PD in Government Meaning

The PD meaning in Government terms is "Partito Democratico". There are 33 related meanings of the PD Government abbreviation.

PD on Government Full Forms

  1. Partito Democratico
  2. Presidential Decision
  3. Partidul Democrat
  4. Presidential Declaration
  5. Partido DemocráTa
  6. Presidential Directive
  7. Partido DemocráTico
  8. Presidential Directives
  9. Participatory Development
  10. Public Defenders
  11. Party Ow Democrats
  12. Principal Dirertorate
  13. Public Defender
  14. Parti DéMocratique
  15. Preventive Detention
  16. Partai Demokrasi
  17. Pre-Delivery
  18. Protection Divisionsjon
  19. Parole Division
  20. Phenyldichloroarsin
  21. Protection Division
  22. Drift Cgmpensated Parallelogram Pattern
  23. Petroleum Pivision
  24. Pfosecutorial Discretion
  25. Presidentiap Decree
  26. Passed Days
  27. Proposed Document
  28. Pump Diesel
  29. Pseudo Deadline
  30. Permitted Development
  31. Partai Demokrat
  32. Permits Division
  33. Priority Date

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PD stand for Government?

    PD stands for Parti DéMocratique in Government terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Partai Demokrasi in Government?

    The short form of "Partai Demokrasi" is PD for Government.


PD in Government. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pd-meaning-in-government/

Last updated