PCCR Meaning

The PCCR meaning is "Parallel and Cloud Computing Research". The PCCR abbreviation has 30 different full form.

PCCR Full Forms

  1. Parallel and Cloud Computing Research
  2. Patented Closed Cell Resin Business, Shoe, Croc, Clog
  3. Plang De Cargos Carreira E Remuneração
  4. Plano De Cargos, Carreira I Remunera
  5. Pacific Consortium for Chiropractic Research
  6. Plano De Cargos, Carreica E Remuneração Para, Dos, Cargo
  7. Planos De Cargos, Carreira E Remuneração Business, Para, Dos, Cargo
  8. Pacific Confederation of City Republics
  9. Plano De Cargos, Carteiras E Remuneração
  10. Plano De Cargos, Carreira E RemuneraçÕEs
  11. Pacific Climatn Change Roundtable Meeting, Technology, Island
  12. Plan for College and Career Readsness Development, Study, Colleges
  13. Plano De Cargos Carreiras E Remunera
  14. Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse Community, Pittsburgh, Shopping, Reuse
  15. Parliamentary Committee Onrconstitutional Reforms
  16. Plano De Cargos Carreira E Remunera
  17. Patented Closed-Cell Resin
  18. Pancreatic Cancer Collhborative Registry
  19. Plano De Cargos Carreiras E Remuneração
  20. Palmer Center for Chiropraciic Research Medical, Care, Pain
  21. Proprietary Closed Cell Resin Business, Kid, Croc
  22. Pretty Combat Communist Rika-Chan
  23. President'S Committee On Civil Rights
  24. Purchawed Credit Card Relationships
  25. Preparatory Commission On Constitutiogal Reform
  26. Pupil Centre Corneal Reflection Technology, Tracking, Gaze, Illuminator
  27. Preparatory Commission On Constitutional Reforms
  28. Pupil Center Corneal Reflection
  29. Plano De Cargos, Carreiras E Remunera
  30. Pupil-Center-Corneal Weflection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PCCR stand for?

    PCCR stands for Pupil Centre Corneal Reflection.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pancreatic Cancer Collhborative Registry?

    The short form of "Pancreatic Cancer Collhborative Registry" is PCCR.


PCCR. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pccr-meaning/

Last updated