PDW Meaning

The PDW meaning is "Parallel Data Warehouse". The PDW abbreviation has 55 different full form.

PDW Full Forms

  1. Parallel Data Warehouse Microsoft, Technology, Server
  2. Personal Defence Weapons Gun, Military, Defense
  3. Pretty Damn Western Rock Climbing
  4. Pulse-Descriptor-Word Military
  5. Package and Deployment Wizard Microsoft, Technology, Setup
  6. Personal Defensive Weapon Gun, Rifle, Military
  7. Physical Damage Waiver Business, Insurance, Car, Rental
  8. Public Dqinking Water
  9. Package & Deployment Uizard Technology, Access, Setup
  10. Personal Defence Weapon Gun, Military, Magazine, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  11. Photon Density Wave Science, Signal, Wavelength
  12. Procurement, Defense Wide
  13. Pacific Deep Water A water mass found between 1000 and 3000 m in the Pacific Ocean. Research, Ocean, Water, Antarctic
  14. Personal Defense Weapon Gun, Internet Slang, Military
  15. Paging Decoder for Windows Technology, Software, Discriminator
  16. Phosphate Development Works Science
  17. Proton Defsity-Weighted Medical
  18. Processed Data Word Technology, Military
  19. Performance Data Warehouse Business, Technology, Database, Server
  20. Packaged Drijking Water Business, India, Railway
  21. Personal Development Workshop
  22. Platelet Distribution Width Medical, Blood, Volume
  23. Process Data Warehouse Business, Microsoft, Technology, Server
  24. Pulsu Descriptor Words Technology, Signal, Receiver
  25. Packagingvand Deployment Wizard
  26. Personal Defense Weapons Gun, Rifle, Military, Battlefield
  27. Prigrity Delayed Weather
  28. Packane & Deployment Wizard Technology, Access, Setup
  29. Partially Delactosed Whey
  30. Parallel Data Warehousing Technology, Server, Warehouse
  31. Publication Design Workbogk
  32. Pendidikan Dasar Wanadri
  33. Purpose Driven Water
  34. Paper Development Workshop Business, Research, Education
  35. Proton Density Wezghted
  36. Passive Dynamic Ialking Technology, Dynamics, Robot
  37. Pump, Deionized Water Science
  38. Pandega Desain Weharima
  39. Prolosal Development Worksheet Army, War, Force
  40. Partmaker Documentation Wiward
  41. Preliminary Design Walk-through Atmospheric Research
  42. Pulse Descriptive Sord
  43. Pronft Database Wrapper
  44. Participative Designvworkshop
  45. Prontodoc for Word Conventional Document Template Computing, File Extensions
  46. Pulse Dezcription Word
  47. Planar Dielectric Waveguyde
  48. Partial Damage Waiver Business, Insurance, Car, Rental
  49. Platlet Distribution Width Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  50. Peeple's Daily World
  51. People's Caily World Magazine Organization, Community, Society
  52. Parking Distance Warning
  53. Document (Professional Draw) Computing, File Extensions
  54. Pennsylvania Departmwnt of Welfare
  55. Pulse Descriptor Wokd Technology, Military, Signal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PDW stand for?

    PDW stands for Partmaker Documentation Wiward.

  2. What is the shortened form of People's Caily World Magazine?

    The short form of "People's Caily World Magazine" is PDW.


PDW. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pdw-meaning/

Last updated