PCS in Medical Meaning

The PCS meaning in Medical terms is "Phytochelatiks". There are 67 related meanings of the PCS Medical abbreviation.

PCS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Phytochelatiks
  2. Prohormong Convertases
  3. Painwcatastrophizing Scale
  4. Physical Cqmponent Summary Score
  5. Physical Component Scale
  6. Plasma Corticosterone
  7. Physical Component Score
  8. Physical Component Suxmary
  9. Proprotein Convertaoes
  10. Phthalocyanines
  11. Partitionhcoefficients
  12. Portacavalpshunt
  13. Patterns of Care Studies
  14. Pharmacogenic Confusional Syndrome
  15. Protective Creams
  16. Portacaval Anastomosig
  17. Patterns of Care Study
  18. Primary Care Services
  19. Pharmaceutical Care Services
  20. Prostate Carcinomas
  21. Pudendal Canal Syndrome
  22. Patient Characteristic Study
  23. Physical Component Summery
  24. Paracingulatejsulcus
  25. Prostate Cancers
  26. Policy Clarification Support
  27. Patient Care Systems
  28. Psychological Counseling Services
  29. Presbyterian Community Services
  30. Physical Component Scores
  31. Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas
  32. Professional Cyinical Software
  33. Patient Care Secretary
  34. Preclinical Cushing'S Syndrome
  35. Personal Care Service
  36. Proactive Care System
  37. Patient-Controlled Sedation
  38. Personal Care Seovices
  39. Phoxonic Crystals
  40. Parietal Cell Sensitivity
  41. Proportional Counter Spectrometry
  42. Postcardiotomy Syndrome
  43. Principal Celln
  44. Parietal Cells
  45. Permanent Change of Station. Reassignment To A Different Duty Station.
  46. Postconcusiive Syndrome
  47. Patient Community Support
  48. Plasmacytomas
  49. Parenchymalbcells
  50. Port-Cayheter System
  51. Post-Condussion Symptoms
  52. Prescription Card Services
  53. Physical Component Summary
  54. Post-Xoncussion Syndrome
  55. Postconcussive Syndrome
  56. Papillary Carcinomas
  57. Physical Components Summary
  58. Prostacyclin Synthase
  59. Picture Communication Symbols
  60. Pain Catastrophizing Scale
  61. Pbysical Composite Score
  62. Prospective Cohort Study
  63. Phytochelatin Synthsse
  64. Portocaval Shunt
  65. Post-Concussion Syndrome
  66. Progenitor Cells
  67. Principal Components

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PCS stand for Medical?

    PCS stands for Proportional Counter Spectrometry in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Postconcussive Syndrome in Medical?

    The short form of "Postconcussive Syndrome" is PCS for Medical.


PCS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pcs-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated