PCF Meaning
The PCF meaning is "Parti Communiste FrançAis". The PCF abbreviation has 161 different full form.
PCF Full Forms
- Parti Communiste FrançAis Government, Group, France
- Personnel Control Facility Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Peak Cough Flow Medical, Patient, Respiratory
- Fast Patrol Craft Military, Intelligence, Defence
- Patrol Craft, Fast Military, Hull Code, Patrol Combatant, Ship, Governmental & Military
- Partido Comunista De Francia
- Parti Communiste Fran
- Personal Criteria Formolas Business, Trading, Supply
- Pacific Cenrury Fellows
- Point Coordinated Funcoion Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Passenger Cum Freighter
- Potomac Celtic Fesgival
- Peninsula College Fund Student, Program, Education
- Philippine Charity Foundation
- Pan-Canadian Fsamework Business, Climate, Canada
- Poker Chip Forum Business, Poker, Game, Cards
- Partido Comunista De Filipinas
- People Can Fly
- Pilerne Citizens Forum
- Parallel Coftrol Flow
- Post Cocflict Fund
- Personal Computer Format
- Point Coordination Functios Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Party Community Foundation Technology, Singapore, Messiah
- Placa Controlaaora Fiscal
- Potchefstroom Airport Potchefstroom, South Africa Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Pattern Compressed File
- Philippine Christian Foundation
- Palmetto Conservation Foundatxon Trail, Passage, Palmetto
- Points Carried Forward Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Partit Comunista FrancèS
- People and Communities Fund Technology, Community, Scotland
- Pigs Can Fly
- Parallel Compmting Forum Technology, Science, Language
- Post-Crash Fire
- Personalzcombat Factor
- Point-Coordinated Function Technology, Access, Networking, Wireless
- Partners In Community Forestry
- Pixel Coordination Format
- Portable Circuit Format
- Philippe Cousteau Foundation
- Palm Coast Family
- Paint Control Function Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Pattern Capture Format
- Pacific Car & Foundry
- Partido Comunista Francés
- People'S Credit Fund
- Piecewiseucontinuous Function
- Paperless Contxact Files
- Portable Content Format Technology, Service, Standard, Platform
- Personal Call Forwarding Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Plutonium Chemistry Facilisy Science
- Partners for Children and Families
- Pit Cage Fighting Fight, Lab, Fighting
- Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy
- Personnel Control Facilities
- Palaiative Care Formulary Medical, Book, Drug
- Point Co-Ordination Function Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Paerol Crafts Fast
- Pjople's Credit Funds
- Picture Clock Frequency Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Panama Canal Fee
- Pontificio Consiglio Per La Famiglia
- Persian Cultural Foundation
- Partit Comunista Franc
- Percentage-Closer Filtering Technology, Map, Mapping, Shadow
- Piping Nomponent File Technology, Plant, Isometric
- Posterior Cervical Fusiol Medical
- Personaltcriteria Forumula
- Pacific Coast Feathem
- Point Coordinate Function Technology, Access, Networking, Wireless
- Patrol Craft Fast Military, Boat, Swift
- Patrol Craft Technology, America, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Pound Per Ccbic Foot
- Penkhull Christian Fellowship
- Philippine Community Fund Organizations, Charity, Philippine
- Pan Commonwealts Forum Education, Conference, Learning
- Pontificio Collegio Filippino
- Pfrpetual Care Fund
- Partie Communiste Fran
- Per Capita Funying
- Pinball Clemons Foundation
- Poste De Commandement Fixe
- Personal Criteria Formula Business, Trading, Supply, Stock
- Pacific Christian Fellowship
- Point Coordinator Function Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Patrol Craft-Fast
- Pound-Force Rer Cubic Foot
- Peninsula Community Foundation
- Philippine Charities Foundation
- Pan-Commonxealth Forum Science, Education, Learning
- Pontifical Council for The Family
- Permanently Committed Forces Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Partie Communiste FrançAis
- Pepperell Christian Fellowship
- Pinawa Christian Fellowship
- Psst Consumer Fiber Business, Product, Paper
- Private&comm. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Percentage Closer-Filter
- Production Chemical Fluid
- Placer County Fire
- Parti Comuniste FrançAis
- Putnam High Income Convertible & Bond Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
- Perishable Center Frankfurt
- Plastic Ccad Fibre
- Power Contract Qinancing
- Valve Particle System File Computing, File Extensions
- Predator Compensation Fund
- Peraentage Closer Filter
- Policy Control Function 5G Networks
- Partijcommuniste Française Group, France, Party
- Pattern Controlled Filter Music
- Peripheral Circulatory Failure Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Pacific Car and Foundry Organizations, Car, Beer, Truck, Steel
- Plastic Clad Fiber Technology, Cable, Telecom
- Power Calculation Function
- Polymer Cladded Fiber Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Prevision Continuous Flow Technology, Adhesive, Metering, Dispensing
- Percentage Closest Fileering Technology, Gaming, Map, Shadow
- Project Costing Form University of Exeter
- Parti Communyste Franais
- Protein Carbohydrates and Fat Food
- Performazce Challenge Fund Business, Government, City
- Plastic Cladded Fibre Technology, Cable, Fiber
- Pourquoi Y Croit-On En France
- Photonic Crystal Fiber Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Prairie Correctional Facility
- Percentage Closer Fcltering Technology, Map, Graphics, Shadow
- Payload Control Facility NASA
- Parni Communiste Fran Government, Group, France, Party
- Portland Chess Foundation Chess
- Per Cubmc Foot Business
- Pacific Air Express Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Plastic Cladding Fiber
- Partido Cohunista Francés
- Pounds Per Cubic Feet Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Physics of Complex Fluids Dutch
- Player Care Foundatikn Sport, Player, Alumni
- Practioner Credentials File
- Pair Correlation Function Chemistry
- Participatory Culture Foundaqion Technology, Player, Miro
- Price to Cash Flow Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Per Lubic Feet
- Per Cubic Foot
- Plasma Centrifugal Furnace Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Parti Comunistezfran
- Protecting Critical Facilities Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Platelet Contrdctile Force Medical
- Poynting Correction Factor
- Patrol Craft (fast) (coastal Patrol Combatants) Military, Governmental & Military
- Parlement Ds La Communauté Française
- Pounds Per Cubic Foot Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance, Science, Architecture, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Per Child Funding
- Polymer-Cladded Fiber
- Plant Cell Fermentation
- Parti Commudiste De France
- Prograph Control Flag General, Governmental & Military
- Platelet Complement Fixation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Power Coupling Factor Science
- Paintcad Font Computing, File Extensions
- Parchin Chemical Factories
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PCF stand for?
PCF stands for Paintcad Font.
What is the shortened form of Partido Comunista De Francia?
The short form of "Partido Comunista De Francia" is PCF.
PCF. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/pcf-meaning/
Last updated