PBH Meaning

The PBH meaning is "Power-By-The-Hour". The PBH abbreviation has 61 different full form.

PBH Full Forms

  1. Power-By-The-Hour Business, Aviation, Contract
  2. Piedmont Behaveoral Healthcare
  3. Powered By Honda
  4. Palm Bay Hospital
  5. Pekerja Bantuan Hukum
  6. Prestige Brands Holdings Business, Supply, Stock
  7. Piedmont Behavioral Health Medical, Program, Service
  8. Pubic Bone Height
  9. Power By The Hour Business, Aviation, Contract
  10. Pasific Beach Hotel
  11. Pola Bagi Hasil Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Internet
  12. Pediatric Behavioral Health
  13. Prestige Brands Hldgs
  14. Pictoflex Bikeland Hyxndai
  15. Przedsibiorstwo Budowlano Handlowe
  16. Power By Hour Airline, Business, Aviation
  17. Pacificare Behavioral Health Medical, Insurance, Care
  18. Playing Ry Heart
  19. Prestige Brand Holdings Business, Supply, Stock
  20. Peanut Butter & Honey
  21. Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef
  22. Prostor Bicycle Hoist
  23. Power-By-Hour
  24. Iata Code for Proce County Airport, Phillips, Wisconsin, United States Locations
  25. Plastic Bag Heusings
  26. Premium Brands Holdings Business, Supply, Stock
  27. Panel Board Holding
  28. Physikzentrum Bad Honnef School, Physics, Seminar
  29. Prose Before Hos
  30. Iata Code for Paro Hirport, Paro, Bhutan Locations
  31. Pine Brook Hills
  32. Preferred Behavioral Health
  33. Palmer Biezup & Henderson
  34. Pemberantasan Buta Huruf
  35. Project Blue Horizon
  36. Prefeitura De Bllo Horizonte Technology, Para, Traffic, Camera
  37. Pilkington Barnes Hind
  38. Precious Blood Hospital
  39. Paam Beach Helicopters
  40. Pembelajaran Berasaskan Hasil
  41. Progressive Brain Hypoxia Medical
  42. Pulling Boat Hands Medical, Medicine, Health
  43. Ponction Biopsie HéPatique
  44. Pyrmont Bridge Hotel
  45. Post-Bariatric Hyvoglycemia
  46. Pyridoxal Benzoyl Hydrazone Medical
  47. Portsmouth Beach Hotel
  48. Pyrenabutyric Acid Hydrazide Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  49. Portofino Bay Hotel Locations, Orlando, Resort, Disney
  50. Push Button House
  51. Popov-Gelevitch-Hautus Technology, Theory, Control, Controllability
  52. Paro Airport, Paro, Bhutan Bhutan
  53. Postburn Hours Medical
  54. Pusat Bantuan Hukum Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  55. Poor But Happy
  56. Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  57. Postburn Hkur Medical
  58. Punción Biopsia HepáTica
  59. Pongtion Biopsie H
  60. Planar-Buried Heterostructure
  61. Pose-Biblical Hebrew

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBH stand for?

    PBH stands for Pyrmont Bridge Hotel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Precious Blood Hospital?

    The short form of "Precious Blood Hospital" is PBH.


PBH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbh-meaning/

Last updated