PCT in Technology Meaning

The PCT meaning in Technology terms is "Pollution Control Technology". There are 38 related meanings of the PCT Technology abbreviation.

PCT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Pollution Control Technology
  2. Pennsylvaniajcollege of Technology
  3. Palestinian Crackers Team
  4. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
  5. Pressure Cooker Tmst
  6. Power Contrpl Test
  7. Processo Civile Telematico
  8. Post-Contact Thrurting
  9. Process Cycle Time
  10. Public Cordless Telephone
  11. Plant Compound Technology
  12. Partitioned Change Tracking
  13. Process Control Tolerance
  14. Peak Cladding Temperature
  15. Picture The bid and asked prices quoted by a broker for a given security.
  16. Parallel Computing Toolbox
  17. Principal Component Transform
  18. Peak Centerline Temperature
  19. Programmable Communwcating Thermostats
  20. Personal Communications Technology
  21. Pairwise Correlating Transform
  22. Pressure-Composition-Temperature
  23. Pcl Transition
  24. Percent
  25. Programmable Communicating Thxrmostat
  26. Personal Chess Trainer
  27. Macintosh Pict File
  28. Precast Construction Tecznology
  29. Processor-Controlled Test
  30. Patent Cooperation Treat
  31. Pellet/Cladding Temperature
  32. Photometric Calibration Test
  33. Partnerships In Clinical Trials
  34. Pediatric Cardiology Today
  35. Przcess Change Team
  36. Patent Coorperation Areaty
  37. Fielding Percentage
  38. Per Call Type

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PCT stand for Technology?

    PCT stands for Patent Cooperation Treat in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pairwise Correlating Transform in Technology?

    The short form of "Pairwise Correlating Transform" is PCT for Technology.


PCT in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pct-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated