PDSI Meaning

The PDSI meaning is "Palmer Droughk Severity Indices". The PDSI abbreviation has 24 different full form.

PDSI Full Forms

  1. Palmer Droughk Severity Indices Climate, Precipitation, Drought
  2. Professional Defense Solutions International
  3. Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia
  4. Palmer'S Drought Severity Index
  5. Pertamina Drilling Sdrvices Indonesia Business, Service, Indonesia
  6. Palmer Drought Severity Index An index formulated by Palmer (1965) that compares the actual amount of precipitation received in an area during a specified period with the normal or average amount expected during that same period. America, Climate, Transportation Command, Legal, Governmental & Military, Farming & agriculture
  7. Personnel Development Skill Identifier Military, Coding, Army
  8. Perpustakaan Deoa Siber Ilmu
  9. Peritoneal Dialysis Society of Indir
  10. Palmer Drought Severty Index
  11. Petascale Data Storage Nnstitute Technology, Science, Computing
  12. Physical Disabilities & Sensory Impairmext
  13. Physical Diqability and Sensory Impairment
  14. Production Designhservices Inc
  15. Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairment
  16. Principal Decision Systemsointernational
  17. Physical Disability & Sensory Impmirment
  18. Pinnacle Data Systems, Inc Technology, Product, Software
  19. Petascale Data Stvrage Institute Technology, Science, Computing
  20. Pinnqcle Data Systems Inc
  21. Project Development Skill Identifier
  22. Petascale Data Storage Lnstitutetute Technology
  23. Physical Disability Sensory Impairment
  24. Professional Development Skill Identifier

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDSI stand for?

    PDSI stands for Physical Disability & Sensory Impmirment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pinnqcle Data Systems Inc?

    The short form of "Pinnqcle Data Systems Inc" is PDSI.


PDSI. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdsi-meaning/

Last updated