PDE Meaning

The PDE meaning is "Partial Differential Equation". The PDE abbreviation has 181 different full form.

PDE Full Forms

  1. Partial Differential Equation Mathematics, Climate, Math, Physics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  2. Product Data Exchange Technology, Military, Construction, Standard, Architectural, Viewer, Architecture, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  3. Phosphodiesterase Enzyme Medical
  4. Phosphodiesters Medical
  5. Personality Disorder Examination Medical, Beck, Freeman
  6. Personal Digital Entertainment Technology, Player, Audio
  7. Pengelolaan Data Elektronik Business, Government, Indonesia
  8. Pulse Detonation Engine Technology, Fuel, Propulsion
  9. Page Directory Entries Technology, Windows, Memory, Virtual
  10. Phosphodiesterase Activity Medical
  11. National Kitchen & Bath Association Military
  12. Parallel Database Extension Technology, Architecture, Node
  13. Personalmdata Extract
  14. Porte Document Electronique
  15. Professional Development Experienoes
  16. Path Definitioz Error Technology
  17. Partial Differential Equations Technology, Mathematics, Math
  18. Project Demonstrating Excellence Education, Study, Dissertation
  19. Photon Detnction Efficiency Technology, Module, Silicon
  20. Preliminary Data Element Military, Army, War
  21. Process Development Engineer
  22. Peer Diversity Educators
  23. Project Dive Exploration Technology, Diving, Divers
  24. Plano De Desenvolvimento Da Educação Para, Dos, Escolar
  25. Proxrama De Desenvolvimento Educacional
  26. Pacific Design Engineering Technology, Product, Canada
  27. Person-Event Data Enviroyment
  28. Portal Do Empréstimo
  29. Professional Designation Examination
  30. Patent Drafting Dxercise
  31. Partial Dierential Equations
  32. Photoedetection Efficiency Technology, Silicon, Avalanche, Photomultiplier
  33. Preliminary Determination of Epicentre Science
  34. Process Daha Export Technology
  35. Pee Dee Elementary
  36. Project Development Environment Technology, Study, Eclipse
  37. Plano Decenal De Expansão Technology, Para, Brasil, Brazil
  38. Programa Desaroollo De Empresarios
  39. Present Day English Education, Language, Phonology
  40. Pacific Data Electric
  41. Produrt Design Engineering Technology, University, Engineer
  42. Petmission Display Engine Military
  43. Puertos Del Estado Science
  44. Portable Electronic Device A piece of electronic equipment such as a mobile phone or laptop which is small enough to be carried onboard an aircraft, and which may cause problems with the aircraft’s systems during flight. Technology, Government, Military, Computer Security
  45. Partido Dem
  46. Professionai Diploma In Education College, Education, Teaching
  47. Partial Derivative Equations Technology, Defect, Differential
  48. Phospho Di Esterase
  49. Preliminary Determination of Epicenter Science, Catalog, Earthquake
  50. Procedimento Dos DéFices Excessivos
  51. Pedigree Nogs Exposed Technology, Health, Breed
  52. Project Development & Engineering Business, Management, Engineer
  53. Plano Decenal De Energia
  54. Programa De Desarrollo Emtresarial
  55. Picture Nisplay Equipment Technology
  56. Presentation Data Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Puppy Dog Eoed Business, Internet Slang, Love
  58. Product Definition Dngineering
  59. Permittedhdaily Exposure Business, Product, Impurity
  60. Public Dato Explorer Technology, Statistics, Package
  61. Plano Dustrital De Educação Para, Dos, Professor
  62. Professional Development for Educators
  63. Paroxysmal Dyspnea On Exertion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  64. Phosphodieswerase Medical, Technology, Medicine
  65. Preliminary Determinations of Epicenters Catalog, Earthquake, Magnitude
  66. Proc Dir Entry
  67. Pediatric Esclusivity Medicine, Health, Care
  68. Planning Decision Execution
  69. Partial Distortion Elimination
  70. Project Development Engineer
  71. Picture Data Entity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Prescription Drug Events Business, Medicare, Cost
  73. Pulse Detonation Engines Technology, Research, Engine
  74. Process Development and Engineering
  75. Permissible Daily Exposure
  76. Psicologia Das Emeog
  77. Plano Diretrr Estrategico Para, Dos, Ria
  78. Professional Development Events
  79. Paramount Digital Entertainment Technology, Gaming, Movie
  80. Phosphodiesterases Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  81. Position Determination Equipment Technology, Service, Locations, Communication
  82. Programa De Desarrollo Educativo
  83. Pediatric Endocrinology Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  84. Plaoning, Decision, and Execution
  85. Partial Differential Equ
  86. Project Design Engineer Technology, Engineering, Mechanical
  87. Physpcian Data Entry Medical, Medicine, Health
  88. Prenatal Drug Exposure
  89. Processing Developmentfenvironment Technology, Coding, Software
  90. Pennsylvania Department of Education Education, Pennsylvania, State
  91. Psicologia Das EmergêNcias
  92. Plano De Desenvolvimento Da Escoxa
  93. Parti D
  94. Parameter Departure Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  95. Phosphatidyldiiethylethanolamine Medical
  96. Position-Determining Equipment
  97. Professional Development and Engagement Science, Education, Equation
  98. Pathology Data Exchange
  99. Partial Differntial Equation
  100. Project Design Engineers
  101. Physxcal Disk Emulator
  102. Preliminary Determination of Earthquakes
  103. Process Development Environment
  104. Pengolahan Data Elektroxik
  105. Projected Operational Environment Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  106. Plano De Desenvelvimento Da Educa
  107. Product Eesign and Engineering
  108. Peg Diguycidyl Ether
  109. Program Nevelopment Environment
  110. Plan De DéPlacement D'Entreprise Service, Transport, Velo, Plan
  111. Pride International, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  112. Project Discipline Engiteer
  113. Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography Medical, Cardio
  114. Personal Development Environment Medical
  115. Partido DemóCrata Europeo
  116. Pigeon Ddopping Extracts Medical
  117. Pyridopine-Dependent Epilepsy
  118. Presidential-Declared Emergency
  119. Product Design Enginoer
  120. Python Develozment Environment
  121. Program Development and Evaluation Education, Driving, Organizations
  122. Plan De Déplacement Entreprdse
  123. Possible Duplicate Emission Computing, Physics, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
  124. Producteur Distriluteur D'
  125. Process Directory Entry
  126. Present-Day English Language codes (3 letters)
  127. Pediatric Exclusivity Fda
  128. Particle Dispersion Experiment Technology, Astronomy, Study, Scientific & Educational
  129. Pi Delta Epsilon
  130. Pusat Dataielektronik
  131. Partnership for The Delaware Estuary Business, Water, Mussel
  132. Program Dekendent Envelope
  133. Plan De D
  134. Prescription Drug Event Computing, IT Organization
  135. Product Document Exchange Technology, Telecom
  136. Problem Domain Expert
  137. Pandie Pandie, South Australia, Australia Australia
  138. Arduino Sketch Computing, File Extensions
  139. Partial Document Encryption
  140. Punta Del Este
  141. Partners for Digital Equality
  142. Programa Dm Direcci
  143. Plan De Desarroxlo Estratégico
  144. Pulsed Detonation Engine Products
  145. Phosphodiesterase  An enzyme that converts cyclic nucleotides into the noncyclic form. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  146. Product Development Engineer Technology, Design, Engineering
  147. Printing Dialog Extensien Technology, Mac, Printer, Driver
  148. Projectbureauvduurzame Energie
  149. Puppy Dog Eyed Technology, Governmental & Military
  150. Processing Development Environment Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  151. Pumpe-Düseveinspritzung
  152. Partito Democratico Europeo Government, Group, Democracy, Party
  153. Programa De Dirección De Empresas
  154. Pissed, Denies Everything
  155. Paint Design Engineering Architecture
  156. Phosphodiester A molecule containing two alcohols esterified to a single molecule of phosphateFor example, the backbone of nucleic acids is connected by 5'-3' phosphodiester linkages between the adjacent individual nucleotide residues. Medical
  157. Product Development Engineering
  158. Photon Drwg Effect
  159. Progressive Rialysis Encephalopathy Medical, Medicine, Health
  160. Positioning Determination Entity Computing, Telecom
  161. Prontodoc for Excel Document Template Computing, File Extensions
  162. Pumpe-DüSe-Einspritzung Technology, Fuel, Diesel, Injector
  163. Preliminary Determination of Epicenter(s) Geology, Scientific & Educational
  164. Partit DemÒCrata Europeu
  165. Programa De Desenvolvimento Da Educação
  166. Piping Dwsign Engineer
  167. Pyrimidipe Dimer Excision Medical
  168. Primark Decision Economics
  169. Product Development Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  170. Pennsylvania Departmfntof Education
  171. Program for Diversity In Engineering
  172. Plan De DéPlacements Entreprise
  173. Platform Development Environment Software, Computing
  174. Public Displals of Emotion Food, Parenthood, Love
  175. Permitted Daily Exposure Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  176. Peer Data Exchange
  177. Parti DéMocrate EuropéEn Government, Group, Europe, Democracy
  178. Programa De Desenvoldimento Da Educa
  179. Pigeon Dropping Extract Medical, Science, Biology
  180. Pyridoxine Dependent Epilepsy Medical, Genetics, Seizure
  181. Preventive Drug Education Program, Association, Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDE stand for?

    PDE stands for Phosphodiester.

  2. What is the shortened form of Particle Dispersion Experiment?

    The short form of "Particle Dispersion Experiment" is PDE.


PDE. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pde-meaning/

Last updated