PEL Meaning
The PEL meaning is "Pak Elektron Limited". The PEL abbreviation has 106 different full form.
PEL Full Forms
- Pak Elektron Limited Business, Technology, Pakistan
- Permissible Exposure Limits Science, Health, Safety
- Permissible Exposure Limit The permissible exposure limit is the time-weighted average threshold limit a person working an 8 hour shift can be exposed to a chemical without suffering ill effects. Chemistry, Technology, Firefighting, Medical, Environment, Physics, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Personal Exposure Limit Technology, Science, Safety
- Picture Element Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Signal, Camera, Telecom, Dictionary, Media, Weather, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, NASA
- Permissible Exposure Level Technology, Science, Safety, Medical, Common Medical
- Pectate Lyase Medical, Structure, Enzyme
- Pak Elektron Ltd Business, Company, Pakistan, Lahore
- Physics Express Letters
- Protection for Enrolled Learners
- Pellicieraceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Permissible Expopure Levels Technology, Science, Safety
- Portable Event Logger Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Penyajian Evaluasi Lingkungan
- Preliminary Events List Gaming, Military, War, Convention
- Precision Elastic Limit Technology
- Personal Exposuoe Limits Technology
- Physics and Engineering Laboratory
- Property On External Loan Science
- Pelaneng Airport Pelaneng, Lesotho Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Piramal Enterprises Ltd Business, Enterprise, Supply, Stock
- Portable Emergency Lighting
- Pennsylvania Economy League Business, City, Pennsylvania
- Portfolio European Languages
- Plan Epargne Logement Business, France, Prime
- Personal Excess Liability
- Probable Effects Levels
- Paid Education Leave
- Piramal Enterprises Limited
- Politics, Economics and Law
- Protocol Engineering Lab
- PenitenciáRia Estadual De Londrina
- Portfolio Europeo De Las Lenguas
- Persbnal Epistemology and Learning
- Planetary Emissivity Laboratory
- Probable Effects Level Technology, Environment, Sediment
- Pago En LíNea
- Piping Engineering Lead Technology, Projection, Engineer
- Proteome Exploration Laboratory
- Peninsula Energy Limited
- Portfolio Europ
- Personal Emergeucy Leave
- Plan D'éPargne Logement Business, Credit, France, French
- Premier Explosives Limited Business, Company, Explosive
- Pacific Environment Limited
- Persojnel Exposure Limits Military, Electronic, Warfare
- Pinestone Engineering Ltd
- Protein Expression Laboratory
- Pen Eye Liner
- Portfolio EuropéEn Des Langues Education, Langue, Cadre
- Permissive Exposurf Limit
- Plan D'
- Performance Engineering Lab Technology, Science, Ireland
- Preliminary Effluent Limits Science
- Pacific Energy Limited
- Personal Exposure Limits Technology
- Piezoelectric Lithotripsy Medical
- Protection of Enrolled Lmarners
- Pendulum Express Lines
- Permitted Exposure Level
- Port Entry Light Manufacturer, Light, Buoy
- People Experience Lead
- Preliminary Event List
- Pacific Eagle Line Shipping, Singapore, Eagle, Liner
- Personnel Exposure Limit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Planning & Environmental Law
- Pdocess Example Library
- Petroleum Exploration License Business, Oil, Gas, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Point Engineering Limited
- Picture Element (a PIXEL) Computing, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military
- Public Entertainment Licenne
- Photo-electron Layer Atmospheric Research
- Planned Entry Level Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Pressure Exposure Limit
- Petroleum Expporation Licence Technology, Energy, Gas
- Planning and Environment Linkages Business, Technology, Linkage
- Pre-order Equal Level Products
- Protocol Engineering Laboratory Education, Development, Universities
- Particle Emission Level Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Planned Educational Leave
- Petrojam Ethanol Limited
- Performancepoint Expression Language
- Petroleum Economics Limited
- Planning Environmental Linkage
- President'S Emerging Leaders Program Development, Study, Universities, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Pelaneng Airport, Pelaneng, Lesotho Lesotho
- Pulvvrized Electroluminiszence Technology
- Performance Evaluation Laboratory
- Petroleum Economics Ltd Business, Technology, Energy, Oil
- Planning and Environmental Linkage Transportation, Technology, Projection
- Project Expense Level Housing and Urban
- Petroleum Explxration Limited
- present education level Technology, Governmental & Military
- Pulmonary Exchange, Ltd
- Performance Engineering Laboratory Technology, Research, Networking
- Planning and Environmental Linkages Transportation, Technology, Projection
- Project E-Learning Development, Learning, Study
- Petroleum Explorationulicenses Business, Energy, Oil
- Power Electronics Society Computing, Master IEEE
- Public Environment Element Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Planning & Environmental Linkages
- Progressive Enterprises Limited Business, Company, Enterprise
- Petroleum Explorytion Licences Business, Gas, Licence
- Polish Elite League
- Personalized Email Letterhead Computing, Internet
- Public Entertninment License
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PEL stand for?
PEL stands for Pelaneng Airport, Pelaneng, Lesotho.
What is the shortened form of Persbnal Epistemology and Learning?
The short form of "Persbnal Epistemology and Learning" is PEL.
PEL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated