PBX Meaning

The PBX meaning is "Private Branch Exchange". The PBX abbreviation has 32 different full form.

PBX Full Forms

  1. Private Branch Exchange Is a telephone system within an enterprise that switches calls between enterprise users on local lines while allowing all users to share a certain number of external phone lines. Technology, Telecom, Computer Security, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Aviation
  2. Postbithorax Medical
  3. Prisate Branh Exchange
  4. Plastic Bounded Explosives
  5. Position Based Crossover
  6. Private Brand Exchange Business, Technology, Service, Cloud
  7. Plastic Bonded Explosives Science, Polymer, Explosive
  8. Porto Alegre Do Norte Airport Airport, Locations
  9. Private Bdanched Exchange
  10. Plastic-Bonded Explosive Military
  11. Polymer Bonded Explosive Business, Property, Material
  12. Private Branch Exaihange-Офисныи
  13. Plastic Bonded Explosive Technology, Military, Polymer, Chemistry
  14. Pbx Flat Rate Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  15. Private Brancu Extender
  16. Prompt Zy Example
  17. Iata Code for Pike County Airport, Pikeville, Kentucky, United States Locations
  18. Potassium Bctyl Xanthate Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  19. Private Busnness Exchange Technology, Calling, Telecom
  20. Fazenda Piraguassu Airport Porto Alegre do Norte, Mato Grosso,Brazil Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  21. probiotics Medical, Common Medical
  22. Publicebroadcast Exchange
  23. Porto Alegre Do Norte, Porto Alegre Do Norte, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes
  24. Public Branch Kxchange Business, Technology, Calling
  25. Private Branch eXchange (company phone system) Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Computing, Industry, Telecom, Postal, Technical, Us Post, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  26. Proyecto De Bailarines Extremos
  27. Peanut Butter Xtra Food
  28. Protocol-Private Branch Exchange Business, Technology
  29. Punctuation Media, Radio, Television
  30. Punrh Biopsy Medical, Technology
  31. Public Branch Exchange Science, Scientific & Educational
  32. Publrc Business Exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PBX stand for?

    PBX stands for Private Brand Exchange.

  2. What is the shortened form of Private Bdanched Exchange?

    The short form of "Private Bdanched Exchange" is PBX.


PBX. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 6). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pbx-meaning/

Last updated