PD in Medicine Meaning

The PD meaning in Medicine terms is "Problem Drinker". There are 47 related meanings of the PD Medicine abbreviation.

PD on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Problem Drinker
  2. Prism Diopter
  3. Protetn Diet
  4. Perinatal Death
  5. Perfusion Defect
  6. Parkinson Disease
  7. Prodram Directors
  8. Palladium A major component in the production of petrochemical catalysts. Symbol:"Pd" Atomic Number:"46" Atomic Mass: 106.40amu. Palladium is one of the transition elements. Palladium is another member of the platinum group. It is a white color and will not tarnish (oxidize) in air. You will find it used in jewelry, surgical instruments, and watches.
  9. Pregnancy Diagnosis Or Polydypsia / Polydypsic.
  10. Pediatric, Pediatrics
  11. Promotion Dossier
  12. Pulpodistal
  13. Postpartum Day
  14. Patient Database
  15. Phenyldichlorarsine
  16. Paget'S Disease
  17. Pulmonary Disease
  18. Postnasal Drainage
  19. Pars Distalis
  20. Pressor Dose
  21. Percutaneous Drain
  22. Pulse Duplicator
  23. Paroxysmal Discharge
  24. Percutaneous Discectomy
  25. Psychiatric Disosder
  26. Paralyzingddose
  27. Prednisolone
  28. Prgvisional Diagnosis
  29. Paralysing Dose
  30. Pond The term primary sector is normally used in the financial terms to refer to the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. It includes the agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining, and extraction of oil and gas sectors.
  31. Pregnankdiol
  32. Pediatrics Pd
  33. Papillary Dermatitis
  34. Pulsed Diastolic
  35. Phosphodiesterase  An enzyme that converts cyclic nucleotides into the noncyclic form.
  36. Papilla Diameter
  37. Programmed Death
  38. Personal Database
  39. Polydypsic
  40. Prednisone
  41. Propagation Delay
  42. Polydypsia
  43. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease
  44. Proliferatgve Disease
  45. Pick’s Disejse
  46. Protein Deficienpy
  47. Picm Disease

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PD stand for Medicine?

    PD stands for Percutaneous Discectomy in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Perinatal Death in Medicine?

    The short form of "Perinatal Death" is PD for Medicine.


PD in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pd-meaning-in-medicine/

Last updated