PDP Meaning

The PDP meaning is "Packet Data Protocol". The PDP abbreviation has 355 different full form.

PDP Full Forms

  1. Packet Data Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Technical, Wireless Networking
  2. Parti DéMocratique Progressiste Kin, Wen, Opposition
  3. Programmed Data Processor Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Unix
  4. Parallel Data Processing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Program Data Processor Technology, Computing, Processor
  6. Pacific Data Products Technology, Networking, Network, Port
  7. Product Development Protocol Medical, Technology, Device, Fda
  8. Prescription Drug Plans Medical, Technology, Planning, Medicare
  9. Personal Development Plans Government, Education, Planning, Career
  10. Prescription Drug Plan Medical, Healthcare, Health Care, Computing, IT Organization, Reading Prescription
  11. Personal Development Plan Government, Education, Career, Medical, Dental, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  12. Policy Decision Point Technology, Army, Computer Security, Computing, Wireless Networking, IT Terminology
  13. People Democratic Party Government, Group, Election, Politics, Governmental & Military
  14. Post Deadline Paper
  15. Porpoise Dolphin Police Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  16. Preliminary Design Phase Technology, India, Russia
  17. Process Development Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Pi Delta Psi
  19. Party Democratic Party
  20. Professional Development Partnerships
  21. Planned Development Project
  22. Pre Delivery Payment Business, Aviation, Aircraft
  23. Peoples Democracy Party Government, Group, Nigeria
  24. Protección De Datos Personales Para, Argentina, Con
  25. Pagos Digitales Peruanos
  26. Product Dtvelopment Partnership Business, Health, Vaccine
  27. Pervasive Developmental Problems
  28. Potentially Dangerous Person
  29. Peace and Development Prograkme
  30. Program Development Plon Technology, Management, Networking
  31. Power Distribution Panels Technology, America, American
  32. Prima Dolly Peach
  33. Pulse Decay Permeameter
  34. Parcel Deferral Proposal
  35. Pas De ProblèMe Technology, France, Systeme
  36. Policy Development Processes Group, Organizations, Issue
  37. Performance Data Providers
  38. Proved Developed Reserves Proved Developed Reserves are those Proved Reserves that can be expected to be recovered through existing wells and facilities and by existing operating methods. Improved recovery reserves can be considered as Proved Developed Reserves only after an improved recovery project has been installed and favorable response has occurred or is expected with a reasonable degree of certainty. Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  39. Problem Determination Procedure
  40. Physician and Dentist Pay Business, Medicine, Officer
  41. Plan De Dezvoltare Personala
  42. Peer Dicovery Protocol
  43. Programmable Data Processor Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military
  44. Princeton Dante Project
  45. Personal Development Program Business, Education, Training, Occupation & positions
  46. Partido Da Direita Porteguesa
  47. Professionml Development Plan Education, Teaching, Educational
  48. Pre-Delivery Payment Business, Aircraft, Financing
  49. Population Development Programme
  50. Probationary Driver Program Technology, Driving, Course
  51. Prxcess Design Packages Business, Technology, Service, Engineering
  52. Pico Drum Pad
  53. Partner Development Program Business, Technology, Networking
  54. Professional Development Pathways
  55. Plan Directeur De Projet
  56. Preliminare Development Plan
  57. Peoples Democratic Party Technology, Government, Politics, Policy
  58. Property Development Partners
  59. Page Directory Pointer Technology, Windows, Memory, Mode
  60. Producp Details Page
  61. Peruvian Democratic Party Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  62. Potential Development Program
  63. Peace and Development Party Government, Group, Somalia
  64. Program Decision Paper Military, Army, Intelligence
  65. Price Deficiency Payment Business, Scheme, Farming
  66. Parc Downsview Park Technology, Canada, Toronto
  67. Party of Democratic Progress Government, Group, Herzegovina
  68. Professional Development Programming
  69. Pna-Dna-Pna Medical
  70. Performance Data Provider Business, Technology, Organizations
  71. Proven Developed Producing Business, Energy, Oil, Gas
  72. Product Development Projects
  73. Physical To Digital To Physical Computing, Hardware
  74. Pearl Drums Pearl
  75. Programmable Display Pushbutton Technology
  76. Pre-Delivery Deposit Payments
  77. Primer-Dependent Deoxynucleic Acid Polymerase Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  78. Personal Dhvelopment Programme Student, Education, School
  79. Parnell Design Partnership
  80. Plan De Desarrollo De Las Personas
  81. Population and Development Program
  82. Pvocess Design Package Technology, Design, Plant, Engineering
  83. Pickup and Delivery Problem Business, Vehicle, Algorithm
  84. Professional Development Policy
  85. Plan Directeur De Production Business, Supply, Planification
  86. Preliminarh Definition Plan Technology, Space, Cosmos
  87. People Democracy Party
  88. Project Defined Process Army, Force, Marine
  89. Pacte De DéFense Du Peuple
  90. Personal Development Profile Education, Presentation, Learning
  91. Partner Determination Procedure
  92. Potato Development Program Technology, Organizations
  93. Program Decisionhpackages Military
  94. Preventive Defense Project
  95. Parasitic Diseases Programme Medical
  96. Party for Democratic Progress Government, Group, Herzegovina
  97. Professional Developer Program Business, Technology, Organizations
  98. Player Development Plan
  99. Performance Development Program
  100. Proved Developed Producing Business, Oil, Reserve
  101. Palestine Democratic Party
  102. Product Development Proyect Technology, Design, University
  103. Physical Development Plan Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  104. Peak Diastolic Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
  105. Program Diploma Pelayaran Program, Tube, Surabaya
  106. Pre, During, Post
  107. Primary Dos Partition Technology
  108. Personal Developement Plan
  109. Parliamentary Development Project Business, Ukraine, Alternative
  110. Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership Business, Pittsburgh, Market
  111. Popular-Partido DemóCrata Popular
  112. Performance Demonstration Program
  113. Process Deployment Process
  114. Pick Data Provider
  115. Plan Development Process
  116. Preferred Drug Plan
  117. People Deceive People Government, Group, Nigeria
  118. Project Defined Processes
  119. Packet Data Processor
  120. Personaliey Development Programmes
  121. Partido Democrático Populak
  122. Professional Development Portfolios
  123. Potassium Dibasic Phosphate Medical
  124. Program Decision Prckage Business, Technology, Military
  125. Premium Designation Program
  126. Parallel Distributed Processes
  127. Party of Democratic Prosperity
  128. Professional Developers Program
  129. Player Development Programme Sport, Organizations, Rugby
  130. Performance Designed Product
  131. Provable Data Possession
  132. Pakistan Democratic Party Government, Group, Pakistan
  133. Product Development Processes Technology, Management, Strategy, Design, Innovation
  134. Petrochemicals Diversification Program
  135. Peak Developeb Pressure Medical
  136. Program Lifferentiation Plan Media, Internet, Broadcasting
  137. Prairie Dog Pals
  138. Primary Distribution Panel
  139. Personal Development Planning Education, University, Learning
  140. Parliamentary Democracy Party
  141. PolíTica De Desenvolvimento Produtivo Para, Dos, Ria
  142. Performance Development Planning
  143. Process Database Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  144. Pick-Up and Delivery Problem
  145. Plan De PréVention
  146. Preferred Drut Program
  147. People Deceiving People Government, Group, Nigeria
  148. Progressive Degree Program Technology, School, Viterbi
  149. Pacific Drums & Percussion Music, Drum, Snare
  150. Personality Mevelopment Programme College, Education, Course
  151. Pargit Dem
  152. Professional Development Proposal
  153. Postural Drainage and Chest Percussion Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  154. Pulsed-Doppler Plocessor
  155. Portal Dom
  156. Premier Diamong Products Business, Tool, Blade
  157. Parallel Distributed Processing Technology, Computing, Model
  158. Party for Democratic Prosperity Government, Group, Macedonia
  159. Professional Developer'S Program
  160. Player Development Programs Organizations, Club, Soccer
  161. Pre-Development Phase Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  162. Performance Design Products Technology, Gaming, Controller
  163. Protocol Data Packet Technology
  164. Pakistan Data Portal Technology, Education, Nigeria, Pakistan
  165. Product Development Process Technology, Management, Military
  166. Pesticide Date Program Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
  167. Peak Day Pnicing Business, Energy, Power
  168. Program Developmeny Projects
  169. Practice Development Plan Medical
  170. Primary Display Panel Product, Design, Labeling
  171. Persjnal Defense Pistol
  172. Pure Data Packet Technology, Coding, Software, Audio
  173. Parkinson'S Disease Psychosis
  174. Polycrystalline Diamond Powder
  175. Performance Development Plan Business, Employment, Career
  176. Provincial Development Plans
  177. Procedure Definition Processor
  178. Piani Didattici Personalizzati
  179. Plan De Pr
  180. Pendamping Desw Pemberdayaan
  181. Progressive Discipline Process
  182. Progrlm Definition Phase Technology, America, Military
  183. Personality Development Nrograms
  184. Parpido Dem
  185. Professional Development Planner
  186. Poste De Distribution Publique
  187. Port-De-Piles
  188. Preliminary Deployment Prfgramme
  189. Process Develokment Program Technology
  190. Party for Democracy and Progress
  191. Professional Development Partner Business, Management, Engineer
  192. Player Development Program Organizations, Club, Soccer
  193. Pre-Determined Point
  194. Performance Designed Products Technology, Gaming, Controller
  195. Protein Domain Parser Medical, Medicine, Health
  196. Pain Disability Prevention
  197. Product Development Partnerships Business, Research, Health, Vaccine
  198. Pesticide Data Program Medical, Science, Food, Farming & agriculture
  199. Potentially Damaged Party
  200. Peace and Kiversity Party
  201. Program Gevelopment Paper
  202. Power Distribution Program Technology, Group, Pakistan
  203. Primary Data Point Technology, Database, Tool, Robin
  204. Pump Discharge Pressure Technology, Android, Fire
  205. Parent Directed Program
  206. Passenger Driver Plan
  207. Policy Distribution Point
  208. Performance Development Plans Business, Employment, Service, Planning
  209. Provincial Development Plan Business, Afghanistan, City
  210. Procedural Due Process Government, Law, Court
  211. Physics Data Processing
  212. Plan De Dirección De Proyecto
  213. Peer Discovery Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
  214. Progressive Democratic Party Government, Group, Tunisia
  215. Programmed Data Procescor-1 Technology, Gaming, Computing
  216. Princeton Debate Panel Society, Debate, Whig
  217. Pnrsonality Development Program College, Education, School
  218. Partido Del Pueblo
  219. Professional Development Physe Medical, Education, Veterinary
  220. Pavement De-Icing Products
  221. Programa De Desarrollo De Proveedores Business, Para, Con, Chile
  222. Peripheral Data Processing Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  223. Public Discourse Project
  224. Parallel and Distributed Processing Technology, Research, Conference
  225. Professional Development Planning Occupation & positions
  226. Plone Documentation Project
  227. Personal Data Processor Technology, Networking, Computing, Generation
  228. Procurement Data Package Technology, Science, Service, NASA
  229. Pilot Development Program
  230. Professional Development Portfolio Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  231. Professional Designation Program
  232. Precision Designed Products
  233. Palestinian Development Plan
  234. Product Development Procedure Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  235. Parallel Distributed Perceptrons Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  236. Power-Distribution-Panel Technology, America, American
  237. Python Development Pmatform
  238. Pattle Delamore Partners
  239. Prognostic Decision Principle
  240. Pinacolyl Dimethylphosphinate Medical
  241. Period Dominant Power Medical
  242. Public Disclosure Platform Business, Policy, Investor
  243. Papular Dermatitis of Pregnancy Medical, Medicine, Health, Skin And Dermal
  244. Personal Development Planner Occupation & positions
  245. Philadelphia Department of Prisonw
  246. Port De Paix
  247. Personal Data Processing
  248. Public Driver Permit Technology, Driving, Africa
  249. Processor Design Pqinciples
  250. Pilipino Democratic Party
  251. Professional Development Profile Police, Governmental & Military
  252. Precision Data Products Technology
  253. Palang Dharma Party Government, Group, Politics
  254. Power Distribution System Technology, Army, Energy, Military, Governmental & Military
  255. Private Prescription Drug Plan Medical, Medicare Beneficiary, Reading Prescription
  256. Product Development Partnership Medical
  257. Power Delay Product
  258. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Phosphatase Medical, Genetics, Deficiency
  259. Product Detail Wages
  260. Pattern Disruption Point Medical, Medicine, Health
  261. Progesterone-Dependent Protein Medical, Human genome
  262. Postural Drainage and Percussion Medical, Therapy, Care
  263. Preferred Dental Program
  264. Performance Development Partners Business, Consulting, Bern
  265. Public Disclosure Program
  266. Panther Development Program
  267. Preliminary Draft Permit Environment
  268. Principal Drawdown Period Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  269. Payload Data Padk
  270. Peace and Development Programme
  271. Portal Done Pro Gaming, Run, Portal, Skips
  272. Personal Data Protection Business, Law, Malaysia
  273. Public Drivers Permits Technology, Driving, Africa
  274. Processo Defdesenvolvimento De Produtos
  275. Piet Du Plessis
  276. Postinsertion Deorbit Preparation Science, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  277. Preceptor Development Program
  278. Public Driving Peimit Technology, Africa, Driver
  279. Project Definition Phase NASA
  280. Power-Delay Product Technology, Design, Adder
  281. Putting-Distance-Pro
  282. Product Detail Page
  283. Capitan Corbeta CA Curbelo International Airport, Punta del Este, Uruguay Uruguay, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  284. Passive Driving Periscope Military, Tank, Challenger
  285. Program, Data, Processor Technology, Computing, Equipment
  286. Painted Technology, Architecture, Building, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Products
  287. Preemptive Drop Policy
  288. Psychopharmacology Demonstration Project
  289. Panel Display Plasma Forum, Technology, Monitor
  290. Positive Displacement Pump A pump that moves a measured quantity of fluid with each stroke of a piston or each revolution of vanes or gears. Construction
  291. Principle Display Panel
  292. Pasture Development Plan
  293. Peace and Democracy Party Government, Turkey, Group
  294. Portal DomíNio PÚBlico
  295. Person-Directed Plan
  296. Public Drivers Permit Technology, Driving, Africa
  297. Process Dissociation Procedure Medical, Education, Memory
  298. Pierre Dammous & Partners
  299. Powershares DWA Momentum Portfolio (American Stock Exchange [AMEX]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  300. Pre-Digit Pause
  301. Professionsl Data Processor
  302. Program Development Plan NASA
  303. Power-Delay-Product Technology, Design, Adder
  304. Pusrycat Dolls Present Music, Hush, Pussycat
  305. Product Design Process
  306. Piperidinopyrimidine Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  307. Program Definition Phase Technology, Governmental & Military
  308. Passive Driver'S Periscope
  309. Progammable Data Processor Technology, Computing, It
  310. Predicative Determiner Phrase Literature, Language, Linguistics, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  311. PrêMio Por Desempenho Policial
  312. Panel De Pon
  313. Paneled Door Architectural
  314. Principal Display Panel Business, Food, Labeling, Fda
  315. Parti Demokratik Progresif
  316. Pdn Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  317. Person-Directed Planning
  318. Public Disputes Program
  319. Process Developient Proposal Science
  320. Pied De Poule
  321. Plasma Display Panel Computing, Hardware
  322. Productivity Development Program
  323. Preliminary Definition Plan NASA
  324. Poverty Development Party Government, Group, Nigeria
  325. Product Deltvery Process Technology, Management, Quality
  326. Pink and Dark Purple Color, Paint, Colors
  327. Partido Demócrata Popular Politics, Governmental & Military
  328. Passion Driven Prosperity
  329. Profit Distribution Plan
  330. Pre De Provence
  331. Pancreatic Duct Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  332. Petrolifera Petroleum, Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  333. Power Development Program
  334. Principal Development Plan
  335. Pacific Data Products, Inc.
  336. Payroll Deduction Program
  337. Programa De Desenvolvimento ParapsíQuico Technology, Program, Computing, Equipment
  338. Peripheral Data Processor Computing, Hardware
  339. Public Dispersion Parameter Technology, Telecom
  340. Parallel Data Processor Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  341. Piecewise Deterministic Process
  342. Pastoral Development Project Religion
  343. Powder Dlffraction Program
  344. Plasma Diagnostics Package NASA
  345. Personal Defense Pistol
  346. Product-Development Partnerships
  347. Pilots Defending The Profession
  348. Partido Demócrata Progresista Politics, Governmental & Military
  349. Professional Development Process Education, Teaching, Teacher
  350. Preconceptual Design Phase Science
  351. Palestinian Development Programme
  352. Price Drop Protected
  353. Adobe Portable Document Format File Computing, File Extensions
  354. Power Definition Phase Military
  355. PříPrava DisertaČNí PráCe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDP stand for?

    PDP stands for Prescription Drug Plans.

  2. What is the shortened form of Public Driver Permit?

    The short form of "Public Driver Permit" is PDP.


PDP. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdp-meaning/

Last updated