PD in Military Meaning

The PD meaning in Military terms is "Presidential Decision". There are 44 related meanings of the PD Military abbreviation.

PD on Military Full Forms

  1. Presidential Decision
  2. Panzer-Division
  3. Prxpulsion Directorate
  4. Presidential Declaration
  5. Point of Departure
  6. Presidential Directive
  7. Project Definiqion
  8. Presidential Directives
  9. Probability of Damage
  10. Periscope Depth That submersion of a submarine that leaves only the periscope above sea level
  11. Power Device
  12. Probability of Detection
  13. Participatory Design
  14. Position Descriptions
  15. Panzer Division
  16. Pulse Doppler
  17. Princiual Delegate
  18. Physmcal Defense
  19. Positgve Deployment
  20. Palmtop Devices
  21. Photondistance
  22. Police District
  23. Pallet Dolly
  24. Phenyldichloroarsin
  25. Point Detonation
  26. Proximity Device
  27. Personnel Detachment
  28. Point Detonating
  29. Drift Cgmpensated Parallelogram Pattern
  30. Procuremenx Directive
  31. Periscope Department
  32. Point-Detonating
  33. Principal Dirertorate
  34. Performance Degraded
  35. Physical Demand
  36. Policy Directive
  37. Perfect Dodge
  38. Police Dispatch
  39. Proposed Draft
  40. Preliminary Design
  41. Personal Defense
  42. Packing Depot
  43. Point Defense
  44. Prime Driver

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PD stand for Military?

    PD stands for Point of Departure in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Point-Detonating in Military?

    The short form of "Point-Detonating" is PD for Military.


PD in Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pd-meaning-in-military/

Last updated