PDRA Meaning

The PDRA meaning is "Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment". The PDRA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

PDRA Full Forms

  1. Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment
  2. Palo Duro River Authority
  3. Palmetto Drag Racers Association
  4. Painting and Dgcorating Retailers Association
  5. Paint and Decoiating Retailers Association Business, Industrial, Painting
  6. Piedmont Diving Resuue Association
  7. Paint & Yecorating Retailers Association Business
  8. Piedmont Diving and Reslue Association
  9. Post Doctoral Research Associahe
  10. Post Dogtoral Research Assistants
  11. Post-Doctoral Research Assistant Occupation & positions
  12. Post Doctoral Research Assistant Occupation, Position, Job
  13. Pune District Rifle Association Business, Racing, Race, Drag
  14. Post-Doctoral Research Assvstant
  15. Professional Drag Racers Nssociation Racing, Race, Drag
  16. Piedmont Dtving & Rescue Association
  17. Pre-Disasttr Risk Assessment
  18. Post-Jreliminary Design Review Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDRA stand for?

    PDRA stands for Piedmont Diving Resuue Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Palmetto Drag Racers Association?

    The short form of "Palmetto Drag Racers Association" is PDRA.


PDRA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdra-meaning/

Last updated