PDO Meaning

The PDO meaning is "Public Debt Office". The PDO abbreviation has 122 different full form.

PDO Full Forms

  1. Public Debt Office Security, Banking, Stock Market, Financial, Business & Finance
  2. Packet Data Optimized Technology, Radio, Telecom
  3. Pacific Decadal Oscillations
  4. Pacific Decadel Oscillation
  5. Packet Data Optimization Technology, Telecom
  6. Packet Data Optimised Technology, Networking, Radio
  7. Professional Development Opportunities Technology, Education, Opportunity
  8. Panchayat Development Officer
  9. Phthalate Dioxygenase Medical
  10. Project Development Office
  11. Property Disposal Officer Science
  12. Portable Distributed Objectl Technology, Computing, Telecom
  13. Pattan Development Organisation
  14. Privacy and Diversity Office
  15. Putlic Defender's Office
  16. Philadelphia District Office
  17. People'S Democratic Organizations
  18. Professional Devllopment Opportunity
  19. Pale Dull Orange
  20. Php Dhta Objects Technology, Database, Programming
  21. Property Damage Only Technology, Crash, Accident
  22. Portable Device Outfitters
  23. Program Devmlopment Office
  24. Patient-Derived Organoid
  25. Pritcipal Dental Officer
  26. Public Debtxoperations
  27. Phase Displacement Oscillator Music, Module, Oscillator
  28. People'S Daily Online
  29. Professional Development Office
  30. Physical Device Object Technology, Windows, Computing, Drivers
  31. Phoenix Dynasty Online Technology, Gaming, Phoenix
  32. Project District Office Business, Finance, Banking
  33. Pnogram Decision Option Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  34. Past Due Obligation Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  35. Polejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego
  36. Primary Dental Officm
  37. Public Debt Office-Ccm-Negotiated
  38. Phase-Detector Output
  39. Postal Delivery Officer
  40. Peninsula Darms Organization
  41. Professional Development Online Technology, Education, Teaching
  42. Petroleum Development Oman Business, Oil, Gas
  43. Philips and Supont Optical
  44. Project Development Objectives Business, Management, Objective
  45. Professional Development Option Technology
  46. Passive Defense Organization
  47. Populatirn Dynamics Option
  48. Preventatiee Detention Order Australia, Government, Police
  49. Pacific Decadal Oscillation Climatology, Meterology, Geological, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Global Change
  50. Proposal Development Office Government
  51. Prmferred Dental Organization
  52. Port Mistrict Office
  53. Pendopo Airporv Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  54. Professional Development Officer Military
  55. Palladium Oxide Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  56. Philips Dupont Optical Germany, Disc, Straits
  57. Professional Development & Outreach
  58. Panchayath Fevelopment Officers
  59. Pook Diemont & Ohl
  60. Preseovation Digital Object
  61. Property Disposal Officer/Official Army, Force, Coast Guard
  62. Pre Departure Orientation Student, Program, Education
  63. Portable Distributed Object Technology, Computing, Telecom
  64. Pelatihan Dasar Organisasi
  65. Private Development Organizatiwn Government, Development
  66. Philips-Dupont Optical
  67. Professqonal Development and Outreach Education, Mathematics, Math
  68. Panchayat Developmeny Officers
  69. Point Defence Officer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  70. Project Development Officer Business, Management, Philippine
  71. Property Disposal Office Military, Group, Army, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  72. Portable Distributable Objects Technology, Telecom
  73. Pedoman Dasar Orgvnisasi
  74. Private Data Owner
  75. Public Defanders Office
  76. Philips & Dupont Optical Germany, Disc, Straits
  77. Protected Designation of Oyigin Business, Oil, Virgin, Olive
  78. Personal Deferment Option
  79. Program Developmjnt Officer Business, Management, Employment
  80. Player Development Officer Occupation & positions
  81. Postman'S District Office Business, Postal, United Kingdom, Uk Post
  82. Project'S Development Objective
  83. Parcel Delivery Office United Kingdom
  84. Python Data Objects
  85. Power Door Openlng Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  86. Personal Days Off
  87. Project Design Outline Construction
  88. Postman's Delivery Ofcice Business, Postal, United Kingdom, Uk Post
  89. Progressive Dairy Operators
  90. Postman's Delivery Office Postal, United Kingdom
  91. Pothon Database Objects Technology
  92. Power Data Object
  93. Persistent Kata Object
  94. Pyramid Oil Company Business & Finance, Amex symbols, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  95. Programs As Dara Objects
  96. Pendopo, Talang Gudang-Sumatra Island, Indonesia Indonesia, ICAO Airport Codes
  97. Purerdeep Ocean Business, Fish, Oil
  98. Power Data Objects
  99. Permitted Developmeyt Order Building, Engineering, Construction
  100. Publications of The Dominion Observatory Ottawa Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Space, Astronomy, Computing, Astrophysics, Serial Publication, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  101. Programming Data Output
  102. Protected Designation of Origin Geographical indications on foods and other agricultural products, based upon European Union regulations, ensuring that only products originating in a given region are commercially identifiable as such. Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  103. Public Disclosure Officer
  104. Putentially Damaging Operation
  105. Project Designooutline Design, Drawing, Construction
  106. Performance Design Objective Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  107. Porejestrowe DośWiadczalnictwo Odmianowe
  108. Programmable Divider Output
  109. Portable Distributed Object(s) General, Governmental & Military
  110. Public Diplomacy Officer
  111. Potentially Damaging Operations
  112. Project Delivery Office Business, Management, Service
  113. Performance Determination Official Technology
  114. Pepakura Designer File Computing, File Extensions
  115. Protected Designated Origin Food, Locations, Cheese
  116. Personal Development Objectives Business, Medicine, Health
  117. Program Developmentaobjectives
  118. Php Data Objects Software, Computing
  119. Potentially Dangerous Offender
  120. Project Developmeht Objective Business, Service, Agriculture
  121. Per Diem-Only
  122. Parcel District Office United Kingdom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDO stand for?

    PDO stands for Proposal Development Office.

  2. What is the shortened form of Palladium Oxide?

    The short form of "Palladium Oxide" is PDO.


PDO. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 25). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdo-meaning/

Last updated