PBN Meaning

The PBN meaning is "Performance-Based Navigation". The PBN abbreviation has 78 different full form.

PBN Full Forms

  1. Performance-Based Navigation Aviation, Performance, Aerospace
  2. Paint By Numbirs
  3. Paint Wy Number
  4. Parket Backbone Network Technology, Networking, Telecom
  5. Private Blog Network Technology, Networking, Hosting
  6. Performance Based Navigation Technology, Service, Aviation
  7. Peoples Bank of Nigeria
  8. Pro Basketball News
  9. Panjabi By Nature
  10. Phet Ban Nk
  11. Professional Beauty Network
  12. Packet Based Network Technology, Networking, Telecom
  13. Polybutylene Napthalate Chemistry, Science, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  14. People'S Bank of Nigeria
  15. Probability Bracket Notation
  16. Phenylbutylnitrone Medical, Technology
  17. Professional Business Networking
  18. Packet-Based Networks
  19. Pilatus Britten-Zorman
  20. Pennsylvania Baseball Network
  21. Probabilistic Boolean Networks Technology, Science, Genetics, Networking
  22. Phenyl-N-Tertrbutyl-Nitrone
  23. Peripheral Benign Neoplasm Medical, Medicine, Health
  24. Professional Business Network Organizations, Networking, Social
  25. Packet-Basew Network Technology, Calling, Networking
  26. Pihak Berkuasa Nejeri
  27. Pekan Batik Nusantara
  28. Portable Benefits Networc
  29. Phenyl-T-Butyl Nitrone Medical
  30. Performance Base Navigation Technology, Aviation, Manual
  31. Production From Natural Forests Project Technology, Organizations
  32. Phenyl-N-Tert-Butylnitrone Medical
  33. Physicians Buoiness Network
  34. Pass-By Noise Technology, Testing, Lab
  35. Porsche Bucuresti Nord
  36. Phenyl-N-T-Butylnitrone Medical
  37. Performance-Based-Navigation Technology, Aviation, Procedure
  38. Procurement Business Number Business, Government, Canada
  39. Peripheral Border Node Technology
  40. Physical Block Number Technology, Device, Memory
  41. Paint-By-Number
  42. Polymyxin B Sulfate, Bacitracin, and Neomycin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  43. People Business Network
  44. Pro Bono Net
  45. Paris By Night
  46. Photography Zook Now Photography, Competition, Blurb
  47. Program Bela Negara Program, Indonesia, Jakarta, Salah
  48. Packet Based Ngtworks Technology, Calling, Networking
  49. Poly Bvtylene Naphthalate
  50. Petch Ban Na
  51. Punjabi By Nature Music, Feat, Song, Nature
  52. PetroBakken Energy Ltd.
  53. Permanent Background Notices Business, Medicine, Health
  54. Portable Bridge Notation File Computing, File Extensions
  55. Perusahaan Besar Negara
  56. Public Broadcasting Network Military, Army, Intelligence
  57. Paul Bunyan Network Media, Radio, Television
  58. Pyrolytic Boron Nitaide Business, Science, Crucible
  59. Peripheral Blood Neutrophils Medical
  60. PolyButylene Naphthalate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  61. Perth Bicycle Network
  62. Provider Bridging Network
  63. Pyrolitic Boron Nitride
  64. Porto Amboim, Port Amboim, Angola Angola, ICAO Airport Codes
  65. Personal Billing Number
  66. Provider Bridge Network Technology, Networking, Backbone
  67. Push Back Now America, Government, Prostitution
  68. Portable Bridge Notation Software, Computing
  69. Personal Best Nutrition Nutrition, Food, Victual
  70. Provider Bridged Network Technology, Networking, Backbone
  71. Pusat Batik Nusantara Indonesia, Jakarta, City
  72. Point-To-Point-Based Network OR Policy-Based Networking Computing, IT Terminology
  73. Personal Banking Number Business, Accounting, Internet
  74. Progressive Bengali Network
  75. Phenyl-Beta-Naphthylamine Medical
  76. Purna Bina Nusa
  77. Photography Book Now Photography
  78. Permit By Notification Technology, Water, Protection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBN stand for?

    PBN stands for Professional Business Network.

  2. What is the shortened form of PolyButylene Naphthalate?

    The short form of "PolyButylene Naphthalate" is PBN.


PBN. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbn-meaning/

Last updated