PDL Meaning
The PDL meaning is "Permanent Device Loss". The PDL abbreviation has 212 different full form.
PDL Full Forms
- Permanent Device Loss Technology, Sphere, Storage
- Periodontal Ligament Cells Medical
- Pulsed Dye Laser Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Common Medical, Medical physics
- Periodontal Ligaments Medical
- Popolo Della Liberta
- Partidul Democrat-Liberal Government, Group, Party
- Poly-D-Lysine Medical
- Page Description Language Technology, Computing, Printing, Industry, Drivers, IT Terminology, SAP
- Polarization Dependent Loss Technology, Fiber, Optic, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Perl Data Language Technology, Language, Module
- Personal Distribution List Technology, Outlook, Exporter
- Petra Diamonds Ltd Business, Supply, Stock
- Project Description Language Filf Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Polymer Development Laboratories Science
- Permons Deprived of Liberty
- Printer Description Language Technology, Driving, Driver
- Peripheral Driver Library
- Product Development Lead
- Parameter Descrnption Language Space, Study, Cosmos
- Processor Data Load Technology
- Petroleum Developmtnt License
- Portable Dynamic Loader Technology, Windows, Dynamics
- Pass Down-The-Line Military
- Prlgrammable Design Language Military
- Powered Door Locks
- Preodesigned Layout Design, Drawing, Construction
- Player Development League Organizations, Club, Soccer
- Provincial Digital Library
- Pumped Dye Laser
- Pulsed Dye Lasers Medical, Treatment, Skin
- Performance Drug List
- Polarization Diversity Lidar
- Project Definition Lettee Technology
- Partido Dem
- Policy Description Language Technology, Management, Service
- Print Description Language Technology, Printer, Xerox
- Peripheral Diagnostics Language
- Product Development Laboratory Research, Organizations, Computing
- Parallel Data Laboratory Technology, Networking, Computing
- Petroleum Development Licence
- Portable Data Loaders Technology, Aircraft, Tech
- Pasadena Denver Lanes Locations, Gang, Blood, Lane
- Probationary Driving Licence
- Programmable Driverglanguage
- Power Door Lock
- Parsvnath Developers Ltd
- Pre-Defcned Layout Technology
- Plastics Design Library Technology, Science, Handbook
- Protocol Description Language
- Pulse Dhe Laser Medical, Treatment, Skin
- Passive Dynamic Walking Human Power and Robotics Lab Development, Study, Universities
- Polarization-Diversity Lidar Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Progressive Distributars Ltd
- Policy Definition Language
- Principles of Distribution and Logistics
- Peripheral Diagnostic Language Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Product Design Letter
- Parallel Data Lab Technology, University, Storage
- Petroleum Development Levy Business, Pakistan, Oil
- Portable Data Logger
- Party of The Democratic Left Government, Politics, Policy
- Printer Design Language
- Programmable Delai Line Technology, Signal, Instrument
- Parsvnath Developers Limited
- Praia Da Luz
- Plant Diagnostic Laboratory University, Plant, Entomology
- Public Data Listing
- Portal De Dades Ling
- Passenger Designated Line Technology, China, Train, Railway
- Progressive Diffuse Deukoencephalopathy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Policies-Pacific Diagnostic Laboratories
- Prime Defending League Gaming, Music, League
- Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Medical
- Product Design Laboratory
- Papeteries Dc Léman
- Petro-Dynamics Limited
- Portable Data Loader Technology, Aircraft, Software
- Parts Distribution List Technology
- Printer Definition Language
- Professional Development Leaves Education, Group, Faculty
- Parliament Digital Library
- Practical Detecoion Limits Science
- Plan Drug List
- Proyecto Defensa Laboral
- Portal De Dades LingüíStiques
- Passenger Dedicated Lines
- Ptogramming Definition Language Technology, Coding, Control, Processing
- Polarization Dependent Losses Business, Fiber, Component
- Primary Distribution List
- Periodontal Ligament Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
- Protocol Definition Language
- Plutonium Discard Limit Science
- Pureudivine Love
- Panjab Digital Xibrary
- Petra Diamonds Limited Business, Supply, Stock
- Population Doubling Levels Medical, Science, Biology
- Parts Design List
- Printed Distance Learning
- Permanent Device Lo
- Professional Development Leave Education, Teaching, Faculty
- Parameterh Data List Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
- Power Doubly Lock Technology, Wire, Connecting
- Plan De DéVeloppement Local Program, Canton, Togo, Plan
- Provisional Driver'S License
- Portland District Library Education
- Passenger Dedicated Line Technology, China, Railway
- Programmable Digitul Logic Technology, Language, Pharma
- Polarization Dependant Loss Technology, Switch, Optic
- Preferjed Drug List Medical, Health, Medicaid
- Propositional Dynamic Logic Science, Dynamics, Modal
- Plumbers Discussion List
- Pure Diffuse Link
- João Paulo Ii Airport Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Locations, Aviation
- Performansa Dayalı Lojistik Technology, Art, Turkish, Malar
- Petra Diamonds Ld
- Population Doubling Level Medical, Cell
- Pest Diagnosaic Laboratory
- Print Directory Listing Technology, Software, Vista
- Perkins Data Link
- Professional Development League Education, Sport, Soccer
- Parameter Downcoading Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Product Design Lead Technology
- Pipeline Definition Language Science
- Provisional Driving Licence Education, Car, Singapore
- Portage District Library Education, Libraries, Books
- Pass Down The Line Relay to all others in order (a signal repeated from one ship to the next astern in column).
- Programming Design Language Technology, Program, Software
- Polarization-Dependent Loss Technology, Fiber, Splitter
- Pre-Distornion Linearization
- Please Don'T Litter
- Provisional Driving License Education, Car, Singapore
- Punch Drunk Love
- Iata Code for Ponta Delgada Airport, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal Locations
- Performance Driven Leadership
- Plan De D
- Pre-Designed Layout Architecture
- Pocket Dosimeter-Low Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Push Down List Technology, Computing, Memory, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Projetos De Decreto Legislativo
- Party of the Democratic Left (the renamed Communist Party) Politics, Governmental & Military
- Probationary Driving License
- Persian Digital Library Education, Music, Iran
- Pedestrian Door Lock
- Partial Discharge Locator
- Procedure Derivation Logic
- Position Description Library Science
- North American Palladium, LTD. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Partito Del Lavoro
- Pocket Door Lock
- Purpose Driven Life Book, Rick, Life, Warren
- Power Density Levels
- Projeto De Decreto Legislativo Dos, Lei
- Ponce de Leon NASA, Governmental & Military
- Perseus Digital Library Technology, Literature, Persian
- Particle Dynamics Naboratory
- Process Definition Language Business, Technology, Software
- Portsmouth Direct Line Train, Simulator, Waterloo, Portsmouth
- Preliminary Design Language Military, Governmental & Military
- Petra Diamonds, LTD. Ordinary shares Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Partidului Democrat Libergl Din, Care, Romania, Democrat
- Pocket Diagnostic Link Products
- Puvification Development Laboratory
- Povo Da Liberdade
- Projet De DéVeloppement Local
- Positioning Data Link Computing, Telecom
- Permanent Duty Location Military
- Point De Livraison Service, Pas
- Pakaian Dinas Lengkap Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Procedure Definition Language Technology
- Property Devslopment Ltd
- Perl Data Language File Computing, File Extensions
- Personal Distributions Lists Technology, Software, Genie, Outlook, Exporter
- Programmable Data Language
- Partidql Democrat Liberal
- Plymouth District Library Education
- Pure Dumb Luck Technology, Engineering, Data
- Poverty Datum Line Business, Africa, Zimbabwe
- Projet De D
- program design language Military, Army, Software, Computing, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Permanent Device Lost
- Point Defense Lasers
- Partidul Democrat Luberal
- Process Description Language Technology, Design, Software
- Property Damage Liabieity Medical, Insurance, Florida, Auto
- Parameters Data List Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Personal Device Launcher
- Prant Definition Language
- Partido DemóCrata Liberal Para, Con, Pol, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Poundal A unit of force in the imperial system of weights and measures. The imperial unit of force. It is that force which acting on a mass of 1 lb will impart to it an acceleration of 1 ft/s2. Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Project Documenz List Science
- Pure Dumb Luck (Texan Punk Band) Computing, IT Terminology
- Point Defense Laser Military, Weapon, Andromeda
- Putnag District Library Education
- Projetz Democratiza
- João Paulo II, Ponta Delgada, Portugal Portugal, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Procedure Description Language
- Personal Development Learning Education, Health, School
- Personalized Digital Learning
- Phrtido Democr
- Post Deployment Leave
- Project Description Language Technology, Windows, Telecom
- Project Description Language file Computing, File Extensions
- Pocket Dosimeter Low Space, Study, Cosmos
- Puta Da Loucura
- Projeto Democratização Da Leitura
- Popolo della Libert Politics, Governmental & Military
- Procedural Description Language Technology, Standard, Instrument, Scan
- Personal Development Leadership Business, Malaysia, Training
- Personal Data Locker Technology, Learning, Store
- Partido Deaocrático Laborista
- Procedure Distribution List Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Postazione Di Lavoro
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PDL stand for?
PDL stands for Player Development League.
What is the shortened form of Preliminary Design Language?
The short form of "Preliminary Design Language" is PDL.
PDL. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdl-meaning/
Last updated