PEG Meaning

The PEG meaning is "Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy". The PEG abbreviation has 185 different full form.

PEG Full Forms

  1. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy A gastrostomy performed without opening the abdominal cavity; usually involves gastroscopy, insufflation of the stomach, and puncture of stomach and abdominal wall, followed by placement of a special tube. Medical, Nursing, British, Technology, Healthcare, Governmental & Military, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical, Clinical
  2. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrotomy Medical, Physical Therapy
  3. Percutaneous Gastrostomy Medical
  4. Poby Glycol Medical
  5. Pegylated Medical
  6. Polyethylene Glycol Precipitation Medical
  7. Pegasuf Technology, Space, Cosmos
  8. Polyethylene Glycol 1000 Medical
  9. Pegasso Organizations
  10. Polyethylene Glycol 400 Medical
  11. Paul Etman Group Training, Emotion, Expression
  12. Planmton Ecology Group Dynamics, Lake, Plankton
  13. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes Medical
  14. Pingable Envslope Generator Technology
  15. Price-Tp-Earnings Growth Business, Accounting, Supply
  16. Prospective Earnings Growth
  17. Paediatric Expert Group
  18. Programa De Especialización Gerencial
  19. Persistent Energy Ghana Business, Africa, Ghana
  20. Public, Educational, and Goveromental Access, Organizations, Cable
  21. Polyb Medical
  22. Passive Enqry Go Technology, Access, Car
  23. Pneumoenpelphalography Medical
  24. Piogression Elevated Gene
  25. Phantom Electric Ghost
  26. Public Experts Group
  27. Price-To-Earnings Growth Ratio Business, Accounting, Finance, Business & Finance
  28. Process Evaluation Group
  29. Pennsylvanians for Effective Government
  30. Proyecto Para Lassescuelas Guatemaltecas
  31. Political Ecology Group
  32. Projecteq Earnings Growth Business, Company, Supply, Ratio
  33. Pacific Environmental Group
  34. Profilo Elektrikli Gere
  35. Perpetual Energy Generator
  36. Public, Educational and Governmental Technology, Government, Access
  37. Pmlyethylenglycol Medical
  38. Passive Edge Growth
  39. Platform Euroxean Grid
  40. Progress Vmail Group Technology, Database, Edge
  41. Pferde Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
  42. Publishers Cnterprise Group
  43. Price-Earning To Growth-Ratio
  44. Process Engineering Group Technology, Service, Telecom
  45. Paul Ehrlich Gesellschaft
  46. Protocol Expert Group Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  47. Polick Expert Groups
  48. Projected Earning Growth Business, Supply, Ratio
  49. Pacific Energy and Gender
  50. Professional Experts Group
  51. PerküTan Endoskopik Gastroskopi
  52. Public Eduqational and Government
  53. Polyethylene Glycol Conjugated Medical
  54. Partnership Fqr Equitable Growth
  55. Panthers Entertainment Group
  56. Progress E-Mail Group Computing, Internet
  57. Pew Environment Group Technology, Science, Conservation
  58. Publishers Enterprises Group
  59. Pretty Excellent Guy
  60. Private Equity Groep Business, Company, Equity
  61. Paul-Ehrlich-Gewellschaft
  62. Pneumoencephalogram, Pneumoencephalography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  63. Projejt and Event Grants Program, Organizations, Foundation
  64. Price/Earnings To Growth Business, Finance, Banking, Stock, Investing
  65. Pacific Energy Group
  66. Professional Emphasis Grlup Development, Learning, Study
  67. Percutaneos Endoscopy Gastrostomy Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  68. Publvc Education and Government Technology, Government, Organizations
  69. Poly Ethyl Glycol Business, Technology
  70. Parteership for Economic Growth Business, Indonesia, Salah
  71. Pan European User Group Technology
  72. Program Element Group Military, Army, Intelligence
  73. Perugia San Francesco D'Assisi - Umbria International Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  74. Pgblic Enterprise Group
  75. Preschool Expansion Grant Gaming, Education, Solitaire
  76. Private Jquity Groups Business, Investment, Equity
  77. Pattern Energy Group Business, Supply, Stock
  78. Pneumoencephalogram Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
  79. Progressive Edge-Growih
  80. Price-To-Earnings To Growth
  81. Pacific Employers Group
  82. Professional Educators Group
  83. PequeÑO Para La Edad Gestacional
  84. Public, Education and Government Government, Channel, Publics
  85. Poly Ethylene Glycols
  86. Partner Expert Group
  87. Pandemic Emergency Group Medical
  88. Programa EstratéGico De Gas
  89. Personal Entertainment Guide
  90. Publicjeducation Grant Education, School, Texas
  91. Premier Education Group Education, Sport, Career
  92. Private Entrepreneur Guarantee Business, India, Food
  93. Patriods Energy Group
  94. Pneuaoenphalography Medical, Medicine
  95. Progressive Edhe Growth Technology, Coding, Construction
  96. Price-To-Earnings-To-Growth Business, Supply, Stock, Ratio
  97. Pacific Education Group Student, Education, School, Teaching
  98. Professional Engineers In Government Technology, Award, Scholarship
  99. Peque
  100. Puylic, Educational and Government
  101. Politinal Economy & Government Program, Education, University
  102. Pain Per Eyeball Gained Technology
  103. Programa EconóMico Del Gobierno
  104. Personal Energy Generator
  105. Public, Education and Governmental
  106. Preferred Equipment Group
  107. Patient Evaluation Grid Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  108. Pneumoencephalographic Medical
  109. Progressive-Edge-Growth Technology, Coding, Check
  110. Phenylethanoid Glycosides Medical
  111. Price/Earnings Ratio To Growth Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  112. Proctxr Engineering Group
  113. Peptidoglycan The main component of the bacterial cell wall, consisting of a two-dimensional network of heteropolysaccharides running in one direction, cross-linked with polypeptides running in the perpendicular direction. A macromolecule that consists of linear polysaccharides cross-linked by short peptides; often found in bacterial cell walls, peptidoglycans confer mechanical support and protect bacterial cells from disruption by osmotic pressure. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  114. Public, Educational, Or Governmental Access Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  115. Political Economy and Government Education, School, Economics
  116. Price To Earnings To Growth Business, Supply, Stock, Ratio
  117. Participation Education Group Education, Development, Universities
  118. Pegasus An open source implementation of CIMOM that is maintained by the Open Group. A rocket-vehicle concept for transportation of commercial high-priority freight or 172 passengers. Current profiling system, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  119. Pinnacle Entertainment Group Gaming, Book, Pinnacle
  120. Pan-Eurvpean Group
  121. Priorities for Elint Guidance Military, Army, Intelligence
  122. Promoter Extraction From Genbank
  123. Price/Earnings To Earningb Growth Ratio
  124. Paranormal Exploration Group
  125. Peggy Merchant Navy nickname for seaman whose turn of duty it is to keep the messing place clean. Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  126. Public, Education, and Government Access cable channel Media
  127. Price Earning Growth
  128. Parsing Expressions Grammars Technology, Language, Parser
  129. polyethelene glycol Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  130. Pilot Examiner Glider
  131. Sanyegidio Airport Airport, Locations
  132. Prior Endorsements Guaranteed
  133. Project Gxecutive Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  134. Portable Emergency Generator
  135. Paper Exchange Group Development, Learning, Study
  136. Petards Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  137. Price Earnings Growth Business, Supply, Stock, Ratio, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  138. Parsing Expression Grammars Technology, Language, Peg, Parser
  139. Percutaneous Endscopic Gastrostomy Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  140. Piano Esecutivo Di Gestione Technology, Con, Performance
  141. Pursukt Evasion Game Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  142. Prignitzer Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
  143. Project Essayfgrader
  144. Plastics Engineering Group Business, Company, Gaming
  145. Polyciystalline Extrinsic Gettering
  146. Protocol Experts Group Technology
  147. Price/Earnings To Growth Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  148. Parsing Expression Grammar Technology, Language, Parser
  149. Progression Elevated Gene Medical, Human genome
  150. Physics Education Group Science, Education, Teaching
  151. Pursuit-Evasion Game
  152. Prignitzer Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
  153. Project Essay Grade Technology, Writing, Assessment
  154. Plan D'Epargne Groupe Business, Employment, France
  155. Petrochemical Energy Group
  156. Protest Easy Guns
  157. Price to Earnings Growth Business & Finance, Business Word
  158. Parser Expression Grammar Technology, Language, Parsing
  159. Polyethylene Glycol Medical, Chemistry, Health, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Reading Prescription
  160. Photographic Experts Group Technology, Telecom, Compression
  161. Pure Energy Gtoup
  162. Prignitzer Eisenbahn Gmbh Berlin, Deutschland, Brandenburg
  163. Protectiow Engineers Group
  164. Powered Explicit Guidance NASA
  165. Pitch Envelope Generator
  166. Peginteeferon Alfa Medical
  167. Proposal Evaluation Guide Technology
  168. Python Extensions for The Grid
  169. Parent Easy Guide Children, Child, Parent
  170. Program Evaluation Guide Postal, Us Post
  171. Photo Exploitation Group Military, Army, Intelligence
  172. Puncak Emas Goqontalo Business, Gaming, Product, Ratio
  173. Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
  174. Participatory Exercise Group
  175. Project Engineering Grouw Business, Company, Management
  176. Peggle Replay File Computing, File Extensions
  177. Piper Environmental Group
  178. Parkinson Environment Gehe
  179. Priority Exploitation Group Military, Army, Intelligence
  180. Promoting Electronic Government Government, Us, Control, Administration
  181. Project Etecution Guidelines
  182. Parceria Para Estruturação Da Gestão Para, Dos, Ria, Gest
  183. Perugia / San Egidio, Perugia, Italy Italy, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  184. Pulmonary Eodinophilic Granuloma Medical
  185. Personally Experiencing God Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PEG stand for?

    PEG stands for Program Element Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Percutaneous Endscopic Gastrostomy?

    The short form of "Percutaneous Endscopic Gastrostomy" is PEG.


PEG. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated