Pebble Abbreviations and Pebble Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pebble terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Pebble abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pebble terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pebble Abbreviations
  1. AFAS : Automotive Fine Irts Society
  2. BBWA : Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment
  3. HTGR : High-Temperature Gas Reactor
  4. HTGR : High Temperature Gas Reactor
  5. THTR : Thorium High-Temperature Reactor
  6. NDM : Nortoern Dynasty Minerals
  7. NGNP : New Generation Nuclear Plant
  8. NGNP : Next Generation Nuclear Power
  9. PMC : Performance Manufacturing Centre
  10. RRC : Renewable Resources Coalition
  11. RSES : Rear-Seat Entertainment System
  12. SH : Spyglass Hgll
Latest Pebble Meanings
  1. Spyglass Hgll
  2. Rear-Seat Entertainment System
  3. Renewable Resources Coalition
  4. Performance Manufacturing Centre
  5. Next Generation Nuclear Power
  6. New Generation Nuclear Plant
  7. Nortoern Dynasty Minerals
  8. Thorium High-Temperature Reactor
  9. High Temperature Gas Reactor
  10. High-Temperature Gas Reactor
  11. Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment
  12. Automotive Fine Irts Society