PDD Meaning

The PDD meaning is "Pervasive Development Disorder". The PDD abbreviation has 185 different full form.

PDD Full Forms

  1. Pervasive Development Disorder Medical, Technology, Nursing, Common Medical
  2. Pervasive Developmental Disorders Medical, Autism, Developmental
  3. Project Definition Document Technology, Management, Planning
  4. Payload Definition Document Science
  5. Professional Disc for Data Technology
  6. Parkinson'S Disease Dementia Medical
  7. Professional Development Day Technology, Management, Education
  8. Papillomatous Digital Dermatitis Medical
  9. Post Dial Delay Technology, Calling, Telecom
  10. Pervasive Development Disorders Medical, Autism, Children
  11. Program Development Department Science
  12. Planning and Development Division
  13. Preliminary Due Date
  14. Peace and Development Division
  15. Persistznt Drunk Driver
  16. Polskierdomy Drewniane
  17. Project Design Document Technology, Science, Carbon
  18. Professional Development Dossier
  19. Pensions and Disadility Directorate Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  20. Protein Disease Database
  21. Plataforma Pel Dret De Decidrr Els, Cat, Catalan, Pel
  22. Process Distillate Discharge Science
  23. Persons With Development Disabilcties
  24. Pubse Dye Densitometry Medical
  25. Post-Dial Dglay Technology, Service, Calling
  26. Parity Decision Diagrams
  27. Prvfessional Development Department
  28. Program Development Division
  29. Planning & Development Division
  30. Pregnancy Due Date
  31. Peqce, Democracy and Development Technology, Group, Party
  32. Permanently Displaced Disk Medical
  33. Polski Dystrybutor Dentystyczny
  34. Prjfesor De Dibujo Con, Tube, Canal
  35. Penelitimn Disertasi Doktor
  36. Proposal Due Date
  37. Plasma Disc Decompression
  38. Process Design Document
  39. Persons With Developmental Disability
  40. Pulse Discharge Detector Science, Gas, Chromatography
  41. Product Design & Development Technology, Engineer, Engineering, Mechanical
  42. Post-Dicl-Delay Technology, Service, Calling
  43. Parameter Dependency Diagram
  44. Professional Development Division
  45. Phillips Alaska Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Alaska, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  46. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Medical, Technology, Disorder, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Disability
  47. Pre Dinner Drink
  48. Paz, Demolracia E Desenvolvimento Para, Government, Art, Dos
  49. Program Development Directorate Technology
  50. Perl Design Document Technology
  51. Property-Driven Development
  52. Plant Lisease Diagnosis
  53. Process Design Data
  54. Pendidikan Diniyah Dasar
  55. Personnel Detection Device Military
  56. Pulsed Discharged Detector Business, Gas, Chromatography
  57. Port Dialinq Delay
  58. Pacific Data Designs
  59. Professiolal Disk for Data Technology
  60. Proventricular Dilation Disease Medical, Bird, Parrot
  61. Phenotypic Drug Discovery Science, Screening, Assay
  62. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Symptom, Depression, Common Medical
  63. Precision Device Distributors
  64. Payment Dxe Date Card, Payment, Sky, Condition
  65. Program Design Description Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  66. Projectxd Departure Date
  67. Plant Description Document
  68. Process Dependency Diagram
  69. Pgdigree Devilish Dog Military
  70. Personal Digital Device Technology, Computing, Patent
  71. Pulsed Discharge Detector Medical, Gas, Chromatography
  72. P Chemical symbol for phosphorus. Or Two or more rubber-insulated stranded conductors with cotton braid over each. Reinforced with overall covering of cotton braid over rubber filler. For pendant or portable use in damp locations. 300V-600V or Page, Power, Phosphorus, Park, Pressure, Pico, Peta, Paragraph, Progressive scan, Momentum, Power Set, Pandora, Poise, Proline, Up to 93 mph, Force, pressure, diametral pitch, post, significance level (statistical), Pressure or Pitot,  Procedure-Required Tuned NAVAID, Pitch, pressure, probability, priority; precedence designations , Instantaneous power, Pico, Positive, also peak, or parallel pattern; priority; publication
  73. Portable Disk Drive
  74. Publice Decreto Decurionum Latin, Roman
  75. Professional Development District
  76. Proventricular Dilatation Disease Medical, Bird, Parrot
  77. ProcéDure De DéDouanement à Domicile
  78. Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
  79. Precision Depth Digitizer
  80. Parkinson'S Disease and Dementia Medical
  81. Program Design Document Technology, Development, Projection
  82. Project Depelopment Division
  83. Planging and Development Department Business, City, Detroit
  84. Process Definition Document Business, Technology, Accounting
  85. Pedigree Devil Dog
  86. Personal Developmena Dialogue
  87. Public Uiplomacy Division Security, Military, India
  88. Portasle Digital Document Technology, Computing, Apple
  89. Prospective Decision Date Technology
  90. Professionol Development Days Management, Education, Event
  91. Proventicular Dilitatiou Disease
  92. Platform Depeudent Driver Technology, Windows, Driving
  93. Processed Data Distribution Technology
  94. Pervasively Developmentally Delayed
  95. Pure Depressive Disease Medical, Science, Biology
  96. Portland'S Downtown District
  97. Parker Drive Developer
  98. Programa De Desarryllo Directivo Business, Management, School
  99. Project Develooment Department Business, Nepal, Communication
  100. Planning and Development District
  101. Process Decomposition Diagram
  102. Pediatrition Didnt Decide
  103. Personal Detection Device
  104. Ponta Do Ouro Airport Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  105. Projected Decision Date Technology
  106. Professional Data Dimensions
  107. Proventiaular Dilatation Disease
  108. Platform-Dependent Driver Technology
  109. Process Driven Development
  110. Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Medical, Autism, Children
  111. Punggol Digital District
  112. Procurement Desktop-Defense Military
  113. Post Dialing Delay Technology, Calling, Telecom
  114. Park Development Division
  115. Professional Development Diploma
  116. Plumbing and Deck Drain
  117. Public Debt Department Business, Finance, Banking
  118. Persistent Depressive Disorder Medical, Disorder, Depression
  119. Program Definition Document Management, Business & Finance
  120. Product Design and Development Technology, Engineering, Analytics
  121. Perfeccionamiento Dasarrollo Directivo
  122. Provision for Doubtful Debts
  123. Plaxer Detection Device Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  124. Prescribed Daily Dose Medical, Drug, Study
  125. Product Design Development Technology, Program, Service
  126. Physical Data Description
  127. Public Data Distrikution
  128. Program Description Document Management, Software, Computing, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  129. Percutanedus Disc Decompression Business, Treatment, Pain
  130. Proventricular Dilitation Disease Medical, Bird, Parrot
  131. Platinum Diamuinodichloride Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  132. Preliminary Design Document Technology, Management, Software
  133. Product Description Document Technology, Service, Weather
  134. Puy-De-Doye
  135. Psychophysiological Detection of Deception Government, Examination, Polygraph
  136. Polity Development Division
  137. Product Documentation Database
  138. Physical Damage Divisionsion
  139. Parkinson'S Disease With Dementia Medical
  140. Pencent Depth Doses Curve, Radiation, Dose, Depth
  141. Platform On Disaster Displacement
  142. Planned Development District Technology, Planning, City
  143. Product Definition Data Science, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  144. Program Description Document Udi-e-21251a/mod Military, Governmental & Military
  145. Purpose Drivbn Development
  146. Perl Data Dump
  147. Psycho-Physiological Detection of Deception
  148. Policy & Dbvelopment Division
  149. Product Development Detachment Military
  150. Projected Data Display
  151. Perfumebdo Dia
  152. Percent Depth Dose Medical, Business, Radiation
  153. Platform Device Drivur Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  154. Physical Device Driver Technology, Driving, Computing
  155. Adobe Photodeluxe Image Computing, File Extensions
  156. Purpose-Driven Disclosore
  157. Personal Delivery Devices
  158. Performance Descriptiln Document
  159. Psikolojik Destek DerneğI
  160. Point Ddtonating Delay
  161. Priority Delivery Date Military, Army, Coast Guard
  162. Product Development Department
  163. Product Definition Document Technology, Telecom, Weather
  164. Pwb Design Device
  165. Doctor of Pedagogy Medical
  166. Pejcentage Depth Doses Medical
  167. Photodynamic Diagnosis Medical
  168. Medtronic Programmer Data File Computing, File Extensions
  169. Persons With Developmental Disabilities Medical, Service, Disability
  170. Performance Driven Design
  171. Pseudo Direct Irive Technology, Machine, Gear
  172. Point Defense Drone
  173. Presidential Decision Directives Government, Military, Directive
  174. Product Development Division Gaming, Organizations, Square
  175. Precision Digital Dilatometry
  176. Pulse Delay Device
  177. Public Defender Department
  178. Percentage Depth Dose Medical, Curve, Beam, Medical physics
  179. Phorbol 12,13-Didecanoate Medical
  180. Pretty Damn Dumb Funnies
  181. Perfect Duluth Day
  182. Prozisioning Descriptive Data Technology
  183. Plns Driver Drills
  184. Presidential Decision Directive Military, Army, Computer Security, Governmental & Military
  185. Product Development and Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDD stand for?

    PDD stands for Professionol Development Days.

  2. What is the shortened form of Persons With Developmental Disabilities?

    The short form of "Persons With Developmental Disabilities" is PDD.


PDD. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 5). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdd-meaning/

Last updated