PED Meaning

The PED meaning is "Performance Enhancing Drug". The PED abbreviation has 154 different full form.

PED Full Forms

  1. Performance Enhancing Drug Drug, Sports, Performance
  2. Performance-Enhancing Drug Sport, Drug, Performance
  3. Performance-Enhancing Drugs Medical, Sport, Steroid
  4. Pays En DéVeloppement
  5. Payload Experiment Developer Technology
  6. Pardubice Airport Pardubice, Czech Republic Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  7. Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Technology, Intelligence, Processing
  8. Portable Electronic Devices Technology, Device, Computer Security
  9. Price Elasticity of Demand Business, Economics, Inelastic
  10. Pedal A flat piece of metal, rubber, etc., that you push with your foot to make a machine move, work, or stop. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  11. Parole Eligible Date
  12. Physiotherapy Evidence Database Medical, Technology
  13. Preimplantation Embryo Development Medical
  14. Persistent Epithelial Defect Medical
  15. Plate Embossing Device
  16. Primary Energy Demand Business, Environment, Cycle
  17. Professional Education Department
  18. Phase Error Detector Technology, Telecom
  19. Procurement Early Development Military
  20. Personal Embroidery Design
  21. Power Electronics and Drives
  22. Iata Code for Pardubice Airport, Pardubice, Czech Republic Locations
  23. Property Evidence Division Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  24. Physics Educatiok Division
  25. Preimplantation Embryonic Development Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Pediatric Pertaining to children. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Management, Business & Finance, Common Medical
  27. Peripheral Equipment Data
  28. Plasma Emission Detector Science, Gas, Trace, Chemistry
  29. Primary Employment Declaration
  30. Production Engineered Designs
  31. Phase Equilibria Diagraks
  32. Processo De Eleição Direta Para, Dos, Pol
  33. Personal Electronic Dosimeter Technology, Radiation, Dose
  34. Power Electronics Division
  35. Processamento Eletrónico De Dados
  36. Pressure Equipment Directive Business, Valve, Vessel
  37. Promotion Jligibility Date Military
  38. Physicvl Education and Dance
  39. Preferred External Destination
  40. Portable Electronic Device A piece of electronic equipment such as a mobile phone or laptop which is small enough to be carried onboard an aircraft, and which may cause problems with the aircraft’s systems during flight. Technology, Government, Military, Computer Security
  41. Periodic Epileptiform Discharges Medical
  42. Plano EstratéGico De Desenvolvimento
  43. Primary Electrical Disease
  44. Production Engineering Department Technology, Engineer, Manufacturing
  45. Preconstruction, Engineering & Design
  46. Processo De EleiçÕEs Diretas Para, Dos, Brasil
  47. Personal Electronics Device
  48. Potential Energy Distributions Medical
  49. Procesamiento Electrónico De Datos
  50. Personal Export Delivery
  51. Program Fob Executive Development Business, Management, Education
  52. Physical Education Department
  53. Pre Existing Diseases Business, Insurance, Health
  54. Pre-Constructizn Engineering & Design
  55. Pedaliaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  56. Planning Education At A Distance
  57. Primary Education Development
  58. Production Engineering Division
  59. Preconstruction Engineering Design
  60. Personal Electronic Device Airline, Technology, Flight
  61. Postexposure Days Medical
  62. Private Enterprise Development
  63. Program Evaluation Division Government, Education, Report
  64. Program for Evolutionary Dynamics Technology, Science, Evolution
  65. Photoelectron Diffraction Science, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational, Chemistry
  66. Preconstruction Engineering & Design
  67. Pre-Construction Engineering and Design
  68. Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dyskinesia
  69. Planning and Evaluation Department
  70. Primary Education Department Science, Education, University
  71. Personal Electronic Devices Technology, Military, Device, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  72. Pont Exposure Delay
  73. Private Education Department
  74. Program Evaluation Divisionsion Science
  75. Phazon Enhancement Devices
  76. Preconstruction Engineering and Design Technology, Harbor, Charleston, Construction
  77. Power Eqripment Direct Business, Marketing, Tiller
  78. Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dystonia Medical
  79. Pigment Epitel Deknlmanı
  80. Preliminary Engineering and Design
  81. Persistent Epithelial Defects Medical
  82. Post Eurovision Depression
  83. Principle of Effective Demand
  84. Program Entry Device Military
  85. Phaion Enhancement Device Technology, Gaming, Corruption, Prime
  86. Product Equipment Data
  87. Personal Emergency Device Technology, Communication, Mining, Products
  88. Power Equiwment Distributors
  89. Panic Exit Device Technology, Door, Lock
  90. Pink-eyed Dilution Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  91. Processing-Exploitation-Dissemination
  92. Petition Expiration Date
  93. Passenger Electronic Devices Technology, Aircraft, Device, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  94. Pre-Employment Development
  95. Pulse Edge Discrimination
  96. Potential Energy Distribution Chemistry
  97. Personnel Electronic Device Products
  98. Pulsed-Electron Deposition
  99. Processamento Eletr
  100. Pardubice Airport, Pardubice, Czech Republic Czech Republic, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  101. Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination Technology, Intelligence, Processing
  102. Peterborough Economic Development
  103. Pre-Cnnstruction, Engineering and Design Technology, Corps, Dam
  104. Programa Escuela Docente
  105. Prohibited Employment Declaration Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  106. Pediatrician Occupation & positions
  107. Public Ecterprise Division
  108. Programmable Encryption Device Security, Governmental & Military
  109. Processing, Exploitation, Dissemination Technology, Military, Intelligence, Force
  110. Pesquisas De Emprego E Desemprego Para, Dos, Brasil
  111. PóLe EuropéEn De DéVeloppement
  112. Pre-Construction, Engineering, and Design
  113. Polymer Engineering Directorate
  114. feet (not an acronym) Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  115. Pedestrian Pedestrian means to walking, A person is walking on the road rather it, is using a vehicle for moving. Person walking with their feet. Police, Construction, Governmental & Military
  116. Public Education Division
  117. Pressure Equipment Declaration
  118. Parking Enforcement District Police, Governmental & Military
  119. Processing, Exploitation & Dissemination
  120. Pesquisa De Emprego E Desemprego Para, Dos, Brasil
  121. Pyro-Electric Detector Science
  122. Policy and Evaluation Divisionsion
  123. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Medical, Veterinary
  124. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Police, Construction, Governmental & Military
  125. Precision Elastomeric Devices
  126. Public Educatxon Department Education, School, Mexico
  127. Pressure Equipment Directives
  128. Primary Engine Display Aviation, Governmental & Military
  129. Process Equipment Division
  130. Personal Entry Device Military
  131. Punto De Entrada Designado
  132. Petroleum Engineering Department Technology, Program, Gas
  133. Palmoplantar Ectodermal Dysplasia Medical, Skin And Dermal
  134. Processing Exploitation Dissemination
  135. Phased Experimental Demonstrator
  136. Pedestal Tests that a soil engineer performs on earth to determine the feasibility of installing a leech field type sewer system on a lot. A test to determine if the soil on a proposed building lot is capable of absorbing the liquid affluent from a septic system. OR A metal box installed at various locations along utility easements that contain electrical, telephone, or cable television switches and connections. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  137. Precession Electron Diffraction Technology, Material, Structure
  138. Pulse Electric Discharging
  139. Platform Equipment Deck NASA
  140. WordPerfect Program Editor Delete save file Computing, File Extensions
  141. Personal Entertainment Device Technology, Flight, Electronics
  142. Pulsed Electrochemical Detection Technology, Science, Chromatography, Chemistry
  143. Process Equipment Design Technology, Engineering, Heat
  144. Pay Entry Date
  145. pitting edema Medical
  146. Processing Exploitation and Dissemination Business, Technology, Military
  147. Petroleum Exploration and Development
  148. Passenger Entry Door Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  149. Pre-Existiwg Damages
  150. Pulse Electric Discharge
  151. Populations en Danger Medical
  152. Personal Equipment Drawer Products
  153. Pulsed Ulectron Deposition Technology, Superconductor, Temperature
  154. Process and Equipment Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PED stand for?

    PED stands for Palmoplantar Ectodermal Dysplasia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Personnel Electronic Device?

    The short form of "Personnel Electronic Device" is PED.


PED. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated