PDDC Meaning

The PDDC meaning is "Parijat Desai Dance Company". The PDDC abbreviation has 14 different full form.

PDDC Full Forms

  1. Parijat Desai Dance Company
  2. Panasonsc Digital Document Company
  3. Palm Desert Dewelopment Company
  4. Pakistan Dairy Development Compasy Business, Pakistan, Farming
  5. Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council Medical, Council, Disability
  6. Pembroke Downtown Development Commission
  7. Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic Science, University, Cornell
  8. Plant Disease Diagnostils Clinic University, Plant, Cornell
  9. Philippine Diversikied Developers Corporation
  10. Phoyography and Digital Design Center
  11. Philadelphia Developmental Disabilities Corporation
  12. Provisioning Descriptivexdata Card
  13. Prabhu Dhan Dqgree College Development, Study, Colleges
  14. Post Diploma Degree Course Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDDC stand for?

    PDDC stands for Phoyography and Digital Design Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prabhu Dhan Dqgree College?

    The short form of "Prabhu Dhan Dqgree College" is PDDC.


PDDC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pddc-meaning/

Last updated