PCT Meaning

The PCT meaning is "Post Coital Test". The PCT abbreviation has 287 different full form.

PCT Full Forms

  1. Post Coital Test Medical, Fertility, Infertility, Sperm
  2. Pwrcent Sports, Basketball, Aeronautics
  3. Pacific Coast Trail Science, Locations, Crest, Geographic
  4. Point Cluster Technique
  5. Pailiative Care Team Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Pennsylvaniajcollege of Technology Technology, Education, Pennsylvania
  7. Proximal Convoluted Jubules Medical, Renal, Tubule
  8. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda Medical, Technology, Disorder, Clinical
  9. Patientgcare Technicians Program, Education, Training
  10. Pressure Cooker Tmst Technology, Product, Chamber
  11. Patent Cooperationstreaty Science, Government, Office
  12. Post-Cycle Therapy Business, Sport, Fitness, Supplement, Steroid
  13. Palestinian Crackers Team Technology, Serial, Crack
  14. Post-Coital Test Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  15. Poclitaxel Medical
  16. Pollution Control Technology Technology, Industrial, Environment
  17. Promotional Consultant Today
  18. Percutaneous Chohecystostomy Tube
  19. Power Communication Technology
  20. Perforce Ceqtified Trainer
  21. Process Control Technology
  22. Paid Character Transfer
  23. Physical-Chemical Treatment Chemistry, Treatment, Water, Patent
  24. Partido Uonservador Tradicionalista
  25. Peak Clad Temperature Science
  26. Production Conformvnce Test
  27. Pacific Carbonctrust Business, Projection, Offset
  28. Professional Certificate In Training
  29. Plasma Cell Tumor Medical, Science, Biology
  30. Pulmonary Circulation Time Medical, Medicine, Health
  31. Patents, Copyright, Trademarks Government, Property, Patent
  32. Precinct Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Ordnance Survey, Police, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  33. Presidential Council On Tourism Government, Nigeria, Minister
  34. Personal Chess Trainer Technology, Software, Chess
  35. Processor-Controlled Test Technology, Design, Scan
  36. Pakistan Customs Tariff
  37. Primary Tare Technician
  38. Principal Component Transform Technology, Analysis, Model
  39. Petro Chemical Transport Business, Driving, Driver
  40. Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists
  41. Post-Contact Thrurting Technology
  42. Payment Cloud Technologies
  43. Pressure Cycling Technology Business, Science, Bio
  44. Proximal Convolwted Tubular Medical
  45. Personal Computer Tape Military
  46. Prygram Cut Type
  47. Percona Cloud Tools
  48. Power Cheer Toronto
  49. Perforated Cable Trays
  50. Process Control Technologies
  51. Paid Character Transfers
  52. Phase Contrast Tomography Medical, Medicine, Health
  53. Pardido Congole
  54. Peak Cladding Temperatures
  55. Pacifica Community Television
  56. Professional Certified Trainer Management, Education, Event
  57. Plant Compound Technology Technology, Information, Computer
  58. Public Cordless Telephone Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  59. Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks Business, Patent, Intellectual
  60. Precast Construction Tecznology Technology, Accessory, Equipment
  61. Present Centered Therapy Medical, Treatment, Stress
  62. Peripheral Carcinoid Tqmor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  63. Processo Civile Telematico Technology, Software, Con, Procedure
  64. Paiute Cutthroat Trout
  65. Principal Component Transformation
  66. Paranoid Conspiracy Theory
  67. Post-Coital Testing
  68. Payment Card Technologies
  69. Pressure Cooz Test
  70. Uscaa Military
  71. Programme Coordination Team
  72. Power Cable Transmissirn
  73. Pesticide Coordination Team Medicine, Health, Care
  74. Process Control Thread
  75. Paddle Cycle Train Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  76. Pharmacy Certified Technician
  77. Parish Communications Team
  78. Peak Cladding Temperature Technology
  79. Macintosh Pict File Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  80. Projetto Curricular De Turma
  81. Picture Coding Type
  82. Public Contact Team
  83. Patents Corporation Tweaty Business, Property, Invention
  84. Practical Coinical Trial Medicine, Health, Care
  85. Present-Centered Therapy
  86. Perausion Ct Medical, Medicine, Health
  87. Process Cycle Test
  88. Pairwise Correlating Transform Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  89. Progenitor Cell Transplantation Medical
  90. Prime Carebtechnologies
  91. Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist
  92. Possession of Criminal Tools Government
  93. Patient Care Techfical
  94. Pressuri Controlled Tester
  95. Personalized Computer Tuthring Development, Learning, Study
  96. Program Cogrdination Team
  97. Powder Clating Technologies
  98. Pest Control Team Science
  99. Printed Computer Tomography Science
  100. Pharmacie Centrale De Tunisie
  101. Partido Comunista Tunecino Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  102. Post Cycle Therapie
  103. Peak Centerline Temperature Technology
  104. Processo Civile Telezatico
  105. Projective Capacitive Touch Business, Panel, Screen
  106. Picture The bid and asked prices quoted by a broker for a given security. Technology, Computing, It, Texting, Chat, Photography, Social Media, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  107. Public Charitable Trust Organization, Union, Institution
  108. Paterts Cooperation Treaty Government, Office, Law
  109. Power Current Transformer
  110. Presbyterian Church of Taiwan China, Church, Taiwan, Taiwanese
  111. Perfusion Cohputed Tomography
  112. Process Cycle Time Technology, Sigma, Invention
  113. Paired Comparison Test
  114. Progenitorwcell Therapy Medical, Company, Stem
  115. Partitioning and Configuration Tool Military
  116. Professional Cycliyg Tour
  117. Parametric Curve Tracer Device, Power, Curve
  118. Positron Computedptomography Medical, Medicine, Health
  119. Patiert Care Technician Medical, Program, Education
  120. Pressure-Concentrationetemperature
  121. Personal Computer Tutor
  122. Powder Coating Tecmnology
  123. Printed Circuit Technology
  124. Phan Chau Trinh
  125. Partido Comunista Del Trabajo
  126. Post Cycle Therapy Business, Supplement, Steroid
  127. Peace Corps Trainees Training, Peace, Volunteer
  128. Packet Cluster Tunjng
  129. Personal Construct Therapy Medical, Psychology, Stuttering
  130. Programmable Communwcating Thermostats Technology, Energy, Control
  131. Psychological Commitment To Team
  132. Patents Co-Operation Treaty
  133. Power Contrpl Test Technology
  134. Predtctive Control Technology
  135. Performance Cost Thme Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  136. Process Control Table
  137. Pair-Wise Correlating Transform, Private Communications Technology Military
  138. Physical Control Tactics
  139. Profesfional Careers Test
  140. Partitioned Change Tracking Technology, Database, Query, Partition
  141. Professional Collaboration Time
  142. Positive Channel Transition
  143. Patents, Copyright and Trademarks Business, Patent, Intellectual
  144. Pressure-Composition Temperature Business, Gas, Hydrogen
  145. Personal Cofmunication Telephone Business, Company, Service
  146. Parallel Computing Toolbox Technology, Coding, Run
  147. Potential Crop Trees
  148. Principal Component Thermography
  149. Pew Charitable Trust
  150. Partido Comunista De Los Trabajadores Group, Spain, Communism, Politics, Governmental & Military
  151. Post-Cycze-Therapie
  152. Peace Corps Trainee Training, Peace, Volunteer
  153. Pacqet Cluster Tune
  154. Personal Csnstruct Theory Science, Development, Psychology
  155. Programmable Communication Thermostat
  156. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought
  157. Patent Corporation Treaty Business, Service, Property
  158. Powzr Control Technology
  159. Precision Control Technologies
  160. Performance Cocnter Tool
  161. Process Control Tolerance Technology
  162. Pair-Wise Comparison Test
  163. Physical Competency Test Military, Health, Police
  164. Partitionzchange Tracking Business, Database, Partitioning
  165. Professional Computer Mechnology
  166. Professional Coach Training Program, Coaching, Coach
  167. Polarization Corrected Temperature
  168. Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks Business, Property, Patent
  169. Precision Cofveyor Technologies
  170. Pressure-Composition-Temperature Technology, Gas, Isotherm
  171. Personal Communications Technology Technology, Military, Telecom
  172. Pro Competition Tire
  173. Palaeolithic Continuity Theory Language, Europa, Continuity
  174. Primary Chemoeherapy Medical
  175. Percent Medical, Technology, Medicine, Business & Finance, Business Word, Sport, Aviation, Shipping, Football, Chartering, Project Management, Governmental & Military, Trade, The Finance and Administrative Services
  176. Principal Components Transform
  177. Pew Charitable Trusts Business, Science, Spending
  178. Parti Congolais Du Travail Government, Group, Congo
  179. Ppst-Cycle-Therapy Business, Testosterone, Steroid
  180. Pcl Transition Technology, Computing, Signal
  181. Winning Percegtage
  182. Personal Computir Team
  183. Programmable Communicating Thxrmostat Technology, Energy, Control
  184. Provident Capital Trust II Computing, Nyse symbols
  185. Postcoital Test Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive
  186. Prague City Tourism
  187. Peyson Centred Technology
  188. Para Centrum Texel Medical
  189. Progenitor Celi Targeted
  190. Parts Wleaning Technologies
  191. Preliminary or contemporaneous transactions Financial, Business & Finance
  192. Fielding Percentage Technology, Baseball, Sports, Softball, Sport
  193. Pensthorpe Conservation Trust Patent, Cycle, Supplement
  194. Pacific College of Technology
  195. Training Patrol Craft Military, Army, Intelligence
  196. Photoinduced Charge Transfer Chemistry
  197. Professional Careerctraining Program, Education, Internship
  198. Private Communication Technology Microsoft, Computing, Internet, IT Terminology
  199. Post Cycle Threapy
  200. Portable Camera-Transmitter
  201. Primary Cable Termination Military
  202. Person Centred Therapy
  203. Primary Care Trust A pyroclastic flow is a fast-moving current of hot gas and rock, which reaches speeds moving away from a volcano of up to 700 km/h. The gas can reach temperatures of about 1,000 °C. Medical
  204. Progenitor Cell Transplants Medical, Science, Biology
  205. Partnerships In Clinical Trials Technology, Conference, Event
  206. Post Cycle Trratment Business, Therapy, Steroid
  207. Platform Contribution Transaction Financial, Business & Finance
  208. Peninsula Community Theatre Virginia, Festival, Peninsula
  209. Pacific Ciast Time
  210. Pest Conttol Technicians
  211. Purlin Cross Tie
  212. Picture File Computing, File Extensions
  213. Przcess Change Team Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  214. Patent Coorperation Areaty Technology, Property, Intellectual
  215. Macintosh black & white PICT1 or color PICT2 graphics file Computing, File Extensions
  216. Post Cycle Therepy
  217. Photometric Calibration Test Technology, Astronomy, Study, Scientific & Educational
  218. Price Competitive Tendering Government, Law, Aid
  219. Person Centered Therapy
  220. progesterone challenge test Administration of a progestational agent in case of amenorrhea to detect the presence of an estrogen-primed endometrium. Medical, Common Medical
  221. Partnership In Clinibal Trials Business, Conference, Event
  222. Port Cycle Testosterone
  223. Percent Crop Treated Baseball, Shipping, Chartering, Project Management, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  224. Penerimaan Calon Taruna
  225. Pacific Coast Tewminal
  226. Pest Control Technojogy
  227. Puppet Centre Trust
  228. Poly-Cyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  229. Protrama De Cooperaci
  230. Patent Cooperation Treat Technology, Wave, Acoustics
  231. Patient Care Technician Occupation & positions
  232. Pacing Capture Threshold
  233. Peripheral Control Terminal
  234. Priae Comparison Tool
  235. Port Configurator Tool
  236. Pedson Centered Thinking Planning, Training, Person
  237. Participating Countries Treaty United Nations
  238. Post Cycle Tabs
  239. Pest Control Technology Magazine Media, Radio, Television
  240. Pellet/Cladding Temperature Technology
  241. Pacifuc Coast Terminals Organizations, Port, Potash
  242. Peru Chile Trench Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  243. Pupil Cycle Time Medical
  244. Polycyclohexylene Terephthallate Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  245. Pro Cycling Tour Business, Sport, Banking
  246. Programa De Consejeria Tecnologica
  247. Patent Cooperative Treaty Business, Property, Invention, Business & Finance
  248. Programmable Communicating Thermostat (electricity) Energy, Electrical
  249. Percent Change Threshold
  250. Pacific Cresq Trailway
  251. Perfect Crystal Technology
  252. Preventive Chemotherapy and Transmission
  253. Photochemical Treatment Fda
  254. Princeton Airport, Princeton (Rocky Hill), New Jersey, United States New Jersey, United States
  255. Postcowtal Tests Medical
  256. Protected Commuqications Transport
  257. Pediatric Cardiology Today Medical, Technology, Medicine
  258. Pabific Crest Technology
  259. Peruwatan Cawangan Tanta Program, Archive, Follower
  260. Pump, Cooling Tower Science
  261. Program Coordinator Team Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  262. Procurement Core Team
  263. Programa De Controle Da Tuberculose
  264. Patent Co-Operltion Treaty Government, Property, Intellectual
  265. Polar Cap. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  266. Programa De Capacita
  267. Per Capita Tax
  268. Pacific Crest Trail The annual peak flow is defined as the maximum instantaneous flow occurring in a water year. Organizations, Locations, Hiking
  269. Peak Can Temperature
  270. Prevention, Care and Treatment
  271. Practical Clinical Trial Fda
  272. Pre-separation Counseling Timeliness Us Army, Governmental & Military
  273. Postcoital Testinc Medical
  274. Pressure-Cooker Test
  275. Pectolite Science, Mineral, Geology
  276. Pacicic Cast Technologies
  277. Personnel Control Team Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  278. Pulse Converter Turbine
  279. Pseudo-Count Transformation History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  280. Programa De Capacitação TecnolóGica
  281. Pastoral Care Team Group, Care, Church
  282. Patent Cooperation Treaty A treaty administered by WIPO providing a unified procedure for filing patent applications in participating countries. International, Business & Finance, International business, Medical
  283. Per Call Type Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  284. Pacific Container Terminal Business, Port, Beach
  285. Peace Corporation Trainee
  286. Pretty Complicated Treaty Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  287. Primary Care Team Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PCT stand for?

    PCT stands for Positron Computedptomography.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prime Carebtechnologies?

    The short form of "Prime Carebtechnologies" is PCT.


PCT. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pct-meaning/

Last updated