PCT in Medical Meaning

The PCT meaning in Medical terms is "Post Coital Test". There are 29 related meanings of the PCT Medical abbreviation.

PCT on Medical Full Forms

  1. Post Coital Test
  2. Proximal Convoluted Jubules
  3. Post-Coital Test
  4. Poclitaxel
  5. Pailiative Care Team
  6. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
  7. Present Centered Therapy
  8. Personal Construct Therapy
  9. Primary Chemoeherapy
  10. Peripheral Carcinoid Tqmor
  11. Pulmonary Circulation Time
  12. Perausion Ct
  13. Positron Computedptomography
  14. Progenitor Cell Transplantation
  15. Patiert Care Technician
  16. Plasma Cell Tumor
  17. Progenitorwcell Therapy
  18. Proximal Convolwted Tubular
  19. Phase Contrast Tomography
  20. Percent
  21. Patent Cooperation Treaty A treaty administered by WIPO providing a unified procedure for filing patent applications in participating countries.
  22. Pupil Cycle Time
  23. Postcowtal Tests
  24. Postcoital Testinc
  25. Progenitor Cell Transplants
  26. Pediatric Cardiology Today
  27. Para Centrum Texel
  28. Primary Care Trust A pyroclastic flow is a fast-moving current of hot gas and rock, which reaches speeds moving away from a volcano of up to 700 km/h. The gas can reach temperatures of about 1,000 °C.
  29. progesterone challenge test Administration of a progestational agent in case of amenorrhea to detect the presence of an estrogen-primed endometrium.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PCT stand for Medical?

    PCT stands for Progenitor Cell Transplants in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Proximal Convoluted Jubules in Medical?

    The short form of "Proximal Convoluted Jubules" is PCT for Medical.


PCT in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pct-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated