PBW Meaning

The PBW meaning is "Pink Bpllworm". The PBW abbreviation has 44 different full form.

PBW Full Forms

  1. Pink Bpllworm Medical
  2. Peregrine Bicycle Works
  3. Power-By-Wire Technology, Military, Control
  4. Pampered Bride Wkddings
  5. Pembelajaran Eerbasis Web Education, Presentation, Prose
  6. Powdered Brewing Wash Beer, Brewery, Brewing
  7. Palm Beach Hatersports Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  8. Pedagoiicznej Biblioteki Wojew
  9. Powdered Brewers Wash
  10. Pacific Bell Wireless
  11. Pedagogicznej Biblioteki WojewóDzkiej
  12. Powder Brewery Wash Star, Brewery, Cleaner
  13. Powdered Brewery Wash Beer, Brewery, Cleaning, Food
  14. Precision Brake & Wheel
  15. Part By Weight
  16. Posterior Bite Wing Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  17. Propqrtional Band Width Technology, Space, Cosmos
  18. Power Band-Width Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-WüRttemberg Hotel, Locations, Auto, Stuttgart
  20. Pet Business Worlt Technology, Trading, Supply
  21. Prosopography of The Byzantine World Technology, History, Study
  22. Predicted Hody Weight Medical
  23. Power By Wire
  24. Paperback Wrirer Occupation, Position, Job
  25. Project Bird Watch Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  26. PaperBack Writer Occupation & positions
  27. Premier British Wrestling Wrestling, Championship, Match
  28. Project Better World
  29. Powershares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust Technology, Organizations
  30. Parts By Weight Food
  31. Preferred Builders Warranty
  32. Programa Business Webmarketing
  33. Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Baden-WüRttemberg Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. Paul B. Wilson, Ph. D. Famous
  35. Precision Brake-Wheel
  36. Professional Black Woman
  37. Pixcl Bug Weekend
  38. Proportional Band Width NASA
  39. Professional Business Women
  40. Proton Beam Writing Technology, Fabrication, Beam
  41. Palibelo Airport, Palibelo, Indonesia Indonesia
  42. Pro Bodybuilding Weekly
  43. Portable Business Writer Software, Computing
  44. Primary Blast Wave

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBW stand for?

    PBW stands for Pampered Bride Wkddings.

  2. What is the shortened form of Proportional Band Width?

    The short form of "Proportional Band Width" is PBW.


PBW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbw-meaning/

Last updated