PBO Meaning

The PBO meaning is "Pension Benefit Obligation". The PBO abbreviation has 93 different full form.

PBO Full Forms

  1. Pension Benefit Obligation Business, Company, Supply
  2. Paraburdoo Airport Paraburdoo, Western Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  3. Packed By Owner Business, Service, Moving
  4. Pinoy Box Office Technology, Movie, Channel
  5. Performance-Based Organization Science, Geography, Location
  6. Plan-Build-Operate
  7. Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra Business, Music, Opera
  8. Project-Based Organization Technology, Management, Projection
  9. Polymorphic Buffer Overflow Technology, Telecom
  10. Project Based Organization Science, Management, Knowledge
  11. Prevent Blindness Oklahoma
  12. Pastor Bimbo Odukoya
  13. Phyntom Blaster Overlord
  14. Project-Based Organisations Technology, Organizations, Projection
  15. Polarized Born-Opzenheimer Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  16. Processor Bus Operation
  17. Projected Benefit Obligations Business, Finance, Banking
  18. Prevent Blincness Ohio
  19. Particuliere Beveiligingmen Opsporing
  20. Personal Demographics Service National Back Office Education, Society, Statistics
  21. Project-Based Organizations Business, Management, Education, Projection
  22. Plant Biosafpty Office
  23. Public Benefits Organizations Business, Tax, Africa
  24. Plate Boundary Observatory Technology, Science, Earth, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  25. Projected Benefit Obligation Business, Finance, Pension, Business & Finance, Business Word
  26. Presiding Bishop'S Office
  27. Particle Beam Optics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  28. Placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment. In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient(s) and/or others from knowing whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results. Medical, Medicine, Health
  29. Personal Buspness Objective Occupation, Position, Job
  30. Programmatic Biological Opinion Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  31. Plan Build and Operate
  32. Public Benefits Organisations Business, Organizations, Africa
  33. Piperonyl Butoxide Chemistry, Technology, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  34. Philippine Board of Orthopaedics
  35. Project Benefit Obligation Business, Planning, Pension
  36. Portland Baroque Orchestra Music
  37. Parliament Budget Office
  38. Personal Bankiag Officer Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  39. Programmabeleid Bepalend Orgaan
  40. Plansand Budget Organisation
  41. Philippine Boawd of Orthodontics
  42. Project Based Organizations Business, Technology, Management, Tool, Knowledge
  43. Port Based Oboect
  44. Parliamentary Budget Offices Business, Office, Canada
  45. Perimeter Youndary Ordinance
  46. Princfpal Business Officer
  47. Plan Mnd Budget Organization
  48. Philippire Board of Ophthalmology
  49. Project-Based Organisation
  50. Port-Based Object
  51. Property Book Office Military, Army, Supply
  52. Performance Based Objective
  53. Prevention of Bribery Ordinance Business, Law, Corruption
  54. Public Benefit Organisations Business, Organizations, Tax, Africa
  55. President Barack Obama Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  56. Push-Bukton Objects
  57. Pin Bones Out
  58. Property Book Officer Military, Army, Supply
  59. Probability to beat original
  60. Predrcted Branch Outcome
  61. Plan, Build and Operate
  62. Pseudo Boolean Optimization
  63. Process Before Output Computing, SAP
  64. Publishers' Bindings Online
  65. Pinpbone Out Business, Product, Fish, Fillet
  66. Polarized Born-oppenheimer Chemistry
  67. Point Ve Branchement Optique Technology, Internet, Fibre
  68. Pizza Baking Oeen
  69. Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Technology, Software, Solver
  70. Payment Bill Option Computing, IT Organization
  71. Philosophy Blues Origizal
  72. Packed Bohemia Object Computing, File Extensions
  73. Pocket Box Office
  74. Pixel Buffer Objects Technology, Memory, Rendering, Texture
  75. Przedsibiorstwo Budownictwa Og
  76. Profiler Binary Output (MS Source Profiler) Computing, File Extensions
  77. Phenylene Benz Obisoxazole Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  78. Permanent Balzoon Occlusion Medical, Medicine, Health
  79. Pixel Buffer Oboect Technology, Access, Texture
  80. Provincial Budget Office
  81. Personal Business Objective Occupation & positions
  82. Public Benefit Organisation Business, Africa, Foundation
  83. Pine Bluff Observatory Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  84. ParáLisis Braquial ObstéTrica Para, Con, Palsy
  85. Pitw Bread Opener
  86. Property By Owner
  87. Pretty Big Orchestra Business, Windows, Music
  88. Public Benefit Organizations Business, Tax, Africa, Income
  89. Paraburdoo Airport, Paraburdoo, Western Australia, Australia Australia
  90. Push Button Objects
  91. Pine Bluff Obsdrvatory Science, Astronomy
  92. Property Book Officers Military
  93. Premipr Boxing Organisation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBO stand for?

    PBO stands for Programmatic Biological Opinion.

  2. What is the shortened form of Probability to beat original?

    The short form of "Probability to beat original" is PBO.


PBO. Acronym24.com. (2022, August 16). Retrieved January 18, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbo-meaning/

Last updated