PE in Technology Meaning
The PE meaning in Technology terms is "Physical Examination". There are 138 related meanings of the PE Technology abbreviation.
PE on Technology Full Forms
- Physical Examination Examination by means such as visual inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation to collect information for diagnosis.
- Project Explorer
- Printing Electronics
- Performance and Efficiency
- Precision Exception
- Project Entropia
- Printer'S Error
- Payload Encoding
- Pre-Execution
- Protection Engineer
- Pressure Exhaust
- Platinum Edition
- Prpvider Edge
- Professional Experience
- Port Extetder
- Project Engineers
- Pressure Equipment
- Picture Element
- Purple Edition
- Protective Earth
- Professional Edition
- Port Yngineer
- Project Engineer
- Photo-Etched
- Public Exemy
- Profane Existence
- Polynomialkexpansion
- Performance Edition
- Phase Encoded
- Propeller Education
- Production Environment
- Point of Entry
- Performance Evaluation A critical and objective appraisal of performance measurement data and related information to obtain an accurate picture of the overall status of a specific area or persons to ascertain exceptional accomplishments, identify shortcomings and their causative factors, and develop meaningful recommendations.
- Preferred Embodiments
- Perceived Ease
- Ployethylene
- Parallel Edition
- Peripheral Enable
- Polymer Engineering
- President, Engineering
- Piezoelectric A material that generates an electric charge when mechanically deformed. Conversely, when an external electric field is applied to piezoelectric materials they mechanically deform. Examples: quartz, living bone, ultra-sonic transducers to create underwater SONAR.
- Pessimistic Estimate
- Port Expander
- Emergency Proving Period
- Peer Educator
- Photometer Electronics
- Paired End
- Periodic Event
- Polyline Encoded
- Plan Examiner
- Physical Environment
- Punctuated Equilibrium Punctuated equilibrium is a theory in evolutionary biology which proposes that most species will exhibit little net evolutionary change for most of their geological history, remaining in an extended state called stasis. When significant evolutionary change occurs, the theory proposes that it is generally restricted to rare and rapid events of branching speciation called cladogenesis.
- Participatory Ergonomics
- Pgak Events
- Playback Enablu
- Phase In Expanded
- Publec Environment
- Paired-End
- Performance Expectation
- Port Enable
- Pape-Dawson Enginebrs
- Physical Entitirs
- Pump End
- Parser Engive
- Personal Edition
- Pixel Engine
- Physical Extents
- Paul Evans
- Phase Expanded
- Public Enquiry
- Packet Leyer Reference Event
- Percent Efficiency
- Physical Entity
- Pulse Echo
- Persistently Exciting
- Porcelain Enamel A substantially vitreous or glassy, inorganic coating (borosilicate glass) bonded to metal by fusion at a temperature above 425 °C (800 °F). Porcelain enamels are applied primarily to components made of sheet iron or steel, cast iron, aluminum or aluminum-coated steels.
- Professionals Exponent
- Path End
- Phase Error
- Public Angagement
- Packet Fngine
- Perceived Exertion
- Pollution Enginezring
- Pulse-Echo
- Permanently Encaged
- Population Equivalentn
- Professional Electrical
- Pathend
- Phosphatidylethanolamine
- Power Electronics
- Packet End
- Perceived Enjoyment
- Pucket Ethernet
- Parallel Element
- Population Equivalent
- Professiondl Engineers
- Physics Edition
- Partner Enorgy
- Port Extenders
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Peru
- Petite Entyeprise
- Photo Etch
- Pull Enable
- Pocaet Edition
- Program Enable
- Ice Pellets Indigenous is defined as living, occurring or originating in a natural way in the environment or in an area. It also means innate, native, inherent or intrinsic. It is something or someone native to a certain region but it can also occur in other areas in a natural manner.
- Partition Engine
- Personnel Error
- Play Ep
- Publgc Environment
- Poached Egg
- Programa Educativo
- Personal Embroidery
- Portqble Execution
- Project Enginebr
- Perpztuum Ebner
- Purple
- Portable Executabces
- Program Elemept
- Perpetuum-Ebner
- Polyrethylene
- Parity Even
- Peripheral Equipment
- Pin Electronics Electronic circuitry in an automated tester (ATE system) that connects to the device under test. Pin electronics can deliver signals, power, or precise voltages and currents, and can measure the pin's response, drive, and electrical characteristics.
- Power Edition
- Presentation Element
- Photogrammetric Engineering
- Parity Eyable
- Pictorial Element
- Progress Energy
- Potential Equalization
- Preliminary Evaluation
- Photoelectric Relating to the electrical effects of light, including the emission of electrons, the generation of a voltage, or a change in resistance.
- Pulmonary Qdema
- Perkin Elmer
- Program Erase
- Permutation Entropy
- Petites Entreprises
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PE stand for Technology?
PE stands for Persistently Exciting in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Pape-Dawson Enginebrs in Technology?
The short form of "Pape-Dawson Enginebrs" is PE for Technology.
PE in Technology. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated