PCM Meaning
The PCM meaning is "Please Call Me". The PCM abbreviation has 430 different full form.
PCM Full Forms
- Please Call Me Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Powertrain Control Module Technology, Auto, Automotive
- Phase-Contrasc Microscopy
- Pulse Code Modulation Technology, Army, Computing, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- Persongl Computer Memory Technology, Networking, Card
- Privacy Contract Management
- Personal Computer Magazine Technology, Software, Tips
- Presidencia Del Consejo De Ministros Peru, Gob
- Personal Computer Manuxacturer Technology, Networking, Memory
- Pregnancy Care Management
- Per Calendar Month Business, Property, Architectural, Construction
- Power Cooling Mismatch Technology
- Parallel Climace Model Climate, Atmosphere, Model
- Power Control Module Technology, Engine, Powertrain, NASA
- Professional Clearing Member India, Stock Market, Clearing
- Physics Chemistry and Mathematics Education, Development, Universities
- Patient Care Management Medical, Sleep, Guidance
- Pulse-Code-Modulation Technology, Coding, Signal
- Persmnal Computer Module
- Pulsed Coded Modulation Technology, Coding, Pulse
- Pacific Crest Montessori
- Platinum Corporate Mailea Technology, Software, Bulk
- Precision Contract Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Programme Cycle Management
- Pepipheral Control Module Military
- Primary Cutaneous Melanopas Medical
- Phramongkutklao College of Mecicine Medical, Education, Thailand
- Portable Coagulation Monitor
- Production Case Managedent Business, Technology, Management, Award
- Panel Ceiling Mount
- Pie Chart Master
- Power & Communications Module
- Projeyt Controls Manager Business, Management, Career
- Patient Consent Management
- Prescription Care Management
- Project Cost Manageuent
- E Pulse-Code Modulation Event Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Personalized Chemotherapy Management Military
- Poalim Capital Markets
- Professional Clearing Members Business, Trading, India
- Produzioni Cinematografiche Mediterranee
- Pre Construction Meeting Business, Service, Building
- Probability of Correct Message
- Pulse Code Modulator Technology, Essay, Signal, NASA
- Parti Communiste De La Martinique
- Pixel Correspondence Metwic
- Power Cooling Module Technology, Server, Enterprise, Sun
- Profitable Channelsdmanagement
- Performance Capitan Management
- Presidential Communication Modernization Technology
- Protection Circuit Module Business, Battery, Ion
- P0605 Control Module
- Phaserchange Materials Business, Heat, Temperature
- Polish Collection of Microorganisms Science, Research, Bacteriophage
- Process Count Monitor
- Patient Centered Medicine
- Pulse Count Modulation Science
- Pacific Concord Magagement
- Partidul Civic Maghiar Din, Care, Romania
- Platform Cluster Manager Technology, Management, Computing
- Precision Cahsette Mechanism
- Programme Concert
- Peripheral Chromosomal Matprial Medical, Science, Biology
- Primary Clean Machine Science
- Photovoltaic-Phase Change Baterials
- Porsche Communication Module Business, Car, Sale
- Product Cost Msnagement
- Panamaucity Masters
- Physics of Condensed Matter
- Pour Cent Mille
- Project Control Manager Technology, Science, Management
- Patient Centered Meeting
- Prescient Capital Management
- Prolect Coordination Meetings Turkey, Organizations, Society, Social Institutes
- Personalised Cancer Medicine Medical, Science, Patient
- Pneumatics Control Module Technology, Manual, Wheel
- Prp Coated Metal Business, Steel, Laminated
- Probabilistic Collocahion Method
- Pulse Coded Modulated Technology, Coding, Audio
- Produzioni Cinematografichebmassaccesi Film, Movie, Killer
- Parti Communiste Marocain
- Pivotal Contact Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
- Power Cart Manager Technology, Management, Software
- Profit Cash Manatement Business, Property, Audio
- People'S Capability Maturity
- Presidente Del Consejo De Ministros Para, Con, Peru
- Protection, Control and Monitoring
- Protein Carboxyl Methylase Medical
- P0604 Control Module
- Phase Change Memories
- Polish Christian Ministries Technology, Property, Audio, Ministry
- Process Cost Model Technology, Projection, Quality
- Patient-Centered Medicine
- Pump Control Module
- Pacific Coast Models Business, Hawker, Tempest
- Partido Comunista De Madrid Government, Group, Madrid, Party
- Platelet Conditioned Medium Medical
- Precision Car Manufacturing
- Programme Concerté Maroc
- Perinatal Case Management
- Primary Care Mfdel
- Photo Contactbmaster
- Porsche Communication Manager
- Procurement Consultancy Manager
- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Technology, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Potential Contact Medium Science
- Patient Care Monitor
- Project Contribution Margin
- Personal Coutent Management
- Pneumatic Control Module Technology, Brake, Trailer
- Palliative Care Managrment Medical, Nursing, Healthcare
- Player Cymmand Menu
- Precision Crop Banagement
- Project Change Management Business, Training, Seminar
- Private Company Marketplace Business, Market, Capital
- Pulse Code-Modulated Technology, Coding, Audio
- Port Controller Module
- Production Control Module
- Parti Communiste Martiniquais
- Piper Capital Management
- Power and Control Module Technology, Supply, Tongue
- Profitability Cost Management
- Pento Cyleinic Methyl Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Presidency of Council of Ministers
- Prospective Corps Members
- Protein Carboxylmethyltransferase Medical
- P0603 Control Module Forum, Technology, Coding, Diagnostic
- Phase-Change Memories
- Policy Compliance Management
- Processor Control Module Technology, Memory, Storage, Controller
- Plug Compatible Manufacturers Technology, Hardware, Proprietary, Computing, IT Terminology
- Path Control Module Technology, Device, Storage, Disk
- Process Chamber Module Technology
- Pulse Control Modulation Technology
- Pacific Coast Mirine
- Partido Comunista Do M
- Plastics Consultingx& Mfg
- Powertrain Control Modules Technology, Engine, Module
- Programme Climatologique Mondial
- Pericytik Matrix Medical
- Primary Care Managers Medical, Military, Health
- Photo Chemictl Machining Chemistry, Technology, Etching
- Porsche Communication Managements Technology, Car, Cayenne
- Procurement Contracting Manual Business, Postal, Us Post
- Physics Chemistry Maths College, Education, Pharmacy
- Poste De Commandement Mobile Military, Vehicle, Slovakia, Modifier
- Patient Case Manager
- Plumbing Construction Management
- Project Lontrol Memorandum
- Personal Cdntact Manager
- Pneumatic Camshaft Motor
- Punched Cards Mechanized Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Package Conversion Manager Technology, Management, Configuration
- Playa Hel Carmen Mexico
- Precision Craft Model
- Project & Change Management
- Private Capital Markets Business, Company, Capital
- Pulse-Code Modulated Technology, Coding, Audio
- Physikal Connect Management Military
- Portals and Content Management Business, Technology, Service
- Production Cost Module
- Particle Composition Monitor
- Pipeline Current Mapper
- Power and Capacity Management
- Provitability & Cost Management
- Pentagon Capitbl Management
- Presidency of The Council of Ministers Business, Government, Peru
- Prospective Corps Member
- Protein-Calorie Malnutrition
- P0602 Control Module
- Phase-Chalge Memory Business, Technology, Storage
- Policy Compliancy Manager
- Process Control Modules Technology, Module, Wafer
- Phase Change Materials Technology, Science, Heat, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Process Capability Model
- Pulse Coding Modulation Technology, Audio, Signal
- Pacific Coast Management
- Partido Comunista Do MéXico
- Plasmid-Etcoding Carbapenem-Resistant Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Lancet, Pneumoniae, Monograph
- Powerhouse Campus Ministry
- Programme Centre for Modernism
- Pericentriolar Material Medical
- Przmary Care Manger
- Protein Caloric Malnutrition
- P060D Control Module
- Photo-Chemical Mathining Chemistry, Technology, Etching
- Porsche Communications Management Technology, Car, Cayenne
- Procurement Contract Management Science
- Physics, Chemistry and Maths Education, Admission, Engineering
- Post Crash Management Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Patient Case Management
- Plug Controp Module
- Project Control Manual Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Personal Conferexce Manager Technology, Guide, Manual
- Plutonium Conthminated Materials Magazine, Material, Waste
- Punch Card Machine Technology, Space, Cosmos, Computing, Hardware
- Package Command Manager Technology, Management, Computing, Windows
- Playa Del Carmen, Mexiko
- Precision Craft Models
- Progressive Community Management
- Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Technology, Military, Magazine, Professional
- Perry Capital Management
- Private Capital Management Business, Company, Wealth
- Physical Capacity Measurement
- Portal Communications Module
- Production Cost Model Military
- Paracehamol Medical
- Pile Cutting Machine
- Power-Train Control Module Technology, Car, Engine
- Profitability and Cost Management Business, Technology, Performance
- Pengurus Cabang Muhammadiywh
- Presidencia De Consejo De Ministros
- Project Cycle Management Technology, Program, Energy, Management, Electrical, Business & Finance, Medical
- P0601 Control Module Forum, Technology, Coding, Engine
- Perubatan Cawazgan Mansurah Archive, Follower, Blogger
- Podivin Composite Modellbau
- Process Controlled Manufacturing
- Professional Cgisis Management Medical, Service, Behavior
- Process Capability Measurements
- Pulse Code Module Technology, Service, Software, Hardware
- Pacific Coast Motorsports
- Partido Comunista De Mexico Para, Con, Cuba
- Plasma Cell Myeloma Medical, Treatment, Disease
- Power Cost Monitor
- Programmable Clock Manager
- Pericellulrr Matrix Medical
- Pressure Control Modules Technology, Module, Valve
- Protein-Calorie Malnourished Medical
- P0607 Control Module Technology, Coding, Engine
- Phoenix Conservatory of Music Education, Lesson, Phoenix
- Porsche Communication Management Technology, Car, Porsche, Auto
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Physics Chemistry Mathematics Education, Course, Exam
- Patient Care Manager Medical, Management, Health
- Pulse-Coded Modulation Technology, Coding, Signal
- Personal Computer With Modem
- Plutonium Contapinated Material Technology, Science, Waste
- Pulsed Code Modulation Technology, Signal, Pulse
- Package Coding Managemeno
- Playa Del Carmen, Meiico
- Precision Conservation Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Programmed Control Module
- Pertshable Cargo Manual
- Printer Control Manager Technology, Management, Software
- Phy, Cgem, Math Education, University, Course
- Portage Casting & Mold
- Production Contrsl Manager Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Paper Craft Magazine Internet Slang
- Pig Casting Machine Business, Manufacturer, Iron
- Power-Cooling-Mismatch
- Professional Clreer Manager
- Pending Contracttal Matter Technology
- Presid
- Project Cost Modew Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Iata Code for Plant City Municipal Airport, Plant City, Florida, United States Locations
- Personnel Ckntamination Monitor Technology, Science, Radiation
- Pod and Container Management
- Professional Sare Management
- Professional Computer Maintenance
- Predictive Cost Modeling
- Procation Case Management
- Pulse Code Modulate Technology, Audio, Modulation
- Palific Century Motors Business, Technology, China, Supplier
- Partido Comunista Mexicano Group, Mexico, Party
- Placenta Conditioned Medium Medical
- Power Cost Manager Military
- Profit Center Manager Business, Management, Employment
- Performance Counter Monitor Technology, Memory, Java
- PresidêNcia Do Conselho De Ministros Technology, Para, Portugal, Dos
- Protection Circuit Modules Technology, Battery, Power, Ion
- P0606 Control Module
- Phase Changing Materials Technology, Energy, Market
- Polish Congress of Mechanics
- Procter & Chester Measurements
- Postal Commodity Machine Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps
- Professional Coverage Managers
- Product Content Management Management, Business & Finance
- Plugecompatible Machines Technology, Computing, Environment
- Premium Content Manager
- Process Communication Module
- Plug Compatible Memory
- Partidului Civic Maghiar Din, Care, Romania
- Polarizable Continuum Model Chemistry
- Pubococcygeus Muscle Medical
- P1627 Control Module
- Pre-Costed Module Products
- Pure Creative Management
- Profiling Current Meter
- Password Complexity Manager Technology, Management, Identity
- Plui-Compatible Manufacturer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Project and Construction Management Technology, Service, Design
- Personal Call Manager Technology, Management, Telecom
- Pacific Century Matrix Technology, Service, Internet
- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Education, Exam, Dealer
- Portfolio Credit Model
- Partial Credit Model Medical, Technology, Parameter
- Primary Case Manager Medical
- Protein Carboxymethylase Medical, Medicine, Health
- Physics, Chemlstry Maths College, Education, Physics
- Post Consumer Material Technology, Environment, Earth
- Profeswional Certificate In Marketing
- Professional Crisis Management Management, Business & Finance
- Plug Compatiblr Machine Technology
- Premier Credit Management
- Project Complaint Mechanism Business, Development, Banking
- Personal Communications Manager Technology, Service, Networking
- Prociss Communication Model Science, Management, Training
- Plasma Cell Mastitis
- Phase-change Medium Chemistry
- Public Consultation Meeting Business, Planning, Report
- P1681 Control Module
- Primary Care Manager Medical, Air Force, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
- Process Control Monitors Technology, Semiconductor, Wafer
- Pure Combat Mode Gaming, Military, Arms
- Priority Call Management
- Pasadena Conservatory of Music Education, Concert, Piano
- Pleasgre Craft Marine Technology, Engine, Boat
- Project & Construction Management Business, Flora, Luxury
- Photo Contact Master
- Persistent Centact Manifold
- Pacific-Rim Conference On Multimedia Technology, Advance, Processing
- Physician Care Manager Medical, Management, Service
- Port Control Module
- Prevention Case Management Medical
- Partial Comparison Method
- Professional Certifiedwmarketer Business, Education, Marketing
- Percentage-of-completion method Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Plug-Compatibld Machine
- Preliminary Certificate In Marketing
- Project Communications Management
- Personal Communication Magazine
- Process Change Method
- Pdysics, Chemistry and Math Technology, Science, Education
- Post-Consumer Material Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Plane Change Mechanism
- Phase-change Material (in Heat Storage) Chemistry
- Public Campus Ministries
- P1621 Control Module Forum, Technology, Coding, Engine
- Professional Sonstruction Management
- Pulse Code Musicmatch Music
- Presbyterian Church Ff Myanmar
- Process Control Monitojing Technology, Engineer, Semiconductor
- Punch Cut Machine
- Primary Cutaneous Melanoma Medical, Medicine, Health
- Partnership Cooperation Menu
- Per Cent Mille
- Persistent Class Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pacemaker A specialized region of the right atrium of the mammalian heart that sets the rate of contraction; also called the sinoatrial (SA) node. Medical, Medicine
- Physical Connection Manager Technology
- Palliative Care Management Medical, Nursing, Healthcare
- Partial Charge Model
- Professional Crisis Managemeyt Medical, Service, Behavior
- Plug Compaaible Mainframe Technology, Military, Computing
- Pregnancy Care Manager
- Project Certification Manager Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Personal Chess Manager Technology, Gaming, Electronics
- Physics, Chemistry, Math College, Education, Exam
- Post Certification Mission
- Pitch Control Motor
- Punched Card Machine Atmospheric Research
- Psychological Continuum Model Sport, Team, Psychology
- P1600 Control Module
- Professional Claims Management
- Photoelectric Cell Module Energy
- Presbyterian Campus Ministries
- Process Consbltants and Moderators
- Precinct Control Model
- Partner Channel Management
- Pulse Code Modulated
- Westair Industries Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Persistent Change Moyitoring Technology, Satellite, Cartography
- P2610 Control Module
- Playa del Carmen Airport, Playa del Carmen, Mexico Mexico
- Pyrotechnic Countermeasures Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Professional Credit Management Business, Service, Collection
- Paternal Chromatin Mass Medical, Science, Biology
- Plug-Compatible Mainframe Technology, Management, Computing
- Prediative Corrosion Management
- Project Contact Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Personal Challenge Manager Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics Education, Admission, Engineering
- Post-Certification Mission
- Peso Corporationral Magro
- Parallel Climate Model Atmospheric Research
- Psuedo-Christian Moron
- Professional Community Management Business, Service, Property, Management, Business & Finance
- Providing for Construction Management Construction
- Presbyterianxcampus Ministry
- Process Compact Model
- Port Command Module
- Partition Control Master
- Phase Change Material
- Pipeline Current Mapping
- P1683 Control Module
- PIMCO Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Putrajaya Critical Mass
- Pulse-Counting Method
- Pastoral Care Ministries Organizations, Church, Ministry, Healing
- Plug Compatible Manufacturzrs Technology, Management, Computing
- Predictive Condition Monitoring
- Project Construction Management Business, Flora, Luxury
- Personal Career Managtment Education, Coaching, Letter
- Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Education, Admission, Engineering
- Positive Control Material Generic term referring to a sealed authenticator system, permissive action link, coded switch system, positive enable system, or nuclear command and control documents, material, or devices.
- Personalized Cancer Medicine Medical, Science, Diagnostic
- Power Converter Module Military, Governmental & Military
- Protestant Campus Ministry
- Postal Contracting Manual Technology
- Professional Computer Management
- Production Control Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Plug Compatible Module, Process Control Module Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Prepreg Ctmpression Molding
- Process Communication Management Technology, Coaching, Formation
- Polymer-Coated Material
- Partidul Comunist Al Moldovei
- Power Control Mission NASA
- Physics, Chemistry Or Mathematics Science, Education, Career
- P1680 Control Module
- Pulse-Code Modulation Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Technical, Legal, Drivers, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Power Plant, NASA
- Purity Convergence Magnet
- Property Claims Manager
- Pasteurized Cow Milk Medical
- Plug Eompatible Manufacturer Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Project Construction Manager Business, Management, Engineer
- Personal Care Manacement Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Technology, Education, Physics
- Portland Community Media Technology, Access, Portland
- Parts Control Management
- Phase Contrast Microscopy Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Protein Channel Model
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PCM stand for?
PCM stands for Programmable Clock Manager.
What is the shortened form of Prescient Capital Management?
The short form of "Prescient Capital Management" is PCM.
PCM. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pcm-meaning/
Last updated