PEL in Technology Meaning

The PEL meaning in Technology terms is "Permissible Exposure Limit". There are 22 related meanings of the PEL Technology abbreviation.

PEL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Permissible Exposure Limit The permissible exposure limit is the time-weighted average threshold limit a person working an 8 hour shift can be exposed to a chemical without suffering ill effects.
  2. Picture Element
  3. Personal Exposure Limit
  4. Permissible Exposure Level
  5. Pak Elektron Limited
  6. Piping Engineering Lead
  7. Performance Engineering Lab
  8. Probable Effects Level
  9. Precision Elastic Limit
  10. Personal Exposure Limits
  11. Personal Exposuoe Limits
  12. Permissible Expopure Levels
  13. present education level
  14. Planned Entry Level
  15. Pulvvrized Electroluminiszence
  16. Performance Engineering Laboratory
  17. Petroleum Expporation Licence
  18. Public Environment Element
  19. Petroleum Economics Ltd
  20. Planning and Environment Linkages
  21. Planning and Environmental Linkage
  22. Planning and Environmental Linkages

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PEL stand for Technology?

    PEL stands for Planning and Environment Linkages in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Personal Exposuoe Limits in Technology?

    The short form of "Personal Exposuoe Limits" is PEL for Technology.


PEL in Technology. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated