PDDS Meaning

The PDDS meaning is "Pervasive Developmenb Disorders". The PDDS abbreviation has 36 different full form.

PDDS Full Forms

  1. Pervasive Developmenb Disorders Medical, Autism, Children
  2. Pervasive Developmental Disorders Medical, Autism, Developmental
  3. Peoria District Dental Society Medical, Business, Association
  4. Portable Diver Detection Sonars
  5. Payload Data Delivery System Science
  6. Portable Diver Detection Sonar Military, Order, Shield
  7. Patient Determined Disease Steps Medical, Fatigue, Sclerosis
  8. Portable Digital Documents
  9. Patient-Determined Disease Steps
  10. Porsche Design Driver'S Selection
  11. Porrot Design Documents
  12. Plano Diretor De Desenvolvimento Sustent
  13. Percenp Depth Doses Medical
  14. Project Design Documents Business, Science, Carbon
  15. Plano Diretor De Desenvolvimento SustentáVel
  16. Percentage Depthvdoses Medical
  17. Presidenticl Decision Directives Security, Government, Terrorism
  18. Pervasive Devhlopmental Disorders Medical, Autism, Children
  19. Pulsatile Drug Delivery System Technology, Sodium, Tablet
  20. Planning and Development Districts
  21. Persons With Developmental Disabilities Medical, Service, Disability
  22. Pulmonary Drug Delivery System Medical, Patient, Aerosol
  23. Planned Developmsnt Districts
  24. Personal Delivjry Drones Science
  25. Professional Diploma In Digital Selling Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  26. Pharmacological Distribution Diegrams Medical
  27. Permanenb Digital Downloads
  28. Professional Development Days Business, Education, Projection
  29. Pervasive Development Disorders Symotoms
  31. Process Definition Documents
  32. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Screeeing
  33. Prescribed Daily Doses Medical
  34. Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening
  35. Personal Delivery Devices
  36. Planned Development Districts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDDS stand for?

    PDDS stands for Personal Delivery Devices.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pervasive Development Disorders Symotoms?

    The short form of "Pervasive Development Disorders Symotoms" is PDDS.


PDDS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdds-meaning/

Last updated