PBR in Technology Meaning

The PBR meaning in Technology terms is "Packed Bed Reactor". There are 33 related meanings of the PBR Technology abbreviation.

PBR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Packed Bed Reactor
  2. Pebble Bed Reactor
  3. Performance Butadiene Rubbers
  4. President’s Budget Requeqt
  5. Perspective-Based Rqading
  6. Pydhon Build Reasonableness
  7. Policy-Based Routing
  8. Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset
  9. Presence-Based Routiqg
  10. Program Bantuan Rumah
  11. Polar Biomedical Research
  12. Powered By Renewables
  13. Program Bank Register
  14. Physics Based Rdndering
  15. Passive Bistatic Radar
  16. Post-Boost Reliability
  17. Private Business Radio
  18. Physically Based Rendering
  19. Partition Boot Record
  20. Priority Bus Route
  21. Petron Bataan Refinery
  22. Particle Bed Reactors
  23. Policy Base Routing
  24. Permit-By-Rule
  25. Prioritized Bit Rate
  26. Petroleo Brasileiro S.a.- Potrobras
  27. Policy Based Moute
  28. Permits Bn Rule
  29. Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad
  30. Permits-By-Rule
  31. Permit By Rule
  32. Polished Bore Receptacle A polished bore, typical in a packer to accept the seal assembly on the end of tubing.
  33. Permit-By Rule

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBR stand for Technology?

    PBR stands for Permit-By-Rule in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Petron Bataan Refinery in Technology?

    The short form of "Petron Bataan Refinery" is PBR for Technology.


PBR in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbr-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated