PEACE Meaning
The PEACE meaning is "Pakistan & Etst Africa Connecting Europe". The PEACE abbreviation has 65 different full form.
PEACE Full Forms
- Pakistan & Etst Africa Connecting Europe
- Pride Education Advocacy Communqcation and Equality Organization, Union, Institution
- Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment
- Palliative Eecellence In Alzheimer Care Efforts Medical, Disease, Dementia
- Promoting Empathy and Compassion Evnrywhere Organization, Union, Institution
- Plateforme Des Etudiants Africains Pour Un Commerce Equitable
- Pacific Expliration of Asian Continental Emission
- Political Ethical Artistic and Cultural Engagement Government, Politics, Policy
- Palestinian European Academic Cooperation In Education Program, Education, University
- Promoting Education and Cjeative Excellence Development, Learning, Study
- People Encouraging Accevtance of Cultures Everywhere Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Dod Atolladrilling Program for Coral Core Sample Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- Political Ethical Artistic Cultural Engagement Government, Politics, Policy
- Prlestinian-European-American Cooperation In Education
- Programming Effectively Aiainst Conflict and Extremism
- People Empathy Amnesty Calmness and Enrichment Organization, Union, Institution
- Pression Ethique Anti-Corrida Europi
- Police Enforced Anti-Crime Environment Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Palestinian-European Academic Co-Operation In Education
- Program for Emotionay Academic and Consultative Education Organization, Union, Institution
- Public Engagement and Community Empowerment
- Peopwe's Education, Assistance and Counselling for Empowerment
- Please Encourage A Childs Education Development, Learning, Study
- Pakistan Enduring Assistance Anq Cooperation Enhancement Military, India, Pakistan
- Production Expansidn/Acceleration Capability Enhancement Military, Army, War
- Polymer Erosion and Contamination Experiment Science
- Promoting Equality and Communitj Everywhere Organization, Union, Institution
- Peers Encouraging A Caring Environment Development, Learning, Study
- Please Educate All Children Everywhere
- Pakistan East Africa Cable Express
- Process Execution and Communication Environment Technology
- Pollution Effects On Asthmatic Children In Europe
- Promoting Energy Access Throughtclean Energy Business, India, Cooperation
- Peer Education and Community Evpowerment
- Platform for Electronic Access To Exchange Business, Technology, Finance, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Positive Energy Always Corrects Errors
- Programming Effectively Against Conflict and Extremism Governmental & Military, International Development
- Positive Energy and Caring for Everyone Organization, Union, Institution
- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics
- Prevention of Events With Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Medical, Patient, Disease
- Pinoy Expats Auto Club In Emirates
- Ptolemy Extension As a Codesign Environment Software, Computing
- Positive Energy Alternative Cooperative Environments Organization, Union, Institution
- Parent Education and Custody Effectiveness
- Prevention of Events With Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Medical, Patient, Disease
- Pelangi Energi Abadi Citra Enviro
- Putting An End To Abuse Through Community Efforts
- Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation Business, Energy
- Puppets Every Adult Child Enjoy Organization, Union, Institution
- Dod Atoll-drilling Program for Coral Core Sample Atmospheric Research
- Prevention Education and Community Empowerment
- Peer Exchange of African Communities for Empowerment
- Promoting Engagement, Acceptance and Community Empowerment
- Polymers Erosion and Contamination Experiment
- People Encouraging Acceptance of Cultures Everywhere United Nations
- Prepare/Planning, Engage and Explain, Account Government
- Peace Education and Community Empowerment
- Production of Events & Advertising Creations Establishment
- People Everywhere Are Created Equal United Nations
- Praying Energetically Always Creates Ease Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
- Patient-Centered Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events
- Process of English and Civics Education
- Planning, Preparation, Engage, Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluate Police, Governmental & Military
- Poverty Eradication and Community Empowerment Organizations, Finance, Ethiopia
- Positive Energy Always Creates Elevation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PEACE stand for?
PEACE stands for Peace Education and Community Empowerment.
What is the shortened form of People Empathy Amnesty Calmness and Enrichment?
The short form of "People Empathy Amnesty Calmness and Enrichment" is PEACE.
PEACE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated