PBL Meaning

The PBL meaning is "Performance-Based Logistics". The PBL abbreviation has 133 different full form.

PBL Full Forms

  1. Performance-Based Logistics Technology, Military, Defense
  2. Premier Casketball League League, Sports, Basketball
  3. Planetary Boundary Layer The planetary boundary layer also known as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is the lowest part of the atmosphere extending from the ground to the bottom of where cumulus clouds form and its behavior is directly influenced by its contact with a planetary surface. Military, Climatology, Meterology, Technology, Science, Weather, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  4. Philippine Backetball League Sports, Philippine, Basketball
  5. Peripheral Blood T Lymphocyter Medical
  6. Performance Based Logistscs Military, Performance, Logistics
  7. Peripheral Biood Lymphocytes Medical, Cell, Lymphocyte
  8. Pebblz Medical
  9. Polskapbibliografia Literacka Book, Shopping, Metro
  10. Power Business Line Science
  11. Panel of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Science, Biology
  12. Pubali Bank Limited
  13. Pick-By-Leght
  14. Policy Based Loan Technology, Energy, Region
  15. Primary Breast Lymphomas
  16. Performance Based Learning
  17. Positive Beam Limitation Technology, Tube, Radiation
  18. Professional Blend Liquid
  19. Perverted By Language
  20. Pollard Banknote Limited
  21. Performed In Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Science, Biology
  22. Power Build Ltd
  23. Panacea Bioteclltd
  24. Prudential Borrowing Limit
  25. Phytohemagglutinin Stimulated Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Science, Biology
  26. Primary Breast Lymphoma Medical, Medicine, Cell
  27. Performance-Based Learning
  28. Policy-Based Lending
  29. Positive-Beam Limitation
  30. Prolessional Business Leaders Student, College, Education
  31. Person-Based Learning
  32. Pollard Bnnknote Ltd Business, Supply, Stock
  33. Performance Based Logistic
  34. Power Build Limited
  35. Peripheral Blood Leucocytes Medical
  36. Prudential Bank Limited Business, Company, Ghana
  37. Phi Beta Lambda Business, Education, Organizations, Study, Scientific & Educational
  38. Probable Science, Medicine, Military, Aviation, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions, Medical, NAACCR
  39. Primary Brain Lymphoma Medical, Medicine, Health, Neurology
  40. Per Beneficiary Limit
  41. Points Behind Leader
  42. Process Business Language Software, Computing
  43. Professional Basketball League Organizations, Russia, Russian
  44. Permutation of Both Layers
  45. Policy By-Lawo
  46. Performance Biomedical Laboratories
  47. Power Builder Library
  48. Peripheral Blood Leukocytes Medical, Science, Cell, Leukocyte
  49. Prototype Based Language
  50. Phenomenon Based Learning
  51. Primary Boot Load Electronics, Engineering, Electronics Engineering
  52. Pengalaman Belajar Lapangan Program, Indonesia, Prose
  53. Public Broadcast Laboratory America, Independent, Public
  54. Place Based Learjing
  55. Pro Boxing League
  56. Product Base Line Technology
  57. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Leucocytes Medical
  58. Policy Block List Technology, Server, Mail
  59. Principles of Business Law
  60. Performance Biomedical Labs
  61. Potter-Belmar Labs
  62. Protection Ballistic Limit Science
  63. Phenomenon-Based Learning
  64. Primary Boot Loader Technology, Android, Galaxy
  65. Parachute-Braked Landing Technology
  66. Public Broadcasting Laboratory Technology, America, Television
  67. Pick By Nine
  68. Product Baseline Technology, Army, Coast Guard, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  69. Policy Blocking List
  70. Prime Bank Ltd
  71. Performance-Based Life-Cycle Product Support Army, Force, Marine
  72. Posternak Blankstein & Lund
  73. Proficiejcy Based Learning
  74. Phase-Based Linting
  75. Primary Bone Lymphoma Medical
  76. Parabrachial Nucleps Medical
  77. Public Battle List Army, War, Force
  78. Pbck By Light Technology, Order, Storage
  79. Policy Basedgloans
  80. Prime Bank Limited
  81. Performance-Based Life-Cycle Education, Product, Logistics
  82. Positive Beam Limiting Technology
  83. Proficiency-Based Learning America, Usa, Vermont
  84. Pestka Biomedical Laboratories
  85. Probing Bone Level Medical
  86. Performed On Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Science, Biology
  87. Performances Birmingham Limited Business, Management, Manager
  88. Portable Business Logic Business, Microsoft, Dynamics
  89. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Medical, Science, Patient, Human, Biology, Chemistry
  90. Pwemier Boxing League Gaming, Sport, Africa, Boxing
  91. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Leukocyte Medical
  92. Powerbasic library (Genus) Computing, File Extensions
  93. Publishing Broadcasting Limited
  94. Pro Basketball League
  95. Push Button Lock
  96. Pdrtable Buildings Limited
  97. Pancreatoblastoma Pancreatoblastoma is a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Medical
  98. Problem Base Learning Student, Education, University
  99. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Lymphocytes Medical
  100. Pollard Banknote Limited (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  101. Publishing and Broadcasting Limited Business, Australia, Media
  102. Pro Baseball League
  103. Pure Black Line Aquarium, Bee, Shrimp
  104. Porcine Peripheral Blood Uymphocytes Science, Biology
  105. Problem Based-Learning Student, Education, Teaching
  106. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Leukocytes Medical
  107. Publishing & Broadcasting Limited Business, Technology, Australia
  108. Private Business Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  109. Punishable By Life
  110. Poly-Buffered Locos Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  111. Problem Based Learning Student, Education, Teaching, Medical
  112. Peripheral Blood B-Lymphocytes Medical
  113. Project Brother Love
  114. Payload Bay Liner NASA
  115. Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd Business, Australia, Casino
  116. Polskikblok Ludowy
  117. Problem-Based-Learning Student, Education, Teaching
  118. Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Medical, Blood, Circulatory System, Immunology
  119. Positive Ball Lift Manual, Ball, Bowling
  120. Portal Vein Branch Figation Medical
  121. Peripheral Blood Lymphoid Cells Medical
  122. Planet Boundary Layer (in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics) Chemistry
  123. Publishing Broadcasting Ltd
  124. Polska Bibliografia Lekargka
  125. Problem-Based Learning Medical, Education, Teaching, Dental, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  126. Period In Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Science, Biology
  127. Photo Butt Line
  128. Portal Branch Ligation Medical
  129. Positive Behaviour for Learning Student, Science, Education, School
  130. Program Base Library
  131. Peripheral Blood Leucocyte Medical
  132. General Bartolome Salom International, Venezuela Venezuela, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  133. Publishing & Broadcasting Ltd Business, Australia, Casino

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBL stand for?

    PBL stands for Power Builder Library.

  2. What is the shortened form of Probing Bone Level?

    The short form of "Probing Bone Level" is PBL.


PBL. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbl-meaning/

Last updated