
- Passed Balls Baseball, Softball, Ball, Sport
- Passed Ball Baseball, Sports, Softball
- Plasmodium Berghei Medical
- Programming Blocks Technology, Program, Gaming
- Pavel Bure Hockey, Card, Rookie, Bure
- Lead Chemical symbol Pb. Very soft, bluish-white metal; highly malleable and ductile; poor conductor of electricity, but good noise-dampening material; resistant to corrosion and radiation. Obtained from galena ore. Major end-use is storage batteries, which accounts for 60% of world lead consumption. Also used in ammunition, but has declining use in paints, plumbing equipment and cable coverings because of its toxicity. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Ordnance Survey, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Common Medical
- Performance-Based Technology, Design, Building
- Post Basic
- Peamls Before
- President'S Budget Military, Association, Defense
- Packard-Bell
- Personal Blender Business, Food, Jar
- Plaining Boards Military
- Program Baseline Military
- Pafl Brown Book, Education, Sport, Hair
- Perfect Body
- Post Back
- PaÑCaviṃśA Brahmana
- Presence Boost Technology, Condenser, Microphone
- Pacific Beach Hotel, California, Beach, Surf
- Personal Banker Business, Management, Banking
- Pitch Bend Forum, Technology, Music
- Printed Board Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Industry
- Paraffin Block Medical, Medicine, Health
- Post Caccalaureate Program, Education, University
- Push Buhton Aviation, Architecture, Architectural
- Pkys Basque
- Premature Beat Medical, Medicine, Health
- Points Bulletin Technology, Gaming, Arcade, Cheat
- Peroxisome Biogenesis Medical, Science, Biology
- Pottery Barn Business, Teen, Coupon
- Pit Bull
- Print Based
- Paraffin Bath Medical, Medicine, Health
- Português Btasileiro Technology, Magazine, Journal, Statistics
- Propantheline Bromide Medical
- Paqs-Basque
- Precision Bass Business, Japan, Fender
- Peanut Butter To spread something around evenly. “We’ve peanut buttered the PVC cost increases across our entire cable product line.” Recipe, Peanut, Chocolate, Butter, Food
- Permian Basin A prolific oil- and gasproducing area in West Texas and eastern New Mexico. So called because many of the rocks from which the oil and gas are withdrawn are of Permian age.
- Pwster Bed
- Pipe Break Technology
- Prime Broker Business, Trading, Brokerage, Financial, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Parabrachial Nucleus Medical
- Porta Brace
- Project Buffer Business, Technology
- Pay Band Business, India, Grade
- Prasar Bharti Government, India, Exam
- Phenobarbital Medical, Medicine, Health, Pharmacy
- Performance Bikes Magazine, Performance, Motorcycle, Craft
- Posted By
- Pretty Boy
- Papua Barat Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
- Perusahaan Besar Technology, Gaming, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Portable Blue Technology
- Progress Bar Technology, Coding, Control
- Pay Back
- Participatory Budgeting City, Sociology, Budgeting
- Performance Bond A bond that guarantees the work will be completed in accordance with the contract documents. The bond also assures the owner that the contractor will fulfill all contractual and financial obligations. Business, Trade, International Trade, Business & Finance
- Post Box
- Pebble Bench Car, Locations, Golf
- Pressure Breathing Medical, Medicine, Health
- Paper Based
- Personal Budget Education, Care, Social, Budget
- Payload Bay Technology, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Peter Barrett Business, Rifle, Book, Model
- Primitive Baptists
- Pure Bending
- Park Bravo
- Place Branding
- Public Benefit
- Penquin Books
- Predator Black
- Project Baseline Presentation, Volunteer, Project
- Phosphorescent Blue
- Player Black
- Peritoneal Biopsies Medical
- Primary Breaker
- Project Book
- Pilot Bjtte
- Poee Bridge
- Pry Bar Business, Product, Tool, Piece
- Panjang Baju Business, Baby, Shopping, Dada
- Portable-Blue
- Pearl Breezy Coding, Honda, Paint
- Processor Bus Technology, Power, Memory, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Petrous Bone Medical, Technology
- Pasaules Banku Tie, Pie
- Pep Boys
- Pres Budget
- Pdge Back
- Physio Ball Training, Ball, Strength
- Political Boundaries Technology, Book, Map
- Paul-Bonatz-StraßE Team, Campus, Shopping
- Persatuan Bulutangkis Para, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Peter Benchley
- Planters Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Pull Box Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Power Boss
- Products Braid
- Plumbum Plumbum is the original Latin name for the element lead. Plumbum is the source of lead's atomic symbol Pb. Chemistry, Science, Substance
- Perlu Bimbingan
- Presentation Brothers
- Pirate Base
- Personal Basis
- Prison Based
- Paris-Berlin
- Pizza Box
- Poulet Braise Cuisine, Chicken, Sauce, Poulet
- Pegboard Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Practice Board
- Pushy Broads
- Phenoxybenzamine Phonetically Balanced Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Point Basket
- Pat Bell
- Performance Bonus Business, Management, Manager
- Preferred Bidder
- Propelled Barracks
- Pallet, Box
- Pick Bin
- Polar Bodies Medical, Science, Biology
- Paul Bunnell Test Medical, Technology
- Pang-Bayan
- Pitch-Black Boden
- Politische Bildung
- Peach Bottom Technology, Maryland, Reactor, Temperature
- Productivity Board
- Plastic Banded Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Pusat Belajar Technology, Indonesia, Malaysia, Guru
- Participating Bhnks
- Profile Busy
- Pacific Beachfest
- Patrick Bronte
- Preterm Birth Medical
- Protection Blqck Technology, Software, Connection
- Pay Bands
- PersöNliche Bestleistung
- Primitive Baptist
- Purchase Belle
- Parking Brake A brake that is set, often by hand, when the aircraft is stationary for a period of time. Forum, Cable, Brake
- Placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment. In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient(s) and/or others from knowing whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Public Bath
- Penguin Books
- Precision Bus Technology, Computing, Interface
- Project Based
- Phyhical Beauty Book, Essay, Character
- Phosphame Buffer Medical, Science, Buffered
- Played By Gaming, Music, Play
- Peripherally Belted Motorcycle, Helmet, Signet
- Project Board Technology, Management, Poplar, Medical
- Pam Brown
- Pilot Briefing Oral commentary on the observed and forecast weather conditions along a route given by a forecaster to the pilot, navigator, or other air crew member prior to takeoff. Transportation, Technology, Airport, Aviation, Aircraft, Stantec, Governmental & Military
- Pole Bending
- Prussian Blue A blue pigment, obtainable in tubes, which is used to find high spots in a bearing or the extent of mating of two surfaces. Medical, Science, Pigment
- Panjang Badan Accounting, Baku, Dada
- Polymyxin B Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
- Pearl Flue Technology, Coding, Paint
- Processoz Board
- Petroleum Brunei Technology, Oil, Brunei
- Pasaules Banka Anu, Tie
- Pep Band
- Program Board
- Padma Bhushan
- Physikalischemblaetter
- Politeknik Brunei Technology, Education, Brunei
- Pvtrol-Bombing
- Perry Barr
- Price Book Business, Supply, Ratio
- Peter Bellamy
- Publications Book Research, Education, History
- Planet Blue
- Pull Bar
- Power Bomb
- Products Blue
- Photon Blast
- Plugged Back
- Perkumpulan Bulutangkis Indonesia, Badminton, Kudu
- Prescribed Burning
- Piranha Bytes
- Personal Base Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Priority Business Technology, Service, Cardiff
- Paper Bound
- Pixie Bob
- Potty Break Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Pegasus Bridge
- Powder Blowing
- Push Buttfns Technology, Product, Switch
- Phenoxybenzamine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Point Barrow Technology, Research, Whale
- Puritan-Bennett
- Pat Back
- Percasi Bangga Technology, Gaming, Cheat, Blank
- Prefered Bidder
- Prop Bjlt
- Palladium Books
- Pick Ban Gaming, Spring, Streaming
- Point Fond
- Paulbuhnell Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Panera Bread
- Pit Boss Gaming, Grill, Pit
- Politikai Bizottság Meg, Els, Volt
- Productive Burb Organization, Union, Institution
- Plastic Backed
- Participatini Bank Business, Banking, Financing
- Powerbuilder Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Profile Bending
- Pacific Bazin Business, Company, Shipping
- Patrickbbauchau
- Presumptive Blindness
- Publication Bias
- Pax Britannia
- Perspective Broker Technology, Python, Client, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Primed Burst Medical
- Purchase Balance Business, Money, Payment
- Park Brake
- Place Bearing
- Penguin Band Club, Tracker, Cheat, Penguin
- Precision Builder
- Project-Blue
- Pkter Broderick
- Phobemically Balanced Medical
- Playboy Bunny Business, Club, Zippo, Occupation & positions
- Patch Box
- Peripheral Bus Technology, Interface, Chip
- Project Blackout
- Pam Beesly
- Pigment Blue Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
- Porarized Born Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Provisioned B-Channel Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Panik Bozukluk
- Polymer Blend
- Pearl Black
- Process Builder
- Petroleum Biorefining
- Push Body Technology, Coding, Audio
- Pasaules Bankas
- People'S Bank Business, Finance, Banking
- Program Blocks Technology, Power, Programming
- Plddle Board Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Physikalische BläTter
- Politechnika BiałOstocka Education, University, Poland
- Patrol Bombers Military, Boat, Privateer
- Price Bar
- Peter Bell
- Publications Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Army, Force, Coast Guard, Medical, Common Medical, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Planetary Boundaries
- Pulau Bintan
- Penn Brook
- Power Board Business, Product, Laptop
- Products Big Business, Power, Supply
- Photo Bucket Forum, Technology, Pic
- Pluggable Board
- Perkins Bacon
- Prime Brokers
- Piraeus Bank
- Personal Base Station Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Priority Buffer
- Paper Bliss
- Pixel Bender
- Potters Bar London, Locations, Hertfordshire
- Pegacus Box
- PovaŽSká Bystrica Locations, Ria, Port, Slovakia
- Procurement Board Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Phenol Blue
- Point Bar Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the void spaces in a material, and is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume, between 0 and 1, or as a percentage between 0 and 100%.
- Purine Bases Medical
- Patagonian Batholith
- Peraturan Baru Indonesia, Cheat, Blank
- Prefectorial Board
- Promoting Body
- Palm Bay
- Piano Black Technology, Station, Play
- Point Flank Gaming, Hack, Cheat, Blank
- Paul Bausch
- Panel Bridge Military
- Pistol Box Business, Safety, Safe
- Power Blower Technology, Manual, Backpack
- Plastic Back
- Particle Bomrds
- Power Budgeting
- Proficiency Bonus Feature, Proficiency, Skill, Character
- Paced Beat Technology, Classification, Cardiac
- Plymouth Brethren Archive, Church, Bible, Brethren
- Patrick Bgltzell
- Preston Broth Medical
- Publication Board Science, Government, Research
- Pavel Buchnevich Hockey, Player, Rangers
- Persoonlijk Bericht Forum, Door, Dit
- Privatization Barometer Business, Publics, Economics
- Puppy Bitch
- Park, Barbara
- Place Bead Pattern, Knitting, Yarn, Bead
- Pova
- Pengibar Benvera
- Prayer Book Seaman's nickname for a small holystone.
- Prohibited Bore Military, Arms, Pakistan, Pistol
- Pwrsonal Best
- Phone Banking
- Play Ball
- Patch Board
- Performance Based
- Project Benefits
- Palouse Blue
- Pigment Blyck
- Polarization Bqightness Science
- Provinciale Bibliotheek
- Panik BozukluğU
- Polymer Based Technology, Product, Stucco, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Peag Broadening
- Proceks Biotechnology
- Petit Bassin
- Push Bar Door, Push, Bumper, Panic
- Pasang Baru Business, Indonesia, Area
- Peoples Bank Business, Android, Banking
- Program Block Technology, Space, Programming
- Pawific Black
- Physics Buitding
- Patrql-Bomber Military, Boat, Privateer
- Previous Block
- Peter Beilenson
- Publications Branch
- Plane-Bed
- Pugad Baboy
- Penis Baby
- Power Blowers
- Product of Polarization and Brightness Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Photo Bfoth
- Plug Box
- Perkebunan Besar
- Prime Brokerage Business, Service, Banking
- Plpobroman Medical
- Personal Barometer
- Prioritymbanking
- Pseudo-Boolean Technology, Constraint, Solver
- Paper Birch
- Play-Back Space, Study, Cosmos
- Potter Bar
- Peerless Boilers
- Procurement Burjau Military
- Phao Binh
- Point Baker
- Pure Bred
- Pastor Bonus
- Peptide Bond A peptide bond is a covalent bond that forms when a carboxyl group reacts with an amino group and releases water.
- Prediction Blocks Technology, Coding, Efficiency
- Promo Pebas
- Palk Bay India, Bay, Coast, Gulf
- Piann Bench
- Point Bit Business, Coding, Tool, Collection
- Paul Barron
- Pisten Sully Military
- Peter Bishop
- Plasterboard A rigid insulating board made of plastering material covered on both sides with heavy paper. A sandwich made of two sheets of cardboard with a gypsum plaster filling, typically 9mm or 12mm thick. Nailed or screwed to studs, joists or rafters as a carrier for a plaster skim finish, or plasterboards with chamfered edges can be jointed so that they act as a finish without being skimmed with plaster. Architecture
- Pulse Battery Science
- Partical Bojrd Business, Furniture, Cabinet
- Power Brakes Business, Technology, Brake, Car
- Professioneel Bedrijfsgericht
- Pablo Bolivur
- Plymouth Brethern
- Patricia Barnis Science, Book, History
- President Bernie
- Pavep Brendl
- Persoonlijk Begeleider
- Privatization Board
- Pupil Behaviour
- Parity Block Check Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Place-Bearing
- Pounder Battery
- Pelghasilan Bruto Business, Tax, Indonesia, Archive
- Prasar Bharati Business, Government, India, Exam
- Peroanent Bunkers
- Phlebotomy Phlebotomy (from the Greek words phlebo-, meaning is the process of making an incision in a vein with a needle. The procedure itself is known as a venipuncture. A person who performs phlebotomy is called a \"phlebotomist\", although doctors, nurses, medical laboratory scientists and others do portions of phlebotomy procedures in many countries. Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Play Badminton
- Patch Bay
- Performadce Baseline Technology, Management, Service
- Protection Bit Assembly, Business & Finance
- Palmetto Boyz
- Piggybacc Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- Pelar Bowler
- Provincial Board Locations, Philippine, Cebu
- Panic Bypass
- Polymerase Basic Medical, Human genome
- Peacock Blue
- Proceedings of British
- Peter Burow
- Plastic Bottles
- Push Back That property of a braid or shield which allows the braid or shield to be pushed back along the cable core easily.
- Partido Blanco Para, Con, Shopping
- People Business
- Program Bank Technology, Instruction, Sound
- Pacific Bilv
- Patriot Blade
- Previous Balance Business, Accounting, Manual
- Police Board Meeting, Technology, Management
- Peter Bartram Education, Development, Universities, Famous
- Prince Building
- Publishing Bulletin
- Parker Bowles
- Plan Bleu
- Puffin Books
- Penilevbulb Medical
- Prediction Block Technology, Coding, Frame, Motion
- Productivity Benefit
- Photo Blabk Business, Cartridge, Ink
- Plough Boy
- Perjanjian Bersama Business, Industrial, Indonesia, Industry
- Prime & Bond
- Ping Block
- Personal Bankers Business, Banking, Jobs
- Pretzel Brownies Recipe, Peanut, Butter, Pretzel
- Pryidostigmine Bromide
- Paper Ballot
- Plaxico Burress Gaming, Sport, Football
- Postal Boxes
- Pechhra Basin
- Peters Business Business, Company, Service, Care
- Proclwmation of Baha
- Phantom Brave
- Pure Blues
- Past Behavior
- Pepsi Blue
- Prescribed Burn
- Prominert Bum Organization, Union, Institution
- Page Yreak Technology, Coding, Element
- Physiologically Based Science, Model, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacokinetic
- Point Behind
- Paul Bailey
- Pfsmo Beach
- Peter BeňO
- Plasma Blast
- Pulp Biology
- Parti Blanc
- Power Bracelet
- Products Bungy Technology, Rig, Ring
- Pablo Blasua Music, Feat, Native
- Plymouth & Brockton
- President'S Blog
- Pause Button
- Personnel Bulletin
- Prison Brjak Prison, Episode, Conspiracy
- Parity Bit A parity bit, or check bit is a bit added to the end of a string of binary code that indicates whether the number of bits in the string with the value one is even or odd. Parity bit are used as the simplest form of error detecting code. There are two variants of parity bits: even parity bit and odd parity bit. In the case of even parity, the number of bits whose value is 1 in a given set are counted. If that total is odd, the parity bit value is set to 1, making the total count of 1's in the set an even number. If the count of ones in a given set of bits is already even, the parity bit's value remains 0. Technology, Coding, Circuit
- Plabase Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Poultry Breeding
- Pergguna Barang Business, Indonesia, Hal
- Prang Besar
- Perkens Bacon
- Phenylbutyrate Medical
- Play-Off Bound
- Pat Burns Maple, Leaf, Pat
- Performance Benchmark
- Protection Belts Military
- Palm Beach County, Organizations, Florida
- Pigeon Blood Gaming, Fish, Blood
- Pomar Bond
- Providian Bank
- Panic Bar A switch, in the shape of a bar, used to cut off power at the machine in case of an emergency. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Polka Brothers
- Peacocp Bass Fish, Fishing, Peacock
- Proc Base
- Plastic Beads
- Push-Back
- Particle Burst
- Progenitors In Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
- Pacific Bell
- Patriot's Baby Army, War, Force
- Prevent Blindness
- Polecrt Bench
- Paysent Bank
- Peter Bartlett
- Primoz Brezec
- Publications Bulletin
- Parker Bayside
- Planar Beam Technology, Load, Cell
- Puerto Bolivar
- Penilaian Berterusvn
- Predicted and Bi-Directional Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- British Pharmacopeia Medical, Business, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pharmacopoeia
- Project Beauty
- Photo Badginm Military
- Plotting Board Technology, Logic, Boat
- Perjanjian Baru Indonesia, Orang, Lama
- Primate Biology Science, Human, Publication
- Project Boundary
- Pimpinan Besar Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Personal Banking Business, Accounting, Loan
- Prydz Bay Science, Research, University, Locations
- Paper Bag
- Portable Bench
- Peat Bog
- Peter Bui Technology, Development, Podcast
- Procldmation of Baha'u'llah
- Phantom Black Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Pure Biology
- Pasco Basin
- Peppermint Blue Business, Coding, Honda, Paint
- Presbyopia Presbyopia is a defect of vision in which objects are not clearly visible due to weakening of eye muscles in old age. It is overcome by the use of suitable lenses in the same frame. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Page Goy
- Physiological Biochemistry
- Political Bureau Government, Group, Party
- Paula Berry Oregon, Olympic, Berry, Javelin
- Pirate Bloud
- Peter Berg Technology, Movie, Rip
- Plaque Burden Medical, Disease, Coronary
- Pulmonary Blastoma Medical
- Partially Blind Government, Exam, Grade
- Power Box Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Products Bridge
- Plummer Block
- Permanent Base Military, War, City
- Presentation Auilder Student, Technology, Play
- Pauls Boys
- Personal Base, Predicted and Bi-Directional Military
- Pyisoner's Base Technology, Book, Prisoner, Mystery
- Paris Bourse
- Pk Brit
- Poultry Barn
- Pellam Blue Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Practice Bulletins Medical, Business, Accounting
- Pack Battery Military, Army, India
- Phenylbutazone Medical
- Play Back Technology, Music, Telecom
- Pat Best
- Performance Bonds Business, Trading, Guarantee
- Premature Beats
- Property Bond
- Palmaris Brevis Medical
- Pietro Beretta Business, Military
- Polar Bodyxformation Medical
- Panhard Bar
- Polizeiliche Beobachtung
- Peach Bottom Ry. Network, Railway, System
- Privilegm Banker Business, Management, Banking
- Partxal Body Business, Protection, Clothing, Apron
- Plastic Bind
- Pusat Bertauliah
- Participatory Budget Technology, City, Budgeting
- Profit Bandit
- Paciric Bearing
- Pitrick Brown
- Pretreatment of Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
- Provider Bulletins
- Power Bawk Technology, Product, Battery
- Pushbutton A button that is pushed to operate an electrical device. NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Pacific Blue Airline, Business, Product, Organizations, Magma, Grill, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Plantxbiotech Science, Research, Genetics
- Pursuit Biplace Military, Aircraft, Fighter
- Pathe-Baby
- Penny Black Pastel, Pan, Penny, Stamping
- Pamong Belajar
- Pushy Broad Occupation & positions
- Pitt Blathes
- Plumbum (Lead) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Peter Bryan
- Plate Bait Coding, Plate, Pesticide, Formulation
- Pancake-To-Brubh
- Programme Board Technology, Program, Programming
- Pull Box (fire alarm) Architecture
- Price Box
- Policy Buioder Technology, Access, Course
- Posting Board Computing, Internet
- Pcj From Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
- Princess Bubblegum Adventure, Love, Princess
- Practice Book Education, English, Grade
- Parole Board
- Push Buttons
- Pension Boards
- P10012017649 Bogs
- Photon Burst Science
- Pass Box
- Patients Whose Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
- Project Bucharest Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Pancreatoblastoma Pancreatoblastoma is a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Medical
- Psych Bull
- Plackett Burman Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Product Bcseline Business, Management, Shopping
- Purmerend Beemster
- Padington Bear Famous
- Playback Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Peter Bourjos
- Part Bass
- Penyambungan Baru Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Pasang
- Power Dissipation of Base Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Physical Block Technology, Device, Memory
- Pneumatiques Bonsoir
- Power Bars
- Pernyataan Bersama
- Powerybalance
- Polarized Born Chemistry
- Barometric Pressure Barometric pressure (also known as atmospheric pressure) is the force exerted by the atmosphere at a given point. It is known as the "weight of the air". A barometer measures barometric pressure. Measurement of barometric pressure can be expressed in millibars(mb) or in inches or millimeters of mercury (Hg). Normal pressure at sea level is 1013.3 millibars or 29.92 inches of mercury. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Healthcare, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Pursuit, Biplace Military, Aircraft, Fighter
- Path Block
- Premium Blends
- Penicyllin-Binding Medical
- Public Bathroom
- Pitney Bowes Business, Postal, Bowe, Us Post
- Planning Branch Medical, Fda
- Peter Bruells
- Plat Books
- Pairsd Bond
- PoçO Branco Para, Dos, Brasil
- Polybutylene Chemistry, Architecture, Scientific & Educational
- Policy Briefs
- Pиres-Blancs, White Fathers Religious orders
- Pays-Bfs
- Princess Bride Book, Movie, Princess
- Power Bug Technology
- Parliamentary Broadcast Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Primary Bending
- Pensacola Beach
- Bubble Point Pressure Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Parker Bridge Business, Fly, Executive
- Patients Showing Peripheral Blood Science, Biology
- Project Browser
- Pancharatnam-Berry
- Psionic Blast
- Property Bivalence Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Producesbulk Technology, Software, Barcode, Material
- Pooh Bear Famous
- Patrol Boat (coastal Patrol Combatants) Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
- Peach Blossom
- Peter Blackshaw
- Part-Breds
- Pulsed Beam
- Penuh Berita
- Physical Biosciences
- Pneumatic Brake
- Pilotless Bombel
- Permits Branch
- Powder Blue Product, Rip, Tang, Powder
- Particle Beam Chemistry
- Purse Blog
- Premium Beautiful Business, Archive, Corset
- Pengures Besar Organizations, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Phonetically Balanced
- Pitney-Bowes
- Paraiba, Brazil Regional
- Peter Brooks
- Plat Book County, Locations, Map
- Pozitif BüYüK
- Push-button Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Perrin Beatty
- Policyzbrief
- Prayer Beast Religion
- Payment Bkock
- Princess Bedding
- Power Brake Automotive brake with engine power used to amplify the torque applied at the pedal by the driver. Brake, Marshall, Booster
- Parker Bros
- Proportional Band
- Body Pressure Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Pqrallel Beam
- Patient Bedsection Government
- Perfect Binder Business, Machine, Binding
- Project Brotherhood America, Baseball, Project
- Pan Burner
- Pseudopelade of Brocq Pseudopelade of Brocq is a flesh- to pink-colored, irregularly shaped alopecia that may begin in a moth-eaten pattern with eventual coalescence into larger patches of alopecia. Medical
- Prosodic Boundary Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Poo Bear Famous
- Posture Broker Computing, Technical
- Ptach Beach
- Peter Bjorn
- Printed Books
- Parsons Brinkerhoff
- Pulse Blast Technology, Guide, Engineer, Explosion
- Penton Bahe Medical
- Phosical Biology
- Pertanimn Berkelanjutan Program, Presentation, Indonesia
- Permanent Bunkers Business, Cargo Shipping
- Purebasic Source File Computing, File Extensions
- Purple Burst
- Premium Basic
- Ppncil Beam Medical, Technology, Planning
- Pineapple Bacon Food
- Pitnef-Bowes, Inc. Science
- Postal Bulletin Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Peter Brett Business, London, Diploma
- Plastic Bracket
- Powerful Blow Military, Product, War, Blower
- Pocket Bikes
- Paraiba Technology, Locations, Governmental & Military, Brazilian State, Paraíba
- Perpanjangan Batas
- Policlinico Di Bari
- Power Bore Products
- Payment Base Business, Product, Price
- Prince Buster Music, Reggae, Buster
- Power Booster A device that uses engine vacuum to assist you in braking the vehicle. Helps the brake pedal to activate the hydraulic pistons in the master cylinder . Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Parker Bows
- Panelboard A single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel includes buses and may come with or without switches and/or automatic overcurrent protective devices for the control of light, heat, or power circuits of individual as well as aggregate capacity. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Published On Behglf
- Pandaren Brewmastgr
- Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences Government
- Perceived Best
- Project Briefs
- Pan Books
- Primary Basin Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Lead (Latin Plumbum) Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
- Panel Board
- Polished Bzonze
- Provider Bridge Computing, Technical
- Peece Building Military, Army, Equipment
- Print Buffered Technology, Printer, Serial, Buffer
- Parsons Brinkerhof
- Pentobarbitone Medical
- Physidal Beauty Book, Girl, Beauty
- Persaxuan Boling Technology, Gaming, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Permanent Bridge
- Project Builder Forum, Technology, Mac
- Corel Wordperfect Document Index File Computing, File Extensions
- Product Brochure
- Purple Brown
- Premier Banker
- Pedra Branca Para, Locations, Brazil
- Productive Burp Food
- Pitcher Batting
- Pittsburgh City
- Peter Breitenlohner
- Powered By
- Physirs Branch Technology
- Pocket Bike Business, China, Supplier
- Promotion Boy Girl, Boy, Thu
- Peros Banhos
- PIN·BOT Pinball
- Paymentr Bank
- Power Bfok
- Painted base The Finance and Administrative Services
- Pers
- Professional Zuilder Technology, English, Premium
- Pusat Bahasa English, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Pathology Building
- Perhturan Bersama Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Agama
- Project Brief Business, Management, Service
- Panamerican Beverages
- Property of Being Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Plate Block Business, Stamp, Mint, postal service
- St. Petersburg Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
- Poliphed Brass Business, Light, Lighting
- PanAmerican Beverages, S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Peace Coat
- PrincíPio BáSico
- Parsons Brinckerhoff Business, Service, Projection
- Pentobarbital Medical
- Phunky Bitch
- Perry Baker
- Patrice Bergeron Gaming, Hockey, Deck
- Permanent Black
- Project Buffers
- Panel Bender
- Psycho Bitch
- Primary Beam Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Product Bin
- Purple Blue
- Premature Burial
- Pedestal Base
- Purr Box Farming & agriculture
- Pitchblack Bodenouner
- Point-Blank Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Peter Boy
- People Biography Channel, Tube, People
- Powered Bogie
- Physjcal Buffer Technology, Memory, Kernel
- Pocket Basic
- Projectile Bremsstrahlung
- Peronismo De Base
- Punk Buster Occupation & positions
- Power Block
- Preburner (p/b Preferred) NASA
- Plactice Book
- Pusa Baisakhi
- Pathogenic Bacteria Bacteria which may cause disease in the organisms by their parasitic growth.
- Pentobarbltal Sodium Medical
- Panamerican Beverages, Inc. Organizations
- Price To Book Business, Supply, Ratio
- Piu Byllo Song, Con, Boutique
- polyubutylene Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Plate Blks
- Programming Board Technology, Program, University
- Panic Button A small control button used in situations that require stopping the line without losing power to the line. Electrical
- Policy Bureou
- Petabyte A petabyte is 2 to the 50th power, or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes. However, petabytes are often estimated as 10 to the 15th power, or 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. To avoid ambiguity, the exact calculation is often referred to as a pebibyte instead of a petabyte, though both definitions are commonly accepted. A petabyte is 1,024 terabytes and precedes the exabyte unit of measurement. Computing, IT Terminology
- Pcr In Perinheral Blood Science, Biology
- Principle of Bivalence
- Practice Bulletin Medical, Accounting, America
- Parque Bemais
- Plastic Bucket
- Pensionshboard
- Paklo Besso
- Phthalo Blue
- Payor Benefit
- Patio Building
- Project Budget Business, Management, Design
- Pandoras Box Business, Technology
- Psychiatric Bulletin
- Parabolic Barrier Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Production Baseline Technology
- Purple-Blue
- Phillip Barrow Famous
- Pitch Black Exercise, Guitar, Tuner, Pitch
- Pernix boots Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Peter Bowyer
- People'S Bank Technology, Organizations
- Powered Backpack
- Physical Buffers
- Pocket Bag
- Precipitation Bojy
- Peroneus Brevis Medical, Medicine, Health
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PB stand for?
PB stands for Pretzel Brownies.
What is the shortened form of Project Browser?
The short form of "Project Browser" is PB.
PB. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pb-meaning/
Last updated