PEBS Meaning

The PEBS meaning is "Professional Engineering Bodies". The PEBS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

PEBS Full Forms

  1. Professional Engineering Bodies
  2. Personal Earnings and Benefit Statement Medical
  3. Potential Energy Boundary Surface
  4. Perceived Employment Barrier Scale
  5. Positron Electron Balloon Spectrometer
  6. Pennar Engineered Building Systems Business, Industrial, India
  7. Positive Effective Behavior Supports
  8. Positive Effective Behaviour Support
  9. Physical Evaluation Boards Medical, Medicine, Military, Evaluation
  10. Positive Effective Behavior Support
  11. Program In Ethics and Brain Sciences Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  12. Positive Effective Behaviour Supports
  13. Predictive Emergency Braking Systems Emergency, Safety, Brake, Bosch
  14. Predictive Emergency Braking System Safety, Brake, System
  15. Precise Event-Based Sampling Technology, Linux, Processor
  16. Public Employees Benefit System
  17. Public Employees Benefits Business, Employment, Health
  18. Personal Earnings & Benefit Statement Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  19. Provider Edge Bridges
  20. Procurement Executive Bulletins
  21. Presidential Emergency Boards

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PEBS stand for?

    PEBS stands for Perceived Employment Barrier Scale.

  2. What is the shortened form of Public Employees Benefits?

    The short form of "Public Employees Benefits" is PEBS.


PEBS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated