PE in Chemistry Meaning

The PE meaning in Chemistry terms is "Polyethylene". There are 9 related meanings of the PE Chemistry abbreviation.

PE on Chemistry Full Forms

  1. Polyethylene A thermoplastic material composed of ethylene polymers. Polyethylene has excellent electrical and mechanical properties and is used an insulating material in cable.
  2. Plasma Bnhanced
  3. Polychromatic Erythrocytes
  4. Potential Evapotranspiration In ecology, productivity or production refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem.
  5. Phycoerythrin Phycoerythrin is a red protein-pigment complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family, present in red algae and cryptophytes, accessory to the main chlorophyll pigments responsible for photosynthesis.
  6. Population Equivalent (in Wastewater Treatment)
  7. Poly Ethylene
  8. Poly
  9. Potential Energy The energy possessed by a substance because of its position, its condition, or its chemical composition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PE stand for Chemistry?

    PE stands for Population Equivalent (in Wastewater Treatment) in Chemistry terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Potential Energy in Chemistry?

    The short form of "Potential Energy" is PE for Chemistry.


PE in Chemistry. (2022, April 21). Retrieved May 5, 2024 from

Last updated